Weekly Address: Fixing our Immigration System and Expanding Trade in Latin America

President Obama describes the incredible opportunities to create middle-class jobs in America by deepening our economic ties and expanding trade in Latin America and discusses a recent Senate bill that takes commonsense steps to fix our broken immigration system.

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Weekly Address: Fixing our Immigration System and Expanding Trade in Latin America

May 04, 2013 | 3:00 | Public Domain

President Obama describes the incredible opportunities to create middle-class jobs in the United States by deepening our economic ties and expanding trade in Latin America and discusses recent Senate bill that takes commonsense steps to fix our broken immigration system.

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WEEKLY ADDRESS: Fixing our Immigration System and Expanding Trade in Latin America

WASHINGTON, DC—In his weekly address, President Obama spoke to the American people from Mexico City, Mexico about the incredible opportunities to create middle-class jobs in America by deepening our economic ties and expanding trade in Latin America.  He also discussed a recent Senate bill that takes commonsense steps to fix our broken immigration system, like strengthening security on our border with Mexico, providing a pathway to earned citizenship, and modernizing our legal immigration system to attract highly skilled workers to our shores, which helps create jobs and grow the economy.  The President will continue to work with our neighbors on our common security and common prosperity, so that we fix our broken immigration system, open more markets for American businesses, and create middle-class jobs for American workers.

The audio of the address and video of the address will be available online at www.whitehouse.gov at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, May 4, 2013.

Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
Mexico City, Mexico
May 4, 2013

Hi, everybody.  Today, I’m speaking to you from the road – a trip to Mexico and Costa Rica. 


I’m here because Latin America represents an incredible opportunity for the United States, especially when it comes to my top priority as President: creating good, middle-class jobs. 

On Friday, we learned that our businesses created another 176,000 jobs last month.  That’s 2.2 million new jobs over the past year, and 6.8 million new jobs over the past 38 months. 

But as I've said before, I won’t be satisfied until everyone who wants a job can find one. So I’m going to keep doing everything I can and going everywhere I need to go to help our businesses create jobs.

Now, one of the best ways to grow our economy is to sell more goods and services Made in America to the rest of the world.  That includes our neighbors to the south. 

Right now, over 40 percent of our exports go to the Americas.  And those exports are growing faster than our trade with the rest of the world.  That’s why I visited Latin America this week – to work with leaders to deepen our economic ties and expand trade between our nations.

In Mexico, I also talked about immigration reform, because that’s an important issue that affects both our countries.

The truth is, right now, our border with Mexico is more secure than it’s been in years.  We’ve put more boots on that border than at any time in our history, and illegal crossings are down by nearly 80 percent from their peak in 2000.  But we’ve got more to do – not just to secure the border but to fix an immigration system that is badly broken.

In recent weeks, we’ve seen a commonsense immigration reform bill introduced in the Senate.  This bill is a compromise, which means that nobody got everything they wanted – including me.  But it’s largely consistent with the principles I’ve laid out from the beginning. 

It would continue to strengthen security at our borders and hold employers more accountable if they knowingly hire undocumented workers. 

It would provide a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million individuals who are already in this country illegally. 

And it would modernize our legal immigration system so that we’re able to reunite families and attract the highly-skilled entrepreneurs and engineers who will help create good paying jobs and grow our economy. 

These are all commonsense steps that the majority of Americans support.  So there’s no reason that immigration reform can’t become a reality this year. 

In the meantime, I’ll keep working with our neighbors on our common security and our common prosperity.  Millions of Americans earn a living right now because of the trade between our nations.  And after this week, I’m as confident as ever that we can build on our shared heritage and values to open more markets for American businesses and create more jobs for American workers.

Thanks and have a great weekend.


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President Obama Speaks to the People of Mexico

May 03, 2013 | 26:51 | Public Domain

President Obama delivers remarks at the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City.

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Remarks by the President to the People of Mexico

Anthropology Museum
Mexico City, Mexico

9:29 A.M. CDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Hola!  (Applause.)  Buenos dias!  Please, please, everybody have a seat.  It is wonderful to be back in México -- lindo y querido.  (Applause.)  I bring with me the greetings and friendship of the people of the United States, including tens of millions of proud Mexican Americans.  (Applause.)
This is my fourth visit to Mexico as President.  This is my second visit to this museum.  And each time that I've come I’ve been inspired by your culture and by the beauty of this land, and most of all, by the Mexican people.  You’ve been so kind and gracious to me.  You’ve welcomed my wife, Michelle, here.  (Applause.)  You’ve welcomed our daughter, Malia, and her classmates to Oaxaca.  And as a proud father, I have to say that Malia’s Spanish is getting very good.  It helps that she’s smarter than I am.
And it’s an honor to be back in Mexico City -- one of the world’s great cities.  Es un placer estar entre amigos.  (Applause.) 

And it’s fitting that we gather at this great museum, which celebrates Mexico’s ancient civilizations and their achievements in arts and architecture, medicine and mathematics.  In modern times, Mexico’s blend of cultures and traditions found its expression in the murals of Rivera and the paintings of Frida, and the poetry of Sor Juana and the essays of Octavio Paz.  And Paz once spoke words that capture the spirit of our gathering here today -- in this place that celebrates your past, but which this morning is filled with so many young people who will shape Mexico’s future.  Octavio Paz said, “Modernity is not outside us, it is within us.  It is today and the most ancient antiquity; it is tomorrow and the beginning of the world; it is a thousand years old and yet newborn.”
And that’s why I wanted this opportunity to speak with all of you today, because you live at the intersection of history that Octavio Paz was referring to.  The young people of Mexico, you honor your heritage, thousands of years old, but you’re also part of something new, a nation that’s in the process of remaking itself.  And as our modern world changes around us, it’s the spirit of young people, your optimism and your idealism, and your willingness to discard old habits that are no longer working that will drive the world forward.
You see the difference between the world as it is and the world as it could to be; between old attitudes that stifle progress and the new thinking that allows us to connect and collaborate across cultures.  And by the way, that includes how we think about the relationship between Mexico and the United States.
Despite all the bonds and the values that we share, despite all the people who claim heritage on both sides, our attitudes sometimes are trapped in old stereotypes.  Some Americans only see the Mexico that is depicted in sensational headlines of violence and border crossings.  And let’s admit it, some Mexicans think that America disrespects Mexico, or thinks that America is trying to impose itself on Mexican sovereignty, or just wants to wall ourselves off.  And in both countries such distortions create misunderstandings that make it harder for us to move forward together.  So I've come to Mexico because I think it’s time for us to put the old mind-sets aside.  It’s time to recognize new realities -- including the impressive progress of today’s Mexico. (Applause.)

It is true that there are Mexicans all across this country who are making courageous sacrifices for the security of your country; that in the countryside and the neighborhoods not far from here, there are those who are still struggling to give their children a better life.  But what’s also clear is that a new Mexico is emerging.

I see it in the deepening of Mexico’s democracy, citizens who are standing up and saying that violence and impunity is not acceptable; a courageous press that’s working to hold leaders accountable; a robust civil society, including brave defenders of human rights who demand dignity and rule of law.  You have political parties that are competing vigorously, but also transferring power peacefully, and forging compromise.  And that's all a sign of the extraordinary progress that's taken place here in Mexico. 

And even though we know the work of perfecting democracy is never finished -- that's true in America, that's true here in Mexico -- you go forward knowing the truth that Benito Juarez once spoke -- “democracy is the destiny of humanity.”  And we are seeing that here in Mexico.  (Applause.)  We're seeing that here in Mexico.   
We're also seeing a Mexico that’s creating new prosperity:  Trading with the world.  Becoming a manufacturing powerhouse -- from Tijuana to Monterrey to Guadalajara and across the central highlands -- a global leader in automobiles and appliances and electronics, but also a center of high-tech innovation, producing the software and the hardware of our digital age.  One man in Querétaro spoke for an increasing number of Mexicans.  “There’s no reason to go abroad in search of a better life.  There are good opportunities here.”  That's what he said, and you are an example of that.
And, in fact, I see a Mexico that’s lifted millions of people from poverty.  Because of the sacrifices of generations, a majority of Mexicans now call themselves middle class, with a quality of life that your parents and grandparents could only dream of.  This includes, by the way, opportunities for women, who are proving that when you give women a chance, they will shape our destiny just as well as men, if not better.  (Applause.)
I also see in Mexico’s youth an empowered generation because of technology.  I think I see some of you tweeting right now -- (laughter) -- what’s happening.  (Laughter.)  And whether it’s harnessing social media to preserve indigenous languages, or speaking up for the future that you want, you’re making it clear that you want your voice heard.  
And because of all the dynamic progress that's taking place here in Mexico, Mexico is also taking its rightful place in the world, on the world stage.  Mexico is standing up for democracy not just here in Mexico but throughout the hemisphere.  Mexico is sharing expertise with neighbors across the Americas.  When they face earthquakes or threats to their citizens, or go to the polls to cast their votes, Mexico is there, helping its neighbors.  Mexico has joined the ranks of the world’s largest economies.  It became the first Latin American nation to host the G20.
Just as Mexico is being transformed, so are the ties between our two countries.  As President, I’ve been guided by a basic proposition -- in this relationship there’s no senior partner or junior partner; we are two equal partners, two sovereign nations. We must work together in mutual interest and mutual respect.  And if we do that both Mexico and the United States will prosper. (Applause.) 
And just as I worked with President Calderón, I’ve reaffirmed with President Peña Nieto that the great partnership between our two countries will not simply continue, it’s going to grow stronger and become broader.  In my time with President Peña Nieto, I’ve come to see his deep commitment to Mexico and its future.  And we share the belief that as leaders our guiding mission is to improve the lives of our people.  And so we agree that the relationship between our nations must be defined not by the threats that we face but by the prosperity and the opportunity that we can create together.  (Applause.) 

Now, as equal partners, both our nations must recognize our mutual responsibilities.  So here in Mexico, you’ve embarked on an ambitious reform agenda to make your economy more competitive and your institutions more accountable to you, the Mexican people.  As you pursue these reforms, I want you to know that you have strong support in the United States.  Because we believe, I believe, that people all around the world deserve the best from their government.  And whether you’re looking for basic services, or trying to start a new business, we share your belief that you should be able to make it through your day without paying a bribe.  And when talented Mexicans like you imagine your future, you should have every opportunity to succeed right here in the country you love.
And in the United States, we recognize our responsibilities.  We understand that much of the root cause of violence that's been happening here in Mexico, for which many so Mexicans have suffered, is the demand for illegal drugs in the United States.  And so we’ve got to continue to make progress on that front.  (Applause.)

I’ve been asked, and I honestly do not believe that legalizing drugs is the answer.  But I do believe that a comprehensive approach -- not just law enforcement, but education and prevention and treatment -- that's what we have to do.  And we’re going to stay at it because the lives of our children and the future of our nations depend on it.
And we also recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.  (Applause.) I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms, and as President I swore an oath to uphold that right and I always will.  But at the same time, as I’ve said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people.  That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do.  (Applause.)  So we’ll keep increasing the pressure on gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico.  We’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong -- behind bars. 

