The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Presidential Proclamation --General Pulaski Memorial Day, 2014


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More than 200 years ago, Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski answered the call of our fledgling Nation as we sought to secure liberty and justice. A Polish-born leader, he fought and sacrificed his life for a country not fully his own. He understood that the promise of our new Nation was not about circumstance of birth, but rather a set of beliefs and unalienable rights. Today, we pay tribute to a hero of the American Revolutionary War, and we celebrate the contributions that generations of Polish-Americans have made to the country for whose independence Pulaski took up arms.

As a young man, Casimir Pulaski fought for Polish sovereignty, defending his homeland from foreign occupation with courage and bravery. After many years, his confederation was overpowered, and he was exiled to France where he met Benjamin Franklin. With Franklin, Pulaski discussed America's struggle to throw off the tyranny of an empire, and in 1777, Pulaski crossed the Atlantic to stand with a small band of patriots.

In America, Pulaski served with honor and distinction. During battle, he aided George Washington and -- because of his leadership and skill on horseback -- became known as the "Father of the American Cavalry." But tragically in October of 1779, as Pulaski led his troops during the siege of Savannah, Georgia, he was mortally wounded. While he was not witness to the conclusion of the war, his memory is forever enshrined in the pages of its history.

Pulaski's life represents only one chapter in the Polish people's long and storied legacy of fighting for freedom. This year, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of an election where, for the first time, the people of Poland had a choice. The culmination of centuries of struggle, it marked the beginning of a new course for Poland -- one that has ushered in the return of democracy and demonstrated the enduring strength of the ideals our two nations share. As we also recognize the 15th anniversary of Poland's membership in NATO, we are proud to call Poland one of our strongest and closest allies, and we are reminded that the blessings of liberty must be earned and renewed by every generation.

On General Pulaski Memorial Day, we reflect on the beginnings of our relationship with Poland. In the centuries since, Polish immigrants have sought the opportunities in America that Pulaski helped secure, and as they have, our nations' bonds of friendship have grown stronger. As we renew our commitment to honoring all those who fought for the freedom of our new Nation, let us resolve to stand with developing democracies around the world and with all people yearning to be free.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 11, 2014, as General Pulaski Memorial Day. I encourage all Americans to commemorate this occasion with appropriate programs and activities paying tribute to Casimir Pulaski and honoring all those who defend the freedom of our Nation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-ninth.


President Obama Congratulates Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi on Winning the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and their daughter Malia meet with Malala Yousafzai

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and their daughter Malia meet with Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani schoolgirl who was shot in the head by the Taliban a year ago, in the Oval Office, Oct. 11, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Every child has the right to an education. 

That is the simple but powerful message that Malala Yousafzai, a 17-year-old girl from Pakistan, is bringing to millions across the world. It is the message that the Pakistani Taliban tried to stop her from sharing. It is a message that no bullet can silence. 

Today, for her unwavering courage to champion education for all children anywhere, Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize. She shares that honor with Kailash Satyarthi, a human rights activist who is working tirelessly to bring an end to child slavery in India and across the globe. 

Reflecting on his meeting with Malala last year, the President released the following statement to congratulate her and Kailash on their remarkable accomplishments in the pursuit of peace: 

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

President Obama Announces a Presidential Emergency Board, Names Members

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order creating a second Presidential Emergency Board to help resolve an ongoing dispute between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and some of its employees.

The Presidential Emergency Board will provide a structure that allows the two sides to attempt to resolve their disagreements.  In the 60 days following its establishment, the Presidential Emergency Board will obtain final offers for settlement of the dispute from each side, and then produce a report to the President that selects the offer that the Board finds to be the most reasonable.  The Board’s report is not binding, but the party whose offer is not selected would be prohibited by law from receiving certain benefits if a work stoppage subsequently occurs.

President Obama also announced that he intends to appoint the following members to Presidential Emergency Board No. 247:

  • Elizabeth C. Wesman – Chair, Presidential Emergency Board No. 247
  • Barbara Deinhardt – Member, Presidential Emergency Board No. 247
  • David P. Twomey – Member, Presidential Emergency Board No. 247

President Obama said, “I appreciate that these dedicated individuals have agreed to devote their talent and years of experience working on labor-management disputes to help reach a swift and smooth resolution of this issue.”

