The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement by the Press Secretary on the Submission of the New START Treaty to the Senate

Today, the President submitted to the Senate the New START Treaty, which he signed last month in Prague.

The entire Treaty package includes:

• Letter of transmittal from the President to the Senate,
• Letter of submittal from the Secretary of State to the President,
• Text of the Treaty, Protocol, Annexes to the Protocol,
• A detailed report prepared by Department of State analyzing each provision of the Treaty, Protocol and Annexes, and
• Unilateral statements issued by the United States and the Russian Federation at the time of signature (these are provided to the Senate for its information and are not subject to advice and consent).

In addition, the President has submitted to Congress a report required by section 1251 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, which calls for a report on the plan to enhance the safety, security and reliability of the nuclear weapons stockpile of the United States, modernize the nuclear weapons complex, and maintain the delivery platforms for nuclear weapons.  Although the report is classified, an unclassified summary fact sheet is attached.


The President’s message to the Senate,
Fact Sheet on the “1251 report,” and
Key quotations on the New START Treaty.

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