We recognize we’ve got work to do on security issues, but we also recognize our responsibility -- as a nation that believes that all people are created equal -- we believe it’s our responsibility to make sure that we treat one another with dignity and respect.  And this includes recognizing how the United States has been strengthened by the extraordinary contributions of immigrants from Mexico and by Americans of Mexican heritage.  (Applause.)
Mexican Americans enrich our communities, including my hometown of Chicago, where you can walk through neighborhoods like Pilsen, Little Village -- La Villita -- dotted with murals of Mexican patriots.  You can stop at a fonda, you can hear some mariachis, where we are inspired by the deep faith of our peoples at churches like Our Lady of Guadalupe.  We’ve got a Chicagoan in here somewhere.  (Applause.)
And we’re so grateful to Mexican Americans in every segment of our society -- for teaching our children, and running our companies, and serving with honor in our military, and making breakthroughs in science, standing up for social justice.  As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. told Cesar Chavez once, we are “brothers in the fight for equality.”  And, in fact, without the strong support of Latinos, including so many Mexican Americans, I would not be standing today as President of the United States.  (Applause.)  That's the truth.
And so given that is Americas heritage, given that we share a border with Mexico, given ties that run back generations, it is critical that the United States recognize the need to reform our immigration system -- (applause) -- because we are a nation of laws, but we're also a nation of immigrants.  Like every nation we have a responsibility to ensure that our laws are upheld.  But we also know that, as a nation of immigrants, the immigration system we have in the United States right now doesn’t reflect our values.  It separates families when we should be reuniting them. It’s led to millions of people to live in the shadows.  It deprives us of the talents of so many young people -- even though we know that immigrants have always been the engine of our economy, starting some of our greatest companies and pioneering new industries.
That’s one of the reasons I acted to lift the shadow of deportation from what we call the DREAMers -- young people brought to the United States as children.  (Applause.)  And that’s why I’m working with our Congress to pass common-sense immigration reform this year.  (Applause.)  I'm convinced we can get it done.   Reform that continues to strengthen border security and strengthen legal immigration, so citizens don’t have to wait years to bring their families to the United States.  Reform that holds everyone accountable -- so immigrants get on the right side of the law and so immigrants are not exploited and abused.  And most of all, reform that gives millions of undocumented individuals a pathway to earn their citizenship.   And I’m optimistic that -- after years of trying -- we are going to get it done this year.  I'm absolutely convinced of it.  (Applause.) 
Obviously, we’re going to have to work with the Mexican government to make sure that we've got a well-regulated border.  But I also want to work with the Mexican government because I believe that the long-term solution to the challenge of illegal immigration is a growing and prosperous Mexico that creates more jobs and opportunities for young people here.
I agree with the Mexican student who said, “I feel like we can reach the same level as anyone in the world.”  That's absolutely true.  And so I firmly believe -- juntos, podemos lograr más -- together, we can achieve more.  (Applause.)  So with the remainder of my time today, I want to focus on five areas where we can do more.
Number one, let’s do more to expand trade and commerce that creates good jobs for our people.  We already buy more of your exports than any country in the world.  We sell more of our exports to Mexico than we do to Brazil, Russia, India and China combined.  (Applause.)  Mexican companies are investing more in the United States, and we’re the largest foreign investor in Mexico -- because we believe in Mexico and want to be a partner in your success.
So guided by the new economic dialogue that President Peña Nieto and I announced yesterday, let’s do more to unlock the true potential of our relationship.  Let’s keep investing in our roads and our bridges and our border crossings so we can trade faster and cheaper.  Let’s help our smaller businesses, which employ most of our workers, access new markets and new capital -- the big markets right across the border.  Let’s empower our young entrepreneurs as they create startup companies that can transform how we live.  (Applause.)  And let’s realize the Trans-Pacific Partnership this year, so our two nations can compete and win in the fast-growing markets of the Asia Pacific.  If the United States and Mexico are working together, we can sell a whole lot of things on the other side of the Pacific Ocean where the fastest-growing economies are taking off right now.  That's number one.
Number two, let’s not just sell more things to each other, let’s build more things together.  With many of our companies operating in both countries, parts are now being shipped back and forth across the border as they’re assembled.  So every day, U.S. and Mexican workers are building things together -- whether it’s crafts -- or whether it’s cars, or aircraft, or computers, or satellites.
I think this is only the beginning.  Given the skills of our workers, it makes even more sense for companies around the world to set up shop in the United States and set up shop in Mexico.  And as Mexico reforms, we’re going to be able to do more business together and sell more goods around the world.  And the more that our companies collaborate, the more competitive they’ll be.  And the entire hemisphere will benefit because of those links and chains that have been created between our two countries.  
Number three, as we secure our economic future, let’s secure our energy future, including the clean energy that we need to combat climate change.  Our nations are blessed with boundless natural beauty -- from our coastlines and farmlands to your tropical forests.  But climate change is happening.  The science is undeniable.  And so is the fact that our economies must become greener.
In the United States, we’ve made historic commitments to clean and renewable energy like solar and wind power.  We've made a commitment to reduce the emissions of harmful carbon pollution.  And here in Mexico, you’re a leader in cutting carbon emissions and helping developing countries do the same.  So, together, let’s keep building new energy partnerships by harnessing all these new sources, and, by the way, creating the good jobs that come with these new technologies.  And let’s keep investing in green buildings and technologies that make our entire economy more efficient, but also make our planet cleaner and safer for future generations.  (Applause.)
Number four -- and this is part of staying competitive -- let’s do more together in education so our young people have the knowledge and skills to succeed.  (Applause.)  Here in Mexico you’ve made important progress, with more children staying in school longer, and record numbers of students like you getting a university education.  Just imagine how much the students of our two countries could do together, how much we could learn from each other. 

And that’s why President Peña Nieto and I announced a new partnership in higher education -- to encourage more collaboration between our universities and our university students.  (Applause.)  We’re going to focus on science and  technology, on engineering and mathematics.  And this is part of my broader initiative called 100,000 Strong in the Americas.  We want 100,000 students from the United States studying in Latin America, including Mexico.  And we want 100,000 Latin American students, including Mexican students, to come to study in the United States of America.  (Applause.)  Because when we study together, and we learn together, we work together, and we prosper together -- that's what I believe.  (Applause.)
And finally, to help spark prosperity in both out countries, let’s truly invest in innovation, and research and development together.  Here in Mexico, you’re now a global leader in graduating engineers and technicians.  One of Mexico’s leading scientists, Rafael Navarro-González, is helping analyze data from the rover that we landed on Mars.
So, together, let’s remember that every dollar, every peso that we invest in research and development returns so much more to our economies in jobs and opportunity, new products, new services.  That's why I'm calling for us to forge new partnerships in aerospace, and IT, and nanotechnology and biotechnology and robotics.  Let’s answer the hope of a young woman -- a student at the National Polytechnic Institute -- who spoke for many in your generation, so eager to make your mark.  She said, “Give us jobs as creators.”  Give us jobs as creators.

Sometimes young people are known as just consumers of goods, but we want young people creating the new products, the next big thing that will change how we live our lives.  That's the agenda that I want to pursue.  
And I understand that there are those both here in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America, but also back home in the United States, who are skeptical of your progress, who maybe doubt the  capacity for us to make the most of this moment.  There are always cynics who say, aw, this is too hard, the headwinds you face are too stiff.  They say Mexico has been here before we look like we're making progress, we're looking at a bright horizon, on the verge of great possibility, but then we get blown off course.
And it’s true that nothing is inevitable.  Progress and success is never guaranteed.  The future that you dream of, the Mexico you imagine -- it must be built, it must be earned.  Nobody else can do it for you.  Only you can earn it.  You are the future.  As Nervo wrote in “La Raza de Bronce,” tu eres el sueño -- you are the dream.  (Applause.)
For just as it was patriots who answered the call when Father Hidalgo rang the church bell two centuries ago, you -- your lives, in a free Mexico -- are the dream that they imagined.  And now it falls to you to keep alive those virtues for which so many generations of Mexicans struggled.
You are the dream that can stand up for justice and human rights and human dignity, here at home and around the world.  You’re the creators and the builders and the climbers and the strivers who can deliver progress and prosperity that will lift up not just the Mexican people for generations to come, but the entire world.
You’re the men and women who will push this nation upwards as Mexico assumes its rightful place, as you proudly sing: “in heaven your eternal destiny was written by the finger of God.”
You are the dream.  This is your moment.  And as you reach for the future, always remember that you have the greatest of  partners, the greatest if friends -- the nation that is rooting for your success more than anybody else -- your neighbor, the United States of America.  (Applause.)
Viva México!   Viva los Estados Unidos!   Que Dios los bendiga!  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)

9:56 A.M. CDT

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The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Joint Press Conference with President Obama and President Chinchilla of Costa Rica

National Center for Art and Culture
San Jose, Costa Rica

4:55 P.M. CST

PRESIDENT CHINCHILLA:  (As interpreted.)  Good afternoon.  Good afternoon, dear friends.  Dear friends, international journalists and for American and SICA.  Thank you very much.  Thank you for being here with us this afternoon.

In the first place and before we get any deeper concerning the results of the meetings that we just had recently, in the first place, what I would like to do is to reiterate our warmest welcome on behalf of all the Costa Rican people to President Barack Obama and his delegation.  And also I would like to reiterate on behalf of our Costa Ricans the feelings that we feel towards the United States of America. 

And I also wanted to thank you very much for the way so cordial and constructive in which we have been able to develop this afternoon’s issues, Mr. President, because I think that we have had very successful conversations in the bilateral meeting. It was my pleasure to report that precisely thanks to this open process of conversations that we have had, it is that we can explore new horizons, always trying to strengthen these traditions based on the essential values that have characterized the relationship between the United States and Costa Rica.

Particularly speaking, I’m talking about values of peace, freedom, democracy, respect to the human rights and the human development.  These are the values that we share.  And these are the values on which we aspire to continue to develop the relationship between our two nations.

The conversations that we have had have been very useful and they have basically focused on six fundamental issues that reflect this rich diversity that characterizes the relationship between the two nations.  We talked about institutional strengthening.  We talked about issues of international policy and the involvement, in particular to which Costa Rica aspires in the international economic scenario.

We also talked about the use of fundamental instruments in the relationship of the two nations, like CAFTA, for instance.  We talked about an issue that is important but it is not the one that defines our relationship, which is security.  And we also talked about a fundamental issue that undoubtedly is going to define the progress and the joint development not only between the United States of America and Costa Rica, but also between the United States and the Central American region, which is the area of energy.

And finally, of course, in our Costa Rican agenda, we included issues having to do with education, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Please allow me to briefly walk you through these six issues so that you can get to know which has been the central element in each of them.

In the area of institutional strengthening, as you know, the government of the United States is promoting what is called the Alliance of Open Government, that basically seeks to strengthen practices that are much more transparent and integral in everything that has to do with the exercise of institutions of public function.

Costa Rica has been an enthusiastic participant in this initiative.  We have already proposed our action plan, and we expect to continue to share initiatives, practices, exchanges of experiences on this issue.

In the area of involvement of Costa Rica in the economic global scenario and some of the issues of international policy, we are taking into account -- we have used this session to talk about the involvement of the United States in the area of fire weapons -- and that together they have been able to get the approval in the recent meeting of the United Nations. 

Thank you very much, Mr. President, for having sponsored one of the -- that is going to contribute the most to the peace in the world.  In addition, I would like to recognize in particular the efforts of President Obama in his own country in order to raise awareness concerning the regulation of fire weapons.

Costa Rica, as some of you already know, is trying to play a more protagonistic role, especially in the area of global development.  Costa Rica is a small economy, but it’s a very open economy.  It’s a model of success.  The accession of global value changes with more and more competitive in the attraction based on high technology.  And being a middle-income country, we are a country that is not seeking to get more aid.  We basically want to have more opportunities to export what our people are producing.