Dr. Elizabeth C. Wesman, Appointee for Chair, Presidential Emergency Board No. 247

Dr. Elizabeth C. Wesman has been a full-time labor and employment arbitrator since 2000 and has practiced arbitration and mediation since 1981.  She has arbitrated disputes in a wide array of industries, including railroad, aerospace, police and fire departments, and public and private universities.  Dr. Wesman was Associate Professor of Strategy and Human Resources/Industrial Relations at Syracuse University from 1981 to 2000.  She was also an Adjunct Professor at the Rochester, New York, Extension Division of Cornell University from 1990 to 2000.  She was a lecturer in the Department of Human Resource Studies at the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University from 1980 to 1981 and before that, she was an Instructor in the Department of Economics at Le Moyne College from 1970 to 1975.  Dr. Wesman is a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators.  She is on the arbitration rosters of the American Arbitration Association, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, and the National Mediation Board.  Dr. Wesman has been on a number of permanent panels, including the New York State/Public Employees Federation Panel, the Oregon Employment Relations Board, and the Washington State Public Employment Relations Commission.  She is the immediate past-President of the National Association of Railroad Referees.  Dr. Wesman received an A.B. from Smith College, an M.A. from Northwestern University, and a Ph.D. from the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University.

Barbara Deinhardt, Appointee for Member, Presidential Emergency Board No. 247

Barbara Deinhardt has been a full-time labor and employment arbitrator and mediator since 1995.  She served as Chair of the New York State Employment Relations Board from 2007 to 2009, and as Member and Chair of the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board from 1991 to 1995.  Ms. Deinhardt was the Deputy Commissioner for Legal Affairs and General Counsel to the New York State Department of Labor from 1986 to 1991.  From 1984 to 1986, she was General Counsel to the Workers' Compensation Board, and was a Partner at Kestell, Pogue & Deinhardt from 1980 to 1984.  She was a trial attorney with the National Labor Relations Board in Boston from 1976 to 1980.  Ms. Deinhardt served as a member of the Foreign Service Grievance Board from 1999 to 2005. She is a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators, the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers, the National Advisory Board of the Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law, the Labor and Employment Relations Association, and the New York State Bar Association.  Ms. Deinhardt received a B.A. from Yale University and a J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law.

David P. Twomey, Appointee for Member, Presidential Emergency Board No. 247

David P. Twomey has served as a labor arbitrator since 1974.  He joined the Boston College faculty in 1968 and has been a professor since 1978.  Mr. Twomey has been selected by employers and unions to arbitrate in over 2,000 labor-management disputes throughout the country in both the private and public sectors.  He has been appointed to eight Presidential Emergency Boards.  Mr. Twomey is a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators, the American Arbitration Association, and the Academy of Legal Studies in Business.  He served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1956 to 1958.  Mr. Twomey received a B.S. from Boston College, an M.B.A. from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and a J.D. from Boston College Law School.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Executive Order -- Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and its Locomotive Engineers Represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen


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A dispute exists between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) and its Locomotive Engineers represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET).

The dispute has not heretofore been adjusted under the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, 45 U.S.C. 151-188 (RLA).

A first emergency board to investigate and report on this dispute and disputes involving other SEPTA employees represented by other labor organizations was established on June 15, 2014, by Executive Order 13670 of June 14, 2014. The emergency board terminated upon issuance of its report. Subsequently, its recommendations were not accepted by the parties to this dispute.

A party empowered by the RLA has requested that the President establish a second emergency board pursuant to section 9A of the RLA (45 U.S.C. 159a).

Section 9A(e) of the RLA provides that the President, upon such request, shall appoint an emergency board to investigate and report on the dispute.

NOW, THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 9A of the RLA, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Establishment of Emergency Board (Board). There is established, effective 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on October 13, 2014, a Board of three members to be appointed by the President to investigate and report on this dispute. No member shall be pecuniarily or otherwise interested in any organization of railroad employees or any carrier. The Board shall perform its functions subject to the availability of funds.

Sec. 2. Report. Within 30 days after the creation of the Board, the parties to the dispute shall submit to the Board final offers for settlement of the dispute. Within 30 days after the submission of final offers for settlement of the dispute, the Board shall submit a report to the President setting forth its selection of the most reasonable offer.


Sec. 3. Maintaining Conditions. As provided by section 9A(h) of the RLA, from the time a request to establish a second emergency board is made until 60 days after the Board submits its report to the President, no change in the conditions out of which the dispute arose shall be made by the parties to the controversy, except by agreement of the parties.

Sec. 4. Records Maintenance. The records and files of the Board are records of the Office of the President and upon the Board's termination shall be maintained in the physical custody of the National Mediation Board.

Sec. 5. Expiration. The Board shall terminate upon the submission of the report provided for in section 2 of this order.


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement by the President on Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi Winning the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize

On behalf of Michelle, myself and all Americans, I want to congratulate Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi on winning the Nobel Peace Prize.  Today’s announcement is a victory for all who strive to uphold the dignity of every human being.  In recognizing Malala and Kailash, the Nobel Committee reminds us of the urgency of their work to protect the rights and freedoms of all our young people and to ensure they have the chance to fulfill their God-given potential, regardless of their background, or gender, or station in life.

