Office of Media Affairs
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                  May 7, 2009

TOMORROW: Obama Administration and Univision to Host Spanish-Language Town Hall Meeting on H1N1 Virus
Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, other Administration officials will respond to questions from Latino community

WASHINGTON – Tomorrow, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis will join other Administration officials and the Univision Network for a Latino town hall meeting to listen to the community’s concerns and inform the public about the government’s efforts to control the impact of the H1N1 virus. Univision Anchor Edna Schmidt will moderate the Spanish-language town hall meeting, an unprecedented effort to engage our nation’s largest minority group, and to make sure that accurate information critical to the public’s health and safety reaches every corner of the country. Solis will be joined by experts from the Department of Homeland Security and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Portions of the town hall meeting will air on Univision’s nightly news, and on the network’s Sunday public affairs program, "Al Punto." Additionally, the town hall meeting will be open to the press and will be webcast LIVE on to ensure this important information is widely available across the country.

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