As we have said in the past, we either export our products the people are able to produce or generate, or we're going to end up exporting our own people.  And Costa Rica will continue to keep Costa Ricans in Costa Rica with better opportunities of economic growth and with better opportunities of welfare.

And that is that the aspirations of Costa Rica include to be able to insert itself in the different fora where we will continue to widen the opportunities of trade, investment, and as a consequence, the opportunities to continue to generate employment and welfare in our country.

To this extent, we have talked to President Obama about two important fora where Costa Rica aspires to be present.  One is the Trans-Pacific Alliance, the TPP, where the government of the United States and especially the Obama administration is paying an important leadership to the effect of hosting this negotiation.  And we would hope that Costa Rica will continue to be the center of attention of the pioneer countries to be able to insert ourselves in the same initiative.

And the other important forum where we have given our best efforts is the forum for the cooperation and development.  Costa Rica wants to be there precisely because we want to continue to adopt the best possible practices in matters of development of public policy.

In the area of the using of the CAFTA platform, as you know, this is going to be an issue -- an issue of regional scope.  But it has become a bilateral issue to the extent that Costa Rica is one of the economies that has taken advantage of the opportunity provided by the American market.  We have become in the SICA framework the most important partner with the United States. Thanks to CAFTA, the countries in our region have increased by 70 percent the international trade.  And what we basically seek is to be able to promote initiatives in the area of facilitation of trade.

Concerning the area of security, this, as I mentioned before, is an obligated issue.  As you know, Costa Rica considers this a fundamental issue -- has been considering this issue a fundamental one in recent years.  We have been able to do well facing common crime.  We have been able to reduce the homicide rates significantly.  We have been able to reduce the rates of violent crime, thanks to an integral approach in the area of prevention and sanction, as well as the issues having to do with control.  But we also have to admit that the issue of organized crime continues to be important on the institution of stability and the integrity of our nations.

Thus, we talked about this issue.  We had a conversation about it.  We reiterated the importance of keeping the levels of cooperation that we have had so far.  But very particularly, we made the point on the efforts that are being displayed by the SICA countries as well as the United States government with the purpose of approaching the issue of organized crime and drug smuggling from a much more integral approach, a much more diverse approach -- not only through the instruments of war, thinking that we're going to be able to overcome this evil.  A country like Costa Rica cannot go, of course, to war, but we have to take very seriously the strengthening of those mechanisms and those policies that would allow to prevent the entity of organized crime in our country.

And in that sense, we are deliberating the efforts that we might be able to continue on doing in the matter of prevention of consumption with the matter of more opportunities for the younger community of our country on the subject of strengthening the law, of judicial independence, of free press that might be able to carry out the necessary investigations and the accusations without having on them any effect or threat.

The fifth point of the agenda was a subject regarding energy.  It is well-known also for Costa Rica the energy subject has been a value from the point of view of its sustainable development.  Ninety percent of the energy that we consume comes from renewable sources.  Nevertheless, Costa Rica, as well as the rest of Central America, have a very big challenge ahead of them from the point of view of the cost of this energy.  If we do not solve this in the short, midterm, this will have a tremendous weight on the level of competivity [sic] of our region.

Therefore, we have explored with President Obama the possibilities of using the platform of CAFTA so that in the future and once the government of the United States resolves  some of the internal discussions that it might have, to be able to enjoy some preferences in regard to the import of natural gas, natural liquefied gas, a source of energy to which the government of President Obama has put a lot of emphasis on. 

We have also commented about the efforts that we are developing here in Costa Rica with the purpose of promoting a group of new energies, especially the energies based on hydrogen, and the initiatives that have already been working on by the private enterprises both in North America and Costa Rica with the cooperation of the public sector of Costa Rica, to take them into consideration as part of the initiatives that he has promoted in the framework of the Alliance of the Americas for the energy and for the climate change.

And I finish by talking about the subject of the partnership of innovation and of the education that has such elements of further development.  For Costa Rica, education has been a constant in its historical development.  As I was telling President Obama, we were born as one of the poorest provinces of the colony, and we have become little by little a nation with great opportunities in the subject of economic development and of well-being for the people, and a fundamental factor, an essential factor has been precisely education.

Much before many other nations of the world, Costa Rica decreed the free and mandatory access to education.  And now we dedicate 7 percent of our GDP to finance the public education, and we need, above all, to face the challenge of the reallocation of this education to the demands of the new economy to which we are aspiring to move our country.

In that sense, we have called upon the attention in regard to the possibility of using with greater intensity the very beautiful program that has been characterized by the international policy of the United States, which is the Peace Corps, so that through them, we might be able to improve even more.  They have programs of bilingualism that Costa Rica, for 15 or 20 years we have already been introducing in our public education. 

We believe that through Peace Corps we can achieve training programs with our teachers, with our professors, our English professors, so that that English is a more proficient English, more competitive, with greater quality and bound precisely through the aspirations of attracting investments and generation of employment that we are working on.

Finally, also we have called President Obama’s attention to the fact that there is nothing more valuable, that there is nothing more important than anybody to get to know a society from the inside.  I am a true example precisely of the benefits of scholarship programs that the United States in the past have offered the Central American region.  As a matter of fact, that is why we have -- so that we can continue on promoting those scholarship programs and intensify them so that the youth of the Central American region and, of course, of my country can continue on also knowing or competing not only for knowledge of the best universities, of the quality of education of the United States, but also the values that have characterized this great nation.

So thank you very much.  President Obama.  (Applause.)

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Buenas tardes.  Thank you so much, President Chinchilla, for your kind words and for welcoming me here today.  This is my first visit to Costa Rica.  And even though it is a brief one, I can already tell the incredible spirit of the people, the natural beauty of the country.  I understand that the official slogan for those who are thinking about visiting Costa Rica is “un pais sin ingredientes artificiales.”  So there’s nothing artificial about Costa Rica.  Everything is genuine.  And that's certainly true about the friendship between our two countries. 

And President Chinchilla has been so gracious in her hospitality.  We are very grateful to her.  I want to thank publicly the wonderful schoolchildren who sang for us.  And I noticed that, Madam President, you and I didn’t sing.  We didn’t trust our voices.  (Laughter.)  But we certainly enjoyed the spirit that those children delivered.

  In the United States, we are so grateful for the contributions that Costa Ricans make to our country every day.  You welcome many Americans as tourists, eco-tourists, and many others who have chosen to make Costa Rica a new home.  This year we’re also marking the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps here, including President John F. Kennedy’s visit to Costa Rica and his vision for partnerships that advance development and democracy in the Americas.

I had actually a chance during the bilateral meeting to see a photograph of President Kennedy at the same table that we were meeting at -- it had been specially commissioned.  And so it shows the longstanding ties between our two countries.

And I’m here because Costa Rica is a great partner not just regionally, but globally.  Given Costa Rica’s proud democratic traditions, we stand up together for democracy and justice and human rights in Central America and across the hemisphere.  And I want to commend Costa Rica for your landmark law against the scourge of human trafficking.  I’m proud to be here as you host World Press Freedom Day.  So everybody from the American press corps, you should thank the people of Costa Rica for celebrating free speech and an independent press as essential pillars of our democracy.

Costa Rica shows the benefits of trade that is free and fair.  Over the last few years, under the Central America Free Trade Agreement, our trade with Costa Rica has doubled, creating more jobs for people in both of our countries.  Our partnerships are creating more opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs, including young people and women.  As I told President Chinchilla, the United States will continue to be your partner as Costa Rica modernizes its economy so that you’re attracting more investment and creating even more trade and more jobs.

Costa Rica, of course, has long been a leader in sustainable development that protects the environment.  The President and I agreed to continue deepening our clean energy partnerships.  For example, we’re moving ahead with our regional effort to ensure universal access to clean, affordable, sustainable electricity for the people of the Americas, including Costa Ricans.  And this is also another way that we can meet our shared commitments to address climate change.

The President and I reaffirmed our determination to confront the growing security concerns that have affected many Costa Rican families and communities.  And under the Central America Regional Security Initiative, the United States has committed nearly half a billion dollars to helping Costa Rica and its neighbors in this fight.  We’re disrupting drug cartels and gangs.  We're working to strengthen law enforcement and the judicial system.  And we’re addressing the underlying forces that fuel criminality -- with prevention programs for at-risk youth and with economic development that gives young people hope and opportunity.

Meanwhile, as I said in Mexico yesterday, the United States recognizes that we've got responsibilities; that much of the violence in the region is fueled by demand for illegal drugs, including in the United States.  So we’re going to keep on pursuing a comprehensive approach not only through law enforcement, but also through education and prevention and treatment that can reduce demand. 

And finally, I updated the President on our efforts in the United States to pass comprehensive immigration reform.  I know this is of great interest to the entire region, especially those with families in our country.  And I’m optimistic that we’re going to achieve reform that reflects our heritage as both a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants -- men and women and children who need to be treated with full dignity and respect.

So, President Chinchilla, thank you so much for your partnership.  Thank you and the people of Costa Rica for your hospitality. 

I’m told there’s a well-known quote here in Costa Rica -- “Where there is a Costa Rican, wherever it is, there’s liberty.” And in the United States, we’re thankful for the many Costa Ricans who contribute to our prosperity and our liberty.  And we’re grateful for Costa Rica’s leadership in this region, as we’ll see again when President Chinchilla hosts tonight’s SICA meeting. 

I’d note that our presence at tonight’s meeting with the leaders of Central America and the Dominican Republic is a sign of the importance that the United States places on this region, as well as our commitment to being a steady and strong and reliable partner -- because we believe that no matter where you live, the people of this region deserve security and opportunity and dignity.  

So let me, again, say thank you -- and in my best tican -- pura vida.  (Laughter and applause.)

So I think we're going to go Costa Rican press first and then I'll call on someone?

Q    Good afternoon.  Welcome, President Obama.  The policy of the United States for Central America on drug smuggling and organized crime -- don't you think, for both Presidents, that the time has come to improve our relationships and go on to an agenda that apart from security, we have the social aspects of education and health?

And my second question would be if we're going to be  supporting Costa Rica in subjects that were presented today for the SICA?   So, thank you, and welcome.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, thank you very much.  First of all, I completely agree with you, and I’ve tried to emphasize this throughout my trip:  So much of the focus ends up being on security.  And we understand that in the absence of security, it’s very hard to develop.  But we also have to recognize that problems like narco-trafficking arise in part when a country is vulnerable because of poverty, because of institutions that are not working for the people, because young people don't see a brighter future ahead.

And so what President Chinchilla and I spoke extensively about are initiatives like education, institution-building and capacity, trying to create greater economic opportunity, because the stronger the economies and the institutions for legitimate -- for individuals who are seeking legitimate careers, the more those are there, then the less powerful these narco-trafficking operations are going to be.

And so not only are we interested in promoting trade and highlighting the already extensive trade that we’re doing, but we also want to see how can we build on the successes to improve education even in our strategies to fight narco-trafficking.  We, for example, helped to finance youth centers that can give young people a different vision for their futures.  We consider that to be part of our overall effort.  So it can't just be law enforcement.  It also has to be human development, inclusive economic development.  We’ve got to make sure that everybody feels opportunity. 

Now, even if a country is doing well, the scourge of drugs and drug trafficking will still be there, and there still needs to be a strong law enforcement component.  But we can do better than we’re currently doing.  And I know that President Chinchilla is taking a great interest here in Costa Rica around these human development issues.

As far as the issues that you mentioned around international organizations, as I indicated earlier, Costa Rica has shown itself to be a world leader and model around free trade, freedom of the press, democracy, respect for human rights, and that makes it an outstanding candidate for membership in the OECD, for example.  And so we will expect that we’ll continue to support Costa Rica in expanding its influence.

We enjoy a great partnership on, for example, regional human rights councils, as well as international human rights efforts.  Costa Rica has been a real leader, and we appreciate that.  And there’s something very effective when large countries like the United States, smaller countries like Costa Rica share values.  We come in together.  And I think it’s a great way to make the point that regardless of the country’s size, regardless of the language that it speaks, the idea of certain universal rights that are observed for all people is important.  And that's why we value this partnership so much.

PRESIDENT CHINCHILLA:  I’m just going to add a couple of comments.  And I think that it seems to me that I should start by thanking President Obama for his expressed support to the aspirations of Costa Rica for being a member of OECD.  We know that there are tests that we have to comply with, and we know that we will be able to comply with them.

Also, let me add something more precisely -- a comment in regard to the subject of narco traffic, organized crime.  We believe that there is not a single doubt that President Obama’s administration -- since his coming to Mexico, and now his visit here in Central America -- brings along an agenda that is trying to redefine those relationships based on a greater diversity.

As has been said, our countries are more than just security and violence and narco traffic.  That doesn’t mean that it is not an important problem, but I would like to basically finally add the following.  What some other countries for a few years now, with the purpose of trying to review some strategies that fall under the fight against drugs, are based basically on the fact that some of the most immediate experiences we have seen in region are experiences that have had to call upon the extreme fight of the war on drugs.  Costa Rica doesn’t have an army.  And since we don't want to found an army, we do not want to allow ourselves to come to war scenarios to face drug smuggling or organized crime.

Many times the generals ask me, how has Costa Rica done to face such a big threat when you don't have an army and precisely the countries next to you do have an army?  But curiously enough, Costa Rica has demonstrated that we have been more effective and more successful in fighting against these threats precisely without having an army.  And where am I going through with this? That what we're looking for, for a while now, is precisely the signals that the Obama administration is sending in the sense that an effective policy for the fight against drugs and narco traffic goes through the strengthening of the institutions -- through prevention, through an open society, a more transparent society, and through a citizenship that is much more aware of the problem.

It seems to me that advancing that direction is precisely advancing in the correct direction.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  All right, Mark Felsenthal, of Reuters.

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  Madam President.  Mr. President, on Syria, you said yesterday that anything the United States does should make the situation better, not worse.  How long are you prepared to wait to determine whether chemical weapons were used?  What happens when you make your determination?  And will you take your case to the United Nations?  And have you ruled out putting U.S. troops on the ground in Syria?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, first all, I emphasized yesterday, so let me re-emphasize -- we’re not waiting.  We’re not standing by.  We are currently the largest humanitarian donor to deal with the crisis in Syria.  We are the largest contributor of nonlethal aid to the opposition.  We’ve mobilized 80 countries to support the opposition.  We are working to apply every pressure point that we can on Syria, working with our international partners.

And so we are actively engaged on a day-to-day basis to try to deal with this crisis and to restore a Syria that is respectful of the rights and aspirations of the Syrian people. 

Now, as I’ve said before, if, in fact, we see strong evidence that we can present and that allows us to say that the Syrian military and the Syrian government is using chemical weapons, then that is a game-changer for us because not only is there the prospect of widespread use of chemical weapons inside of Syria, but there’s the possibility that it lands in the hands of organizations like Hezbollah.

We have evidence that chemical weapons have been used.  We don't know when, where, or how they were used.  We are initiating on our own to investigate and get a better handle on the facts inside of Syria.  We’re also working with the international community and our partners to try to get a better handle on what’s happening, and we’ve already gone to the United Nations to say we want a full-blown investigation inside of Syria -- so far, for unsurprising reasons, President Assad has resisted.

We will stay on this.  Now, if, in fact, there’s the kind of systematic use of chemical weapons inside of Syria, we expect that we’re going to get additional further evidence.  And at that point, absolutely we will present that to the international community, because I think this is, again, not just an American problem; this is a world problem.  There are international rules and protocols and norms and ethics.  And when it comes to using chemical weapons, the entire world should be concerned.

Now, in terms of what that means in terms of American action, keep in mind we’re already taking a whole range of actions.  We’re going to continue to take a whole range of actions.  Separate and apart from the chemical weapon use, we got tens of thousands of people who are being killed inside of Syria and we want to see that stopped -- for humanitarian reasons but also for strategic reasons.

But in terms of any additional steps that we take, it’s going to be based on, number one, the facts on the ground.  Number two, it’s going to be based on what’s in the interest of the American people and our national security.  And as President of the United States, I’m going to make those decisions based on the best evidence and after careful consultation -- because when we rush into things, when we leap before we look, then not only do we pay a price, but oftentimes we see unintended consequences on the ground.  So it’s important for us to do it right.  And that's exactly what we’re doing right now.

Q    Good afternoon, President Obama.  Good afternoon, Madam President.  President Obama, 10 years ago you were about to come to the Senate.  Well, 10 years have gone and Central America has lost more than 130,000 lives caused by drugs traffic.  This has been the sacrifice that the region has had because of this problem.  What is the sacrifice that in your four years of government you intend to undertake for this business that feeds on the profit that are produced especially by the consumption in your country?  And if the United States also believes that the best option is to use warships to be able to survey or keep a watch on the seas on the joint anti-narcotic drug war?

And, Madam President, you have also expressed the values that the government of Costa Rica has with the government of the United States and your point of view with President Obama, for example, on the subject of the international create of weapons -- fire weapons.  You say that President Obama said the time has come to recognize the rights for the homosexual couples of the United States.  When is the time going to come for that in Costa Rica?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, I think all of us recognize the pain and hardship that's been caused by drug trafficking and transnational drug cartels here in Central America.  There’s a cost obviously in the United States as well.  It’s not as if we don't have tragic drug problems throughout the United States.  And when you look at poor communities inside of the United States, including communities in my hometown of Chicago, there are young people who are killed every day as part of the drug trade. 

So this is not a situation where we do not feel the effects. There are common effects, and there are common responsibilities, which is why it’s so important that we work on this on a regional basis. 

Now, since I’ve been President, we’ve put our money where our mouth is.  I’ve spent -- my administration has spent approximately $30 billion in reducing drug demand in the United States over the last several years.  And we’re actually seeing an impact in terms of reduced demand.  But the United States is a big country and a big market, and so progress sometimes is slower than we’d like it to be.

There is obviously a role for law enforcement.  I’m not interested in militarizing the struggle against drug trafficking. This is a law enforcement problem.  And if we have effective law enforcement cooperation and coordination, and if we build up capacity for countries in Central America, then we can continue to make progress.

But the important thing that I’ve tried to emphasize throughout is that this is a common problem.  This is one where we’ll only solve it when we’re working together.  It has adverse effects in all of our countries.  But -- last point I’d make -- I think it’s very important to make sure that our bilateral relationship and the United States relationship with the region as a whole is not solely defined by this problem.  Because when it is, we’re missing all the opportunities that exist out there.

When I got off the plane I was greeted by Dr. Chang, obviously a well-known scientist here who worked at NASA and is working now on developing a whole new vision for clean energy, and he brought along four young people -- these incredibly talented young people who are in their last year of high school here.  And all of four of them, thanks to some of the good work of our Ambassador and others, will be attending universities in the United States next fall.

And when you talk to those young people, there’s incredible hope and incredible promise and incredible optimism.  And I don't want every story to be about drug traffickers and nobody is writing a story about those four young people and what they represent in terms of the future of Costa Rica and the future of this region.

PRESIDENT CHINCHILLA:  Every nation or every society has its own way of evolving towards to the responses that have to be provided to the different demands of the social groups and of the different collectiveness that a country might have.

And when we analyze the evolution of the different nations, we see how some of them have advance a little more accelerated -- to subjects maybe of commitment towards the environment, in subjects, for example, for the control of some important aspects in the subject of protection of human life, like for example, the the subject of the control of fire weapons.  And others are advancing furthermore in the recognition of certain rights, among them like the one that you have mentioned, the rights of couples of the same sex. 

The important thing, Alvarro, is that we cannot simply pass on or go beyond the rhythm or the evolution of the debates from one nation to another.  Each one of the nations has its own rhythm.  The important thing here I believe -- and what’s it’s worth here -- is that in Costa Rica the framework precisely of democracy that has characterized us, the debate has to be an open debate, a live debate, an active debate -- a debate like the one that I have in qualifying it that has to take place with the greatest of respect without putting a stigma on the different positions that are brought to the debates that take place in a democracy.

And only the mature, ripened, seasoned debate will end up giving the result that will have to be given where it has to be given, which is inside the parliament.  So it seems to me that that is what is important, that the debate in Costa Rica is an open debate, a free debate that has to continue as a debate without restrictions.

That is why I have advocated and restated opportunities in my recent report to the nation that this is a dialogue that has been faced sometimes inconveniently on some positions that take sides.  And as long as this is faced in this way, I think that the advancement is going to be very slow.  I hope and I trust that the debate might really be a much more balanced, much more mature dialogue without putting stigmas on it, and that this might eventually generate a decision in the Congress of the Republic.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Okay, last question, Lisa --

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  Senator Leahy is pushing for a bill on recognizing same-sex couples as part of the immigration bill.  Are you concerned at all that that undermines the success of the package?  And given that you made a point throughout your presidency to make clear that you don't think LGTB Americans should be treated any differently, will you sign a bill that will do exactly that?

And for you, Madam President, is there any concern that the more -- that by creating more stringent immigration standards could hamper the ability of Costa Ricans to emigrate to the U.S.? Thanks.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Lisa, I hope you don't mind, before I answer your question I want to get back to Mark because I realize there was one clause in your question -- sometimes you guys have a lot of clauses in your question -- (laughter) -- that I didn't specifically answer, and I didn't want anybody to extrapolate from that.

You asked about boots on the ground and whether we’ve ruled boots out on the ground in Syria.  As a general rule, I don't rule things out as Commander-in-Chief because circumstances change and you want to make sure that I always have the full power of the United States at our disposal to meet American national security interests.

Having said that, I do not foresee a scenario in which boots on the ground in Syria, American boots on the ground in Syria would not only be good for America, but also would be good for Syria.  And by the way, when I consult with leaders in the region who are very much interested in seeing President Assad leave office and stabilizing the situation in Syria, they agree with that assessment. 

So I just wanted to make sure that my omission there did not turn into a story.

To your question, Lisa, as I’ve indicated, I’ve got four broad criteria for immigration reform.  I want to make sure that our border is secure and well regulated, in part so that we can get down to the business of smoothing trade and commerce across our borders and creating jobs in the United States, but also making sure that negative actors aren’t able to penetrate the United States.

Number two, cracking down on employers who are breaking the law.  Number three, making sure we’ve got a legal immigration system that works better, smarter, and so what we can continue to attract the best and the brightest to the United States. 

And by the way, when it comes to legal immigration, the issue here is not going to be stringency, per se.  The issue is do we make the system more rational, more effective, better.  If there are smart engineers and young people and scientists and students who are looking to emigrate to the United States from Costa Rica, then we want them to know that we’re a nation of immigrants.  But we want to make sure that the legal process is in place so that it’s easier and simpler, but also more effective in managing the legal immigration process.

And finally, that we’ve got a pathway so that the 11 million or so undocumented workers inside the United States are able to pursue a tough, long, difficult, but fair path to legal status and citizenship. 