At just 17 years old, Malala Yousafzai has inspired people around the world with her passion and determination to make sure girls everywhere can get an education.  When the Taliban tried to silence her, Malala answered their brutality with strength and resolve.  Michelle and I were proud to welcome this remarkable young woman to the Oval Office last year.  We were awe-struck by her courage and filled with hope knowing this is only the beginning of her extraordinary efforts to make the world a better place. 

Kailash Satyarthi has dedicated his life to ending child labor and wiping the stain of slavery from our world.  The true measure of Kailash’s efforts is not a single prize he has been awarded, but the tens of thousands of people who today live with freedom and dignity thanks to his efforts.  Through his advocacy, Kailash reminds us of our shared responsibility to end the exploitation of others, especially the most vulnerable among us.    

Malala and Kailash have faced down threats and intimidation, risking their own lives to save others and build a better world for future generations.  They come from different countries, religious backgrounds, and generations—a Muslim and a Hindu, a Pakistani and an Indian – but they share an unyielding commitment to justice and an unshakeable belief in the basic dignity of every girl and boy.  Even as we celebrate their achievements, we must recommit ourselves to the world that they seek – one in which our daughters have the right and opportunity to get an education; and in which all children are treated equally.  Today, we honor Malala and Kailash’s achievements, and reaffirm that the United States will always stand with those who defend our universal human rights.

Celebrating America's Newest National Monument: The San Gabriel Mountains

Today, President Obama will travel to Los Angeles County, California to designate the San Gabriel Mountains as America’s newest national monument, and a timeless piece of our national heritage. In many ways, this nation’s story is etched into its land, and as the President is recognizing today, each of our monuments provides us with an important cultural bridge between our past and our future.

In his time in office, President Obama has preserved more than 3 million acres of public land, and he’s not done yet. Natural treasures like the San Gabriel Mountains are not only remarkably beautiful, as they frame the Los Angeles Skyline, but with this new designation, they will bring even more tangible benefits to the 15 million people who live in their shadow. Tourism in the area will be strengthened, as will local businesses as hikers, bikers, outdoor adventurists, and nature lovers make their way to enjoy all 346,177 acres receiving the President’s new designation. 

The President remains committed to respecting and reflecting our nation’s diversity in the monuments and precious lands we preserve, while ensuring access to parkland, monuments, historical landmarks, and majestic landscapes for Americans of all backgrounds to relish. 

Valerie Jarrett is a Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama.

President Obama on How Technology and Millennials Will Shape Our Economic Future

President Obama Speaks at Cross Campus

President Barack Obama answers a question during a town hall at Cross Campus in Santa Monica, Calif. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

For Millennials, the entrepreneurial spirit is in their DNA. This week, the White House released a snapshot on what the economy looks like for the Millennial generation right now, and how this rising group of young Americans will use its unparalleled talent and drive to shape the economy in the next few years.

Yesterday in Los Angeles, President Obama spent some time with a few innovative members of the Millennial generation at Cross Campus -- a collaborative tech lab that brings inventors and investors together to pursue the next big idea that will continue to power our economic recovery.   

"A lot of you entered the workforce during the worst recession since the Great Depression. And that makes it easy for cynics to write you off as some kind of 'lost generation,'" he said. "But I don’t buy that. Because when I travel around the country, I see the kind of energy, hope, and determination that you display here…"

"When I come to places like this, it inspires me and reminds me of why I am chronically optimistic about the future of America."

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

White House Announces 2014 Fall Garden Tours

WASHINGTON – This fall, the White House will be opening its gardens and grounds to visitors on Saturday, October 18 from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM EDT, and Sunday, October 19 from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM EDT.  During this event, visitors can see the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, Rose Garden and South Lawn of the White House.  Additionally, the White House Kitchen Garden – the first vegetable garden at the White House since Eleanor Roosevelt’s Victory Garden – will be accessible to guests.

This event is free and open to the public; however, a ticket is required for all attendees (including small children).  The National Park Service will distribute free, timed tickets at the Ellipse Visitor Pavilion located at 15th and E Streets Northwest on each tour day beginning at 9:00 AM.  Tickets will be distributed -- one ticket per person -- on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please note the following items are not allowed on the White House grounds:

  • Aerosols of any kind
  • Animals (except guide dogs)
  • Backpacks (oversized)
  • Balloons
  • Food or beverages of any kind
  • Duffle bags/suitcases
  • Any pointed object
  • Fireworks/firecrackers
  • Insulated metal containers/water bottles/thermos
  • Guns/stun guns/ammunition
  • Knives of any kind
  • Mace
  • Tobacco

The U.S. Secret Service reserves the right to prohibit any other personal items.  However, strollers, wheelchairs, umbrellas (no metal tips), and cameras are permitted.

