The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
Presidential Nominations Sent to the Senate
Patricia D. Cahill, of Missouri, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for a term expiring January 31, 2020. (Reappointment)
Walter Hood, of California, to be a Member of the National Council on the Arts for a term expiring September 3, 2020, vice Barbara Ernst Prey, term expired.
Kristen Marie Kulinowski, of New York, to be a Member of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board for a term of five years, vice Beth J. Rosenberg, resigned.
Diane Helen Rodriguez, of California, to be a Member of the National Council on the Arts for a term expiring September 3, 2018, vice Joan Israelite, term expired.
Kristen Joan Sarri, of Michigan, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior, vice Rhea S. Suh, resigned.
Sally Quillian Yates, of Georgia, to be Deputy Attorney General, vice James Michael Cole, resigning.