So those are my broad-based criteria.  Now, the provision that you’ve discussed that Senator Leahy has talked about is one that I support, and I’ve said in the past that the LGBT community should be treated like everybody else.  That's, to me, the essential, core principle behind our founding documents, the idea that we’re all created equal and that we’re equal before the law, and it’s applied fairly to everybody.

And so Senator Leahy may present this provision in committee.  It may be presented on the floor.  It will be one of many amendments and provisions that are presented, some of which I’ll support, some of which I’ll think are really bad ideas.  And I think that the general principle for me is are we advancing, are we improving the immigration system -- because ultimately this is an immigration bill.

And we’ll evaluate the end-product.  I think it’s premature for me to start talking about what I will or will not do before I get a final product since the road is going to be long and bumpy before I finally see an actual bill on my desk.  But I can tell you I think that the provision is the right thing to do.

I can also tell you that I’m not going to get everything I want in this bill.  Republicans are not going to get everything that they want in this bill.  But if we keep focused on what our main aim is here -- which is creating a smart, effective immigration system that allows us to be a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants -- then we’re going to be in a position to not only improve our economy and what’s happening inside the United States, we’re going to I think have a much stronger relationship with the region and that's going to help enhance our economy and jobs and our growth over the long term.

And, last point I’ll make, as is true with every bill, if there are things that end up being left out in this bill, or things that I want to take out of a bill, but if it’s meeting those core criteria around a comprehensive immigration bill that I’m looking for, then we go back at it and we fix what’s not there and we continually improve what’s been presented.

I think that this comprehensive immigration bill has the opportunity to do something historic that we have not done in decades.  But I don't expect that, after we’re finished with it, that people are going to say, there’s not a single problem that we have with our immigration system, any more than is true after any piece of legislation that we pass.

Well, thank you very much everybody.  Muchas gracias.

PRESIDENT CHINCHILLA:  Thank you very much.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)

5:45 P.M. CST

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney

Aboard Air Force One
En Route

1:32 P.M. CDT
MR. CARNEY:  Welcome aboard, ladies and gentlemen, as we make our way to Costa Rica.  I have no announcements to make at the top.  As you know, there was a jobs report today that the CEA Chair addressed this morning in Washington.  But beyond that, I’ll just take your questions.
Q    Jay, the jobs report was obviously better than expected -- pretty good news for the economy.  Do you guys see this as a sign that the economy can actually withstand the sequester cuts, or just that it’s too soon to be able to see the impact of those cuts in something like the monthly jobs report?
MR. CARNEY:  Well, the jobs report demonstrated that we’re continuing to recover from the worst recession since the Great Depression.  And while it was better than expectations, it also demonstrated that we have more work to do and that the last thing we need is for Washington to unnecessarily throw up obstacles to economic growth or inflict wounds on the economy.  And that is exactly what sequestration does.
What we know as a general principle going forward is that every time we get data, no matter what it says, we will know that it would have been better if it weren’t for sequester, because as CBO and others have estimated, sequester, if fully implemented, will cost the economy three-quarters of a million jobs and roughly half a point of economic growth -- percentage point of economic growth.
And we are still progressing away from the worst downturn of our lifetimes.  And we as a country cannot afford to have Congress, in this case, negligently throw up obstacles to economic growth and job creation.  It’s pretty nonsensical.  The report demonstrates that I think now for 68 straight months we’ve been creating private-sector jobs, now a total of roughly 6.8 million private sector jobs since the job loss was reversed.  But we still have some ways to go.
Q    In that same vain, Speaker Boehner has said that actually the growth would be stronger if only you would reverse the Affordable Care Act, if only you would build the Keystone Pipeline --
MR. CARNEY:  I understand that Speaker Boehner would like to reinstate the policies that were in place that led to the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes.  The President disagrees.  Tax cuts for the wealthy, unpaid-for initiatives and the like, which Speaker Boehner supported with glee in the previous administration, are not the approach to stronger economic growth, and more to the point, not the approach to strengthening and expanding the middle class.
Again, we have seen now 68 straight months of private sector job creation.  We’ve seen quarter after quarter of positive economic growth.  But it is not enough, and we need to grow more. And what we do know, based on independent studies, is that allowing sequester to take effect -- while it may have been viewed by Speaker Boehner and others as a political victory or a tea party victory -- is doing harm to our economy and will continue to do harm to our economy, will be a drag on our economy until Congress does what it said it was going to do to begin with, which was prevent the sequester from becoming law; eliminate the sequester and replace it with sensible, balanced deficit reduction.
Q    The President and the Mexican President talked about security during his visit and the President said that it would be up to Mexico to determine its own security policy.  Did you -- obviously, it’s in President Obama’s interest and the Mexican interest to veer the vision of Mexico away from one where there’s widespread violence.  But optics aside, did you get any concrete reassurances that Mexico would, in fact, continue to stem drug violence; that it would reorient its policies in a way that the United States could continue to productively help it do that?
MR. CARNEY:  Broadly speaking, I think the answer is yes.  We obviously had a very strong cooperative relationship with President Calderón when it came to dealing with these security issues, and President Pena Nieto will, I’m sure, build on that progress and success.
As the President said, we’re not going to dictate to the Mexican government how it structures its response to the violence that threatens Mexican security, but we will continue to work in every way we can with Mexico on these important issues.  But it is not optics to suggest that our relationship is bigger than our security partnership.  That’s a fact.  And it’s a fact that a lot of Americans don’t know.  Our economic cooperation with Mexico is enormous and it needs to continue to grow, because that benefits the economies of both countries and benefits the security of both countries.
So I think the President feels strongly that this was a very positive visit that allowed the leaders of both countries to talk about the variety of ways that we are cooperating as countries and to focus specifically on how we can continue to develop economic cooperation in a way that helps the American economy grow and create jobs.  It helps the Mexican economy grow and create jobs.
Q    Is he going to have the same message of autonomy to the Central American countries?  Obviously the crackdown in Mexico, a lot of the drug trade has been driven down there, and those countries don’t have the same resources that Mexico has.  So will he be offering more help with their security issue?
MR. CARNEY:  I don't have any policy initiatives to speak about, but I can tell you that security will obviously be an important topic of conversation in San Jose and it’s certainly correct that security matters are of great concern to the countries in Central America, as they are to the United States.  And we will -- the President will be discussing those issues with the gathered leaders in San Jose. 
But he will also be discussing economic and other areas.  So security continues to be a pressing problem in the region, but there are other topics on the agenda as well.
Q    Jay, the President himself brought up guns yesterday, and I just wondered if you guys had any reaction -- there’s a report that Vice President Biden spoke to some law enforcement officials and sort of previewed that he might have a new gun initiative traveling around the country but hadn’t sort of discussed everything with the President yet.  Anything new on -- any new gun push that’s happening and the Vice President leading it?
MR. CARNEY:  Well, I think your question reflects something very important, which is the President went out of his way, when not asked, to address this issue yesterday because he feels so passionately about it and he is committed to pressing for action to reduce gun violence.  And that includes pressing Congress to take action to reduce gun violence. 
It also includes exploring every executive action he might be able to take.  There were 23 of them, as you know, in the President’s overall proposal and action is being taken on all of those.  But we are going to press ahead.  The President made clear that sometimes these efforts don’t succeed initially, but especially when you have 85 to 90 percent of the American people supporting, in the case of background checks being expanded, a legislative proposal, this is going to get done. 
And I think we’ve seen in the public reaction to the failure of the Senate to listen to the American people the fact that Americans are raising their voices, as the President hoped they will and hopes they will.  And participation by average Americans out there in this conversation is essential, because in the end senators who voted against the will -- the overwhelming will of their constituents -- may reconsider if they hear from those same constituents and hear how important these common-sense measures are to them.
The Vice President is a key player in this effort.  The President, as you know, in the wake of Newtown, asked the Vice President, because of his vast experience on these issues, to lead the effort to put together the comprehensive proposal that the President presented to you and to the American public.  And the Vice President continues to play a leading role in that effort at the President’s direction.
This is something that -- as you know from the public schedules, the President and Vice President meet together virtually every day that they’re both in Washington, sometimes multiple times a day.  They have a regular lunch.  And this is something they talk about frequently, both what the status of efforts to reduce gun violence are, and what new paths we can take to promote these very important measures.
So as the President said yesterday, the loss of the background checks measure was round one.  And we’re going to continue this effort, and we need to continue to hear from American citizens across the country who feel passionately that the Senate let them down and did not hear their voices, and heard, instead, the voices of the minority.  And hopefully that will bring about a change.
Q    On the security issue, the President had said before the trip that he would withhold judgment on changes that Mexico was making until he spoke with Mexican leaders.  Could you tell us any of the specifics that he heard yesterday that made him feel like this new approach would not cut off access for U.S. law enforcement agencies?
MR. CARNEY:  I think you heard the President address this in his press conference yesterday after his meeting -- his bilateral meeting with the Mexican President.  I don’t really have any more details to add to that.  We will continue a cooperative relationship with the Mexican government in dealing with these matters.  And we will also address the responsibilities we have to help reduce the violence in Mexico.  There are responsibilities that have to do with the trafficking of guns south of the U.S. border and obviously the demand for narcotics north of the U.S. border. 
So this is a broad-based effort, and it includes a lot of cooperation with the U.S. and Mexican governments, and as the President has said, we will work in any way that we can with the Mexicans to help address this challenge.
Thanks, guys.
1:44 P.M. CDT

President Obama Holds a Press Conference with President Chinchilla

May 03, 2013 | 52:46 | Public Domain

President Obama and President Chinchilla of Costa Rica speak to the press and take questions in San Jose.

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Remarks by President Obama and President Chinchilla of Costa Rica in a Joint Press Conference

4:55 P.M. CST

PRESIDENT CHINCHILLA:  (As interpreted.)  Good afternoon.  Good afternoon, dear friends.  Dear friends, international journalists and for American and SICA.  Thank you very much.  Thank you for being here with us this afternoon.

In the first place and before we get any deeper concerning the results of the meetings that we just had recently, in the first place, what I would like to do is to reiterate our warmest welcome on behalf of all the Costa Rican people to President Barack Obama and his delegation.  And also I would like to reiterate on behalf of our Costa Ricans the feelings that we feel towards the United States of America. 

And I also wanted to thank you very much for the way so cordial and constructive in which we have been able to develop this afternoon’s issues, Mr. President, because I think that we have had very successful conversations in the bilateral meeting. It was my pleasure to report that precisely thanks to this open process of conversations that we have had, it is that we can explore new horizons, always trying to strengthen these traditions based on the essential values that have characterized the relationship between the United States and Costa Rica.

Particularly speaking, I’m talking about values of peace, freedom, democracy, respect to the human rights and the human development.  These are the values that we share.  And these are the values on which we aspire to continue to develop the relationship between our two nations.

The conversations that we have had have been very useful and they have basically focused on six fundamental issues that reflect this rich diversity that characterizes the relationship between the two nations.  We talked about institutional strengthening.  We talked about issues of international policy and the involvement, in particular to which Costa Rica aspires in the international economic scenario.

We also talked about the use of fundamental instruments in the relationship of the two nations, like CAFTA, for instance.  We talked about an issue that is important but it is not the one that defines our relationship, which is security.  And we also talked about a fundamental issue that undoubtedly is going to define the progress and the joint development not only between the United States of America and Costa Rica, but also between the United States and the Central American region, which is the area of energy.

