The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary on Clashes along the Border of Sudan and South Sudan
The United States is alarmed by the fighting in Southern Kordofan, Sudan, and along a disputed area of the border between Sudan and South Sudan. Both sides must exert the greatest restraint in this situation.
It is critical that the two countries proceed with plans for meetings of the Joint Political Security Mechanism and the Abyei Joint Operations Committee in late March and the presidential summit on April 3. Only through direct contact and negotiations over fundamental issues of security and border management in Southern Kordofan, Blue Nile, and Abyei can Sudan and South Sudan avoid further fighting, achieve vitally needed economic cooperation, and coexist in peace. We also urge Darfur armed movements and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement–North to exercise restraint and cooperate fully with restoration of peace.
Achieving humanitarian access and protection of the civilian population must be the priority of all those concerned for the people of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile.