The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Readout from the President’s Videoconference with Directors of State-Based Health Insurance Marketplaces

The President and Administration officials including Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius held a videoconference today with directors of State-based health insurance Marketplaces.

The President thanked those who are working on the frontlines every day, and heard about the progress they have made in setting up the new Marketplaces where Americans will be able to shop for quality, affordable health care coverage that will be there for them when they need it most. 

The President also reiterated the Administration’s support for their efforts and encouraged participants to continue to share best practices for outreach and enrollment efforts going forward.

In addition, the President recognized that the diligence, creativity, and commitment of those working in the States to set up the Marketplaces, which open on October 1st,  have been especially important given the limitations on time, resources, staff, and in some States, support from across the political spectrum. 

Under the Affordable Care Act, health insurance Marketplaces will open on October 1st, where Americans will be able to shop for quality, affordable coverage.  Tax credits will be available for many Americans to help make health insurance even more affordable.

Plans offered in the Marketplace will include new consumer protections under the Affordable Care Act such as:

  • No discrimination based on pre-existing conditions or gender;
  • No annual dollar limit on coverage;
  • No lifetime limit on coverage;
  • A cap on out-of-pocket costs; and
  • A requirement that insurance plans cover essential services like hospitalizations, doctors’ visits, and prescription drugs.

Americans are encouraged to visit for more information.

A photo of the meeting is available HERE.

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