And finally, of course, in our Costa Rican agenda, we included issues having to do with education, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Please allow me to briefly walk you through these six issues so that you can get to know which has been the central element in each of them.

In the area of institutional strengthening, as you know, the government of the United States is promoting what is called the Alliance of Open Government, that basically seeks to strengthen practices that are much more transparent and integral in everything that has to do with the exercise of institutions of public function.

Costa Rica has been an enthusiastic participant in this initiative.  We have already proposed our action plan, and we expect to continue to share initiatives, practices, exchanges of experiences on this issue.

In the area of involvement of Costa Rica in the economic global scenario and some of the issues of international policy, we are taking into account -- we have used this session to talk about the involvement of the United States in the area of fire weapons -- and that together they have been able to get the approval in the recent meeting of the United Nations. 

Thank you very much, Mr. President, for having sponsored one of the -- that is going to contribute the most to the peace in the world.  In addition, I would like to recognize in particular the efforts of President Obama in his own country in order to raise awareness concerning the regulation of fire weapons.

Costa Rica, as some of you already know, is trying to play a more protagonistic role, especially in the area of global development.  Costa Rica is a small economy, but it’s a very open economy.  It’s a model of success.  The accession of global value changes with more and more competitive in the attraction based on high technology.  And being a middle-income country, we are a country that is not seeking to get more aid.  We basically want to have more opportunities to export what our people are producing.

As we have said in the past, we either export our products the people are able to produce or generate, or we're going to end up exporting our own people.  And Costa Rica will continue to keep Costa Ricans in Costa Rica with better opportunities of economic growth and with better opportunities of welfare.

And that is that the aspirations of Costa Rica include to be able to insert itself in the different fora where we will continue to widen the opportunities of trade, investment, and as a consequence, the opportunities to continue to generate employment and welfare in our country.

To this extent, we have talked to President Obama about two important fora where Costa Rica aspires to be present.  One is the Trans-Pacific Alliance, the TPP, where the government of the United States and especially the Obama administration is paying an important leadership to the effect of hosting this negotiation.  And we would hope that Costa Rica will continue to be the center of attention of the pioneer countries to be able to insert ourselves in the same initiative.

 And the other important forum where we have given our best efforts is the forum for the cooperation and development.  Costa Rica wants to be there precisely because we want to continue to adopt the best possible practices in matters of development of public policy.

In the area of the using of the CAFTA platform, as you know, this is going to be an issue -- an issue of regional scope.  But it has become a bilateral issue to the extent that Costa Rica is one of the economies that has taken advantage of the opportunity provided by the American market.  We have become in the SICA framework the most important partner with the United States. Thanks to CAFTA, the countries in our region have increased by 70 percent the international trade.  And what we basically seek is to be able to promote initiatives in the area of facilitation of trade.

Concerning the area of security, this, as I mentioned before, is an obligated issue.  As you know, Costa Rica considers this a fundamental issue -- has been considering this issue a fundamental one in recent years.  We have been able to do well facing common crime.  We have been able to reduce the homicide rates significantly.  We have been able to reduce the rates of violent crime, thanks to an integral approach in the area of prevention and sanction, as well as the issues having to do with control.  But we also have to admit that the issue of organized crime continues to be important on the institution of stability and the integrity of our nations.

Thus, we talked about this issue.  We had a conversation about it.  We reiterated the importance of keeping the levels of cooperation that we have had so far.  But very particularly, we made the point on the efforts that are being displayed by the SICA countries as well as the United States government with the purpose of approaching the issue of organized crime and drug smuggling from a much more integral approach, a much more diverse approach -- not only through the instruments of war, thinking that we're going to be able to overcome this evil.  A country like Costa Rica cannot go, of course, to war, but we have to take very seriously the strengthening of those mechanisms and those policies that would allow to prevent the entity of organized crime in our country.

And in that sense, we are deliberating the efforts that we might be able to continue on doing in the matter of prevention of consumption with the matter of more opportunities for the younger community of our country on the subject of strengthening the law, of judicial independence, of free press that might be able to carry out the necessary investigations and the accusations without having on them any effect or threat.

The fifth point of the agenda was a subject regarding energy.  It is well-known also for Costa Rica the energy subject has been a value from the point of view of its sustainable development.  Ninety percent of the energy that we consume comes from renewable sources.  Nevertheless, Costa Rica, as well as the rest of Central America, have a very big challenge ahead of them from the point of view of the cost of this energy.  If we do not solve this in the short, midterm, this will have a tremendous weight on the level of competivity [sic] of our region.

Therefore, we have explored with President Obama the possibilities of using the platform of CAFTA so that in the future and once the government of the United States resolves  some of the internal discussions that it might have, to be able to enjoy some preferences in regard to the import of natural gas, natural liquefied gas, a source of energy to which the government of President Obama has put a lot of emphasis on. 

We have also commented about the efforts that we are developing here in Costa Rica with the purpose of promoting a group of new energies, especially the energies based on hydrogen, and the initiatives that have already been working on by the private enterprises both in North America and Costa Rica with the cooperation of the public sector of Costa Rica, to take them into consideration as part of the initiatives that he has promoted in the framework of the Alliance of the Americas for the energy and for the climate change.

 And I finish by talking about the subject of the partnership of innovation and of the education that has such elements of further development.  For Costa Rica, education has been a constant in its historical development.  As I was telling President Obama, we were born as one of the poorest provinces of the colony, and we have become little by little a nation with great opportunities in the subject of economic development and of well-being for the people, and a fundamental factor, an essential factor has been precisely education.

Much before many other nations of the world, Costa Rica decreed the free and mandatory access to education.  And now we dedicate 7 percent of our GDP to finance the public education, and we need, above all, to face the challenge of the reallocation of this education to the demands of the new economy to which we are aspiring to move our country.

In that sense, we have called upon the attention in regard to the possibility of using with greater intensity the very beautiful program that has been characterized by the international policy of the United States, which is the Peace Corps, so that through them, we might be able to improve even more.  They have programs of bilingualism that Costa Rica, for 15 or 20 years we have already been introducing in our public education. 

We believe that through Peace Corps we can achieve training programs with our teachers, with our professors, our English professors, so that that English is a more proficient English, more competitive, with greater quality and bound precisely through the aspirations of attracting investments and generation of employment that we are working on.

Finally, also we have called President Obama’s attention to the fact that there is nothing more valuable, that there is nothing more important than anybody to get to know a society from the inside.  I am a true example precisely of the benefits of scholarship programs that the United States in the past have offered the Central American region.  As a matter of fact, that is why we have -- so that we can continue on promoting those scholarship programs and intensify them so that the youth of the Central American region and, of course, of my country can continue on also knowing or competing not only for knowledge of the best universities, of the quality of education of the United States, but also the values that have characterized this great nation.

So thank you very much.  President Obama.  (Applause.)

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Buenas tardes.  Thank you so much, President Chinchilla, for your kind words and for welcoming me here today.  This is my first visit to Costa Rica.  And even though it is a brief one, I can already tell the incredible spirit of the people, the natural beauty of the country.  I understand that the official slogan for those who are thinking about visiting Costa Rica is “un pais sin ingredientes artificiales.”  So there’s nothing artificial about Costa Rica.  Everything is genuine.  And that's certainly true about the friendship between our two countries. 

And President Chinchilla has been so gracious in her hospitality.  We are very grateful to her.  I want to thank publicly the wonderful schoolchildren who sang for us.  And I noticed that, Madam President, you and I didn’t sing.  We didn’t trust our voices.  (Laughter.)  But we certainly enjoyed the spirit that those children delivered.

In the United States, we are so grateful for the contributions that Costa Ricans make to our country every day.  You welcome many Americans as tourists, eco-tourists, and many others who have chosen to make Costa Rica a new home.  This year we’re also marking the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps here, including President John F. Kennedy’s visit to Costa Rica and his vision for partnerships that advance development and democracy in the Americas.

I had actually a chance during the bilateral meeting to see a photograph of President Kennedy at the same table that we were meeting at -- it had been specially commissioned.  And so it shows the longstanding ties between our two countries.

And I’m here because Costa Rica is a great partner not just regionally, but globally.  Given Costa Rica’s proud democratic traditions, we stand up together for democracy and justice and human rights in Central America and across the hemisphere.  And I want to commend Costa Rica for your landmark law against the scourge of human trafficking.  I’m proud to be here as you host World Press Freedom Day.  So everybody from the American press corps, you should thank the people of Costa Rica for celebrating free speech and an independent press as essential pillars of our democracy.

Costa Rica shows the benefits of trade that is free and fair.  Over the last few years, under the Central America Free Trade Agreement, our trade with Costa Rica has doubled, creating more jobs for people in both of our countries.  Our partnerships are creating more opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs, including young people and women.  As I told President Chinchilla, the United States will continue to be your partner as Costa Rica modernizes its economy so that you’re attracting more investment and creating even more trade and more jobs.

Costa Rica, of course, has long been a leader in sustainable development that protects the environment.  The President and I agreed to continue deepening our clean energy partnerships.  For example, we’re moving ahead with our regional effort to ensure universal access to clean, affordable, sustainable electricity for the people of the Americas, including Costa Ricans.  And this is also another way that we can meet our shared commitments to address climate change.

The President and I reaffirmed our determination to confront the growing security concerns that have affected many Costa Rican families and communities.  And under the Central America Regional Security Initiative, the United States has committed nearly half a billion dollars to helping Costa Rica and its neighbors in this fight.  We’re disrupting drug cartels and gangs.  We're working to strengthen law enforcement and the judicial system.  And we’re addressing the underlying forces that fuel criminality -- with prevention programs for at-risk youth and with economic development that gives young people hope and opportunity.

Meanwhile, as I said in Mexico yesterday, the United States recognizes that we've got responsibilities; that much of the violence in the region is fueled by demand for illegal drugs, including in the United States.  So we’re going to keep on pursuing a comprehensive approach not only through law enforcement, but also through education and prevention and treatment that can reduce demand. 

And finally, I updated the President on our efforts in the United States to pass comprehensive immigration reform.  I know this is of great interest to the entire region, especially those with families in our country.  And I’m optimistic that we’re going to achieve reform that reflects our heritage as both a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants -- men and women and children who need to be treated with full dignity and respect.

So, President Chinchilla, thank you so much for your partnership.  Thank you and the people of Costa Rica for your hospitality. 

I’m told there’s a well-known quote here in Costa Rica -- “Where there is a Costa Rican, wherever it is, there’s liberty.” And in the United States, we’re thankful for the many Costa Ricans who contribute to our prosperity and our liberty.  And we’re grateful for Costa Rica’s leadership in this region, as we’ll see again when President Chinchilla hosts tonight’s SICA meeting. 

I’d note that our presence at tonight’s meeting with the leaders of Central America and the Dominican Republic is a sign of the importance that the United States places on this region, as well as our commitment to being a steady and strong and reliable partner -- because we believe that no matter where you live, the people of this region deserve security and opportunity and dignity.  

So let me, again, say thank you -- and in my best tican -- pura vida.  (Laughter and applause.)

So I think we're going to go Costa Rican press first and then I'll call on someone?

Q    Good afternoon.  Welcome, President Obama.  The policy of the United States for Central America on drug smuggling and organized crime -- don't you think, for both Presidents, that the time has come to improve our relationships and go on to an agenda that apart from security, we have the social aspects of education and health?