All items needed for medical purposes will be permitted on the tour (e.g. wheelchairs, electric scooters, glucose tablets, EpiPens, etc.).  Please identify and explain all items needed for medical purposes to U.S. Secret Service upon arrival.

In the event of inclement weather, the event may be cancelled.  Please call the 24-hour information line at (202) 456-7041 to check on the status of the event.

West Wing Week: 10/10/14 or, "Is Anybody Here Over 25?"

This week, the President traveled to Indiana and to California, where he spoke on expanding economic opportunity for every American, addressed the ongoing Ebola outbreak in West Africa, and dedicated the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

President Obama Designates San Gabriel Mountains National Monument

Today, President Obama will use his authority under the Antiquities Act to establish 346,177 acres of national forest land in the San Gabriel Mountains in southern California as a national monument, permanently protecting the popular outdoor recreation destination to increase access and outdoor opportunities for the area's residents. This monument designation builds on more than a decade of public support from business, tourism, environmental justice, conservation, academic and cultural preservation communities and on the leadership from members of Congress. For many residents of Los Angeles County -- one of the most disadvantaged counties in the country when it comes to access to parks and open space for minorities and children--the San Gabriel Mountains provide the only available large-scale open space. In addition to permanently protecting this land, the monument designation will create new opportunities for the Forest Service and local communities to work together to increase access and enhance outdoor opportunities.

Building on the monument designation, leading philanthropies are also announcing commitments to help jump-start public involvement and restoration of high-priority projects in Los Angeles County and the new San Gabriel National Monument. The National Forest Foundation announced that they will commit $3 million for the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument Fund to respond to community priorities and support restoration and stewardship of the new national monument. In addition, the Hewlett, Wyss, Packard, and California Community foundations, the California Endowment, and the Resources Legacy Fund are working to establish a $500,000 San Gabriel Partnership Fund to support recreation and habitat improvement projects in the monument and surrounding communities. Secretary Vilsack and the Forest Service are also stepping up by investing more than a million dollars in additional education staff and maintenance work on the monument’s trails and picnic areas.

More than 15 million people live within 90 minutes of the San Gabriel Mountains, which provides 70 percent of the open space for Angeleños and 30 percent of their drinking water.  The 346,177 acre site contains high-quality wilderness areas, habitat for rare and endangered animals like the California condor, and a rich array of cultural and historical features. 

Today's action builds on steps the Administration has taken over the past five and a half years to expand access to millions of acres for recreation, make historic investments in restoring critical landscapes through the President's America's Great Outdoors initiative, and permanently protect areas significant to our Nation's rich history and natural heritage.  All of these efforts support an annual outdoor economy that includes approximately 9 million jobs and $1 trillion in economic activity, according to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The new monument area overlays about half of the Angeles National Forest, which hosts more than 4 million visits each year. Based on 2012 data, the U.S. Forest Service estimates that the Angeles National Forest alone contributes more than $39 million to the local economy each year. 

Since President Theodore Roosevelt designated Devils Tower National Monument in Wyoming in 1906, the Antiquities Act has been used by 16 presidents to protect unique natural and historic features in America, including the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, and Alaska's Admiralty Island National Monument. President Obama has previously used his authority under the Antiquities Act to create or expand 12 other National Monuments across the country, including the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument in the south-central Pacific Ocean last month  - the largest marine reserve in the world that is completely off limits to commercial resource extraction. With this designation, President Obama has now protected more than 260 million acres of land and water, more than any other President since the Antiquities Act became law in 1906. 

About the San Gabriel Monument & Southern California Community:  

The peaks of the San Gabriel Mountains frame the Los Angeles skyline and offer hundreds of miles of hiking, mountain biking, motorized, and equestrian trails as well as campgrounds to the area’s diverse residents. In addition to providing drinking water, the San Gabriels' rivers support rare populations of native fish, while the vegetation found in the monument supports native wildlife and insect species, including pollinators important to farmers. The area is also rich in cultural and scientific history. More than 600 archeologically and culturally significant sites are found within the new monument, such as the Aliso-Arrastre Special Interest Area, which features rock art and cupules that exemplify more than 8,000 years of Native American history. The new monument is also home to the Mt. Wilson Observatory, where Edwin Hubble discovered galaxies beyond the Milky Way and Albert Michelson provided the first modern measurement of the speed of light.

Improving public access and recreational opportunities within the monument will help address the region’s public health challenges.  Studies have shown that increasing recreational access to public lands translates to higher levels of youth activity and lower youth obesity rates. National monuments also play an important role in supporting local economies.  A recent study by the independent and nonpartisan research group, Headwaters Economics analyzing the impacts of over a dozen monuments found that, without exception, local economies grew following the monument’s designation.

The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument will be managed by the U.S. Forest Service and will be the eighth national monument under Forest Service management. There are more than 100 national monuments across the country managed by the Forest Service, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.