And my second question would be if we're going to be  supporting Costa Rica in subjects that were presented today for the SICA?   So, thank you, and welcome.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, thank you very much.  First of all, I completely agree with you, and I’ve tried to emphasize this throughout my trip:  So much of the focus ends up being on security.  And we understand that in the absence of security, it’s very hard to develop.  But we also have to recognize that problems like narco-trafficking arise in part when a country is vulnerable because of poverty, because of institutions that are not working for the people, because young people don't see a brighter future ahead.

And so what President Chinchilla and I spoke extensively about are initiatives like education, institution-building and capacity, trying to create greater economic opportunity, because the stronger the economies and the institutions for legitimate -- for individuals who are seeking legitimate careers, the more those are there, then the less powerful these narco-trafficking operations are going to be.

And so not only are we interested in promoting trade and highlighting the already extensive trade that we’re doing, but we also want to see how can we build on the successes to improve education even in our strategies to fight narco-trafficking.  We, for example, helped to finance youth centers that can give young people a different vision for their futures.  We consider that to be part of our overall effort.  So it can't just be law enforcement.  It also has to be human development, inclusive economic development.  We’ve got to make sure that everybody feels opportunity. 

Now, even if a country is doing well, the scourge of drugs and drug trafficking will still be there, and there still needs to be a strong law enforcement component.  But we can do better than we’re currently doing.  And I know that President Chinchilla is taking a great interest here in Costa Rica around these human development issues.

As far as the issues that you mentioned around international organizations, as I indicated earlier, Costa Rica has shown itself to be a world leader and model around free trade, freedom of the press, democracy, respect for human rights, and that makes it an outstanding candidate for membership in the OECD, for example.  And so we will expect that we’ll continue to support Costa Rica in expanding its influence.

We enjoy a great partnership on, for example, regional human rights councils, as well as international human rights efforts.  Costa Rica has been a real leader, and we appreciate that.  And there’s something very effective when large countries like the United States, smaller countries like Costa Rica share values.  We come in together.  And I think it’s a great way to make the point that regardless of the country’s size, regardless of the language that it speaks, the idea of certain universal rights that are observed for all people is important.  And that's why we value this partnership so much.

PRESIDENT CHINCHILLA:  I’m just going to add a couple of comments.  And I think that it seems to me that I should start by thanking President Obama for his expressed support to the aspirations of Costa Rica for being a member of OECD.  We know that there are tests that we have to comply with, and we know that we will be able to comply with them.

Also, let me add something more precisely -- a comment in regard to the subject of narco traffic, organized crime.  We believe that there is not a single doubt that President Obama’s administration -- since his coming to Mexico, and now his visit here in Central America -- brings along an agenda that is trying to redefine those relationships based on a greater diversity.

As has been said, our countries are more than just security and violence and narco traffic.  That doesn’t mean that it is not an important problem, but I would like to basically finally add the following.  What some other countries for a few years now, with the purpose of trying to review some strategies that fall under the fight against drugs, are based basically on the fact that some of the most immediate experiences we have seen in region are experiences that have had to call upon the extreme fight of the war on drugs.  Costa Rica doesn’t have an army.  And since we don't want to found an army, we do not want to allow ourselves to come to war scenarios to face drug smuggling or organized crime.

Many times the generals ask me, how has Costa Rica done to face such a big threat when you don't have an army and precisely the countries next to you do have an army?  But curiously enough, Costa Rica has demonstrated that we have been more effective and more successful in fighting against these threats precisely without having an army.  And where am I going through with this? That what we're looking for, for a while now, is precisely the signals that the Obama administration is sending in the sense that an effective policy for the fight against drugs and narco traffic goes through the strengthening of the institutions -- through prevention, through an open society, a more transparent society, and through a citizenship that is much more aware of the problem.

It seems to me that advancing that direction is precisely advancing in the correct direction.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  All right, Mark Felsenthal, of Reuters.

Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  Madam President.  Mr. President, on Syria, you said yesterday that anything the United States does should make the situation better, not worse.  How long are you prepared to wait to determine whether chemical weapons were used?  What happens when you make your determination?  And will you take your case to the United Nations?  And have you ruled out putting U.S. troops on the ground in Syria?

     PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, first all, I emphasized yesterday, so let me re-emphasize -- we’re not waiting.  We’re not standing by.  We are currently the largest humanitarian donor to deal with the crisis in Syria.  We are the largest contributor of nonlethal aid to the opposition.  We’ve mobilized 80 countries to support the opposition.  We are working to apply every pressure point that we can on Syria, working with our international partners.

     And so we are actively engaged on a day-to-day basis to try to deal with this crisis and to restore a Syria that is respectful of the rights and aspirations of the Syrian people. 

     Now, as I’ve said before, if, in fact, we see strong evidence that we can present and that allows us to say that the Syrian military and the Syrian government is using chemical weapons, then that is a game-changer for us because not only is there the prospect of widespread use of chemical weapons inside of Syria, but there’s the possibility that it lands in the hands of organizations like Hezbollah.

     We have evidence that chemical weapons have been used.  We don't know when, where, or how they were used.  We are initiating on our own to investigate and get a better handle on the facts inside of Syria.  We’re also working with the international community and our partners to try to get a better handle on what’s happening, and we’ve already gone to the United Nations to say we want a full-blown investigation inside of Syria -- so far, for unsurprising reasons, President Assad has resisted.

     We will stay on this.  Now, if, in fact, there’s the kind of systematic use of chemical weapons inside of Syria, we expect that we’re going to get additional further evidence.  And at that point, absolutely we will present that to the international community, because I think this is, again, not just an American problem; this is a world problem.  There are international rules and protocols and norms and ethics.  And when it comes to using chemical weapons, the entire world should be concerned.

     Now, in terms of what that means in terms of American action, keep in mind we’re already taking a whole range of actions.  We’re going to continue to take a whole range of actions.  Separate and apart from the chemical weapon use, we got tens of thousands of people who are being killed inside of Syria and we want to see that stopped -- for humanitarian reasons but also for strategic reasons.

     But in terms of any additional steps that we take, it’s going to be based on, number one, the facts on the ground.  Number two, it’s going to be based on what’s in the interest of the American people and our national security.  And as President of the United States, I’m going to make those decisions based on the best evidence and after careful consultation -- because when we rush into things, when we leap before we look, then not only do we pay a price, but oftentimes we see unintended consequences on the ground.  So it’s important for us to do it right.  And that's exactly what we’re doing right now.


     Q    Good afternoon, President Obama.  Good afternoon, Madam President.  President Obama, 10 years ago you were about to come to the Senate.  Well, 10 years have gone and Central America has lost more than 130,000 lives caused by drugs traffic.  This has been the sacrifice that the region has had because of this problem.  What is the sacrifice that in your four years of government you intend to undertake for this business that feeds on the profit that are produced especially by the consumption in your country?  And if the United States also believes that the best option is to use warships to be able to survey or keep a watch on the seas on the joint anti-narcotic drug war?

     And, Madam President, you have also expressed the values that the government of Costa Rica has with the government of the United States and your point of view with President Obama, for example, on the subject of the international create of weapons -- fire weapons.  You say that President Obama said the time has come to recognize the rights for the homosexual couples of the United States.  When is the time going to come for that in Costa Rica?

     PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, I think all of us recognize the pain and hardship that's been caused by drug trafficking and transnational drug cartels here in Central America.  There’s a cost obviously in the United States as well.  It’s not as if we don't have tragic drug problems throughout the United States.  And when you look at poor communities inside of the United States, including communities in my hometown of Chicago, there are young people who are killed every day as part of the drug trade. 

So this is not a situation where we do not feel the effects. There are common effects, and there are common responsibilities, which is why it’s so important that we work on this on a regional basis. 

     Now, since I’ve been President, we’ve put our money where our mouth is.  I’ve spent -- my administration has spent approximately $30 billion in reducing drug demand in the United States over the last several years.  And we’re actually seeing an impact in terms of reduced demand.  But the United States is a big country and a big market, and so progress sometimes is slower than we’d like it to be.

     There is obviously a role for law enforcement.  I’m not interested in militarizing the struggle against drug trafficking. This is a law enforcement problem.  And if we have effective law enforcement cooperation and coordination, and if we build up capacity for countries in Central America, then we can continue to make progress.

     But the important thing that I’ve tried to emphasize throughout is that this is a common problem.  This is one where we’ll only solve it when we’re working together.  It has adverse effects in all of our countries.  But -- last point I’d make -- I think it’s very important to make sure that our bilateral relationship and the United States relationship with the region as a whole is not solely defined by this problem.  Because when it is, we’re missing all the opportunities that exist out there.

     When I got off the plane I was greeted by Dr. Chang, obviously a well-known scientist here who worked at NASA and is working now on developing a whole new vision for clean energy, and he brought along four young people -- these incredibly talented young people who are in their last year of high school here.  And all of four of them, thanks to some of the good work of our Ambassador and others, will be attending universities in the United States next fall.

     And when you talk to those young people, there’s incredible hope and incredible promise and incredible optimism.  And I don't want every story to be about drug traffickers and nobody is writing a story about those four young people and what they represent in terms of the future of Costa Rica and the future of this region.

     PRESIDENT CHINCHILLA:  Every nation or every society has its own way of evolving towards to the responses that have to be provided to the different demands of the social groups and of the different collectiveness that a country might have.

     And when we analyze the evolution of the different nations, we see how some of them have advance a little more accelerated -- to subjects maybe of commitment towards the environment, in subjects, for example, for the control of some important aspects in the subject of protection of human life, like for example, the the subject of the control of fire weapons.  And others are advancing furthermore in the recognition of certain rights, among them like the one that you have mentioned, the rights of couples of the same sex. 

     The important thing, Alvarro, is that we cannot simply pass on or go beyond the rhythm or the evolution of the debates from one nation to another.  Each one of the nations has its own rhythm.  The important thing here I believe -- and what’s it’s worth here -- is that in Costa Rica the framework precisely of democracy that has characterized us, the debate has to be an open debate, a live debate, an active debate -- a debate like the one that I have in qualifying it that has to take place with the greatest of respect without putting a stigma on the different positions that are brought to the debates that take place in a democracy.

     And only the mature, ripened, seasoned debate will end up giving the result that will have to be given where it has to be given, which is inside the parliament.  So it seems to me that that is what is important, that the debate in Costa Rica is an open debate, a free debate that has to continue as a debate without restrictions.

     That is why I have advocated and restated opportunities in my recent report to the nation that this is a dialogue that has been faced sometimes inconveniently on some positions that take sides.  And as long as this is faced in this way, I think that the advancement is going to be very slow.  I hope and I trust that the debate might really be a much more balanced, much more mature dialogue without putting stigmas on it, and that this might eventually generate a decision in the Congress of the Republic.

     PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Okay, last question, Lisa --

    Q    Thank you, Mr. President.  Senator Leahy is pushing for a bill on recognizing same-sex couples as part of the immigration bill.  Are you concerned at all that that undermines the success of the package?  And given that you made a point throughout your presidency to make clear that you don't think LGTB Americans should be treated any differently, will you sign a bill that will do exactly that?

     And for you, Madam President, is there any concern that the more -- that by creating more stringent immigration standards could hamper the ability of Costa Ricans to emigrate to the U.S.? Thanks.

     PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Lisa, I hope you don't mind, before I answer your question I want to get back to Mark because I realize there was one clause in your question -- sometimes you guys have a lot of clauses in your question -- (laughter) -- that I didn't specifically answer, and I didn't want anybody to extrapolate from that.

     You asked about boots on the ground and whether we’ve ruled boots out on the ground in Syria.  As a general rule, I don't rule things out as Commander-in-Chief because circumstances change and you want to make sure that I always have the full power of the United States at our disposal to meet American national security interests.

     Having said that, I do not foresee a scenario in which boots on the ground in Syria, American boots on the ground in Syria would not only be good for America, but also would be good for Syria.  And by the way, when I consult with leaders in the region who are very much interested in seeing President Assad leave office and stabilizing the situation in Syria, they agree with that assessment. 

     So I just wanted to make sure that my omission there did not turn into a story.

     To your question, Lisa, as I’ve indicated, I’ve got four broad criteria for immigration reform.  I want to make sure that our border is secure and well regulated, in part so that we can get down to the business of smoothing trade and commerce across our borders and creating jobs in the United States, but also making sure that negative actors aren’t able to penetrate the United States.

     Number two, cracking down on employers who are breaking the law.  Number three, making sure we’ve got a legal immigration system that works better, smarter, and so what we can continue to attract the best and the brightest to the United States. 

     And by the way, when it comes to legal immigration, the issue here is not going to be stringency, per se.  The issue is do we make the system more rational, more effective, better.  If there are smart engineers and young people and scientists and students who are looking to emigrate to the United States from Costa Rica, then we want them to know that we’re a nation of immigrants.  But we want to make sure that the legal process is in place so that it’s easier and simpler, but also more effective in managing the legal immigration process.

     And finally, that we’ve got a pathway so that the 11 million or so undocumented workers inside the United States are able to pursue a tough, long, difficult, but fair path to legal status and citizenship. 

So those are my broad-based criteria.  Now, the provision that you’ve discussed that Senator Leahy has talked about is one that I support, and I’ve said in the past that the LGBT community should be treated like everybody else.  That's, to me, the essential, core principle behind our founding documents, the idea that we’re all created equal and that we’re equal before the law, and it’s applied fairly to everybody.

     And so Senator Leahy may present this provision in committee.  It may be presented on the floor.  It will be one of many amendments and provisions that are presented, some of which I’ll support, some of which I’ll think are really bad ideas.  And I think that the general principle for me is are we advancing, are we improving the immigration system -- because ultimately this is an immigration bill.

     And we’ll evaluate the end-product.  I think it’s premature for me to start talking about what I will or will not do before I get a final product since the road is going to be long and bumpy before I finally see an actual bill on my desk.  But I can tell you I think that the provision is the right thing to do.

     I can also tell you that I’m not going to get everything I want in this bill.  Republicans are not going to get everything that they want in this bill.  But if we keep focused on what our main aim is here -- which is creating a smart, effective immigration system that allows us to be a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants -- then we’re going to be in a position to not only improve our economy and what’s happening inside the United States, we’re going to I think have a much stronger relationship with the region and that's going to help enhance our economy and jobs and our growth over the long term.

    And, last point I’ll make, as is true with every bill, if there are things that end up being left out in this bill, or things that I want to take out of a bill, but if it’s meeting those core criteria around a comprehensive immigration bill that I’m looking for, then we go back at it and we fix what’s not there and we continually improve what’s been presented.

     I think that this comprehensive immigration bill has the opportunity to do something historic that we have not done in decades.  But I don't expect that, after we’re finished with it, that people are going to say, there’s not a single problem that we have with our immigration system, any more than is true after any piece of legislation that we pass.

     Well, thank you very much everybody.  Muchas gracias.

     PRESIDENT CHINCHILLA:  Thank you very much.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)

                   END                     5:45 P.M. CST

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The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President to the People of Mexico

Anthropology Museum
Mexico City, Mexico

9:29 A.M. CDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Hola!  (Applause.)  Buenos dias!  Please, please, everybody have a seat.  It is wonderful to be back in México -- lindo y querido.  (Applause.)  I bring with me the greetings and friendship of the people of the United States, including tens of millions of proud Mexican Americans.  (Applause.)
This is my fourth visit to Mexico as President.  This is my second visit to this museum.  And each time that I've come I’ve been inspired by your culture and by the beauty of this land, and most of all, by the Mexican people.  You’ve been so kind and gracious to me.  You’ve welcomed my wife, Michelle, here.  (Applause.)  You’ve welcomed our daughter, Malia, and her classmates to Oaxaca.  And as a proud father, I have to say that Malia’s Spanish is getting very good.  It helps that she’s smarter than I am.
And it’s an honor to be back in Mexico City -- one of the world’s great cities.  Es un placer estar entre amigos.  (Applause.) 

And it’s fitting that we gather at this great museum, which celebrates Mexico’s ancient civilizations and their achievements in arts and architecture, medicine and mathematics.  In modern times, Mexico’s blend of cultures and traditions found its expression in the murals of Rivera and the paintings of Frida, and the poetry of Sor Juana and the essays of Octavio Paz.  And Paz once spoke words that capture the spirit of our gathering here today -- in this place that celebrates your past, but which this morning is filled with so many young people who will shape Mexico’s future.  Octavio Paz said, “Modernity is not outside us, it is within us.  It is today and the most ancient antiquity; it is tomorrow and the beginning of the world; it is a thousand years old and yet newborn.”
And that’s why I wanted this opportunity to speak with all of you today, because you live at the intersection of history that Octavio Paz was referring to.  The young people of Mexico, you honor your heritage, thousands of years old, but you’re also part of something new, a nation that’s in the process of remaking itself.  And as our modern world changes around us, it’s the spirit of young people, your optimism and your idealism, and your willingness to discard old habits that are no longer working that will drive the world forward.
You see the difference between the world as it is and the world as it could to be; between old attitudes that stifle progress and the new thinking that allows us to connect and collaborate across cultures.  And by the way, that includes how we think about the relationship between Mexico and the United States.
Despite all the bonds and the values that we share, despite all the people who claim heritage on both sides, our attitudes sometimes are trapped in old stereotypes.  Some Americans only see the Mexico that is depicted in sensational headlines of violence and border crossings.  And let’s admit it, some Mexicans think that America disrespects Mexico, or thinks that America is trying to impose itself on Mexican sovereignty, or just wants to wall ourselves off.  And in both countries such distortions create misunderstandings that make it harder for us to move forward together.  So I've come to Mexico because I think it’s time for us to put the old mind-sets aside.  It’s time to recognize new realities -- including the impressive progress of today’s Mexico. (Applause.)

It is true that there are Mexicans all across this country who are making courageous sacrifices for the security of your country; that in the countryside and the neighborhoods not far from here, there are those who are still struggling to give their children a better life.  But what’s also clear is that a new Mexico is emerging.

I see it in the deepening of Mexico’s democracy, citizens who are standing up and saying that violence and impunity is not acceptable; a courageous press that’s working to hold leaders accountable; a robust civil society, including brave defenders of human rights who demand dignity and rule of law.  You have political parties that are competing vigorously, but also transferring power peacefully, and forging compromise.  And that's all a sign of the extraordinary progress that's taken place here in Mexico. 

And even though we know the work of perfecting democracy is never finished -- that's true in America, that's true here in Mexico -- you go forward knowing the truth that Benito Juarez once spoke -- “democracy is the destiny of humanity.”  And we are seeing that here in Mexico.  (Applause.)  We're seeing that here in Mexico.   
We're also seeing a Mexico that’s creating new prosperity:  Trading with the world.  Becoming a manufacturing powerhouse -- from Tijuana to Monterrey to Guadalajara and across the central highlands -- a global leader in automobiles and appliances and electronics, but also a center of high-tech innovation, producing the software and the hardware of our digital age.  One man in Querétaro spoke for an increasing number of Mexicans.  “There’s no reason to go abroad in search of a better life.  There are good opportunities here.”  That's what he said, and you are an example of that.
And, in fact, I see a Mexico that’s lifted millions of people from poverty.  Because of the sacrifices of generations, a majority of Mexicans now call themselves middle class, with a quality of life that your parents and grandparents could only dream of.  This includes, by the way, opportunities for women, who are proving that when you give women a chance, they will shape our destiny just as well as men, if not better.  (Applause.)
I also see in Mexico’s youth an empowered generation because of technology.  I think I see some of you tweeting right now -- (laughter) -- what’s happening.  (Laughter.)  And whether it’s harnessing social media to preserve indigenous languages, or speaking up for the future that you want, you’re making it clear that you want your voice heard.  
And because of all the dynamic progress that's taking place here in Mexico, Mexico is also taking its rightful place in the world, on the world stage.  Mexico is standing up for democracy not just here in Mexico but throughout the hemisphere.  Mexico is sharing expertise with neighbors across the Americas.  When they face earthquakes or threats to their citizens, or go to the polls to cast their votes, Mexico is there, helping its neighbors.  Mexico has joined the ranks of the world’s largest economies.  It became the first Latin American nation to host the G20.
Just as Mexico is being transformed, so are the ties between our two countries.  As President, I’ve been guided by a basic proposition -- in this relationship there’s no senior partner or junior partner; we are two equal partners, two sovereign nations. We must work together in mutual interest and mutual respect.  And if we do that both Mexico and the United States will prosper. (Applause.) 
And just as I worked with President Calderón, I’ve reaffirmed with President Peña Nieto that the great partnership between our two countries will not simply continue, it’s going to grow stronger and become broader.  In my time with President Peña Nieto, I’ve come to see his deep commitment to Mexico and its future.  And we share the belief that as leaders our guiding mission is to improve the lives of our people.  And so we agree that the relationship between our nations must be defined not by the threats that we face but by the prosperity and the opportunity that we can create together.  (Applause.) 

Now, as equal partners, both our nations must recognize our mutual responsibilities.  So here in Mexico, you’ve embarked on an ambitious reform agenda to make your economy more competitive and your institutions more accountable to you, the Mexican people.  As you pursue these reforms, I want you to know that you have strong support in the United States.  Because we believe, I believe, that people all around the world deserve the best from their government.  And whether you’re looking for basic services, or trying to start a new business, we share your belief that you should be able to make it through your day without paying a bribe.  And when talented Mexicans like you imagine your future, you should have every opportunity to succeed right here in the country you love.
And in the United States, we recognize our responsibilities.  We understand that much of the root cause of violence that's been happening here in Mexico, for which many so Mexicans have suffered, is the demand for illegal drugs in the United States.  And so we’ve got to continue to make progress on that front.  (Applause.)

I’ve been asked, and I honestly do not believe that legalizing drugs is the answer.  But I do believe that a comprehensive approach -- not just law enforcement, but education and prevention and treatment -- that's what we have to do.  And we’re going to stay at it because the lives of our children and the future of our nations depend on it.
And we also recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.  (Applause.) I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms, and as President I swore an oath to uphold that right and I always will.  But at the same time, as I’ve said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people.  That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do.  (Applause.)  So we’ll keep increasing the pressure on gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico.  We’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong -- behind bars. 

We recognize we’ve got work to do on security issues, but we also recognize our responsibility -- as a nation that believes that all people are created equal -- we believe it’s our responsibility to make sure that we treat one another with dignity and respect.  And this includes recognizing how the United States has been strengthened by the extraordinary contributions of immigrants from Mexico and by Americans of Mexican heritage.  (Applause.)
Mexican Americans enrich our communities, including my hometown of Chicago, where you can walk through neighborhoods like Pilsen, Little Village -- La Villita -- dotted with murals of Mexican patriots.  You can stop at a fonda, you can hear some mariachis, where we are inspired by the deep faith of our peoples at churches like Our Lady of Guadalupe.  We’ve got a Chicagoan in here somewhere.  (Applause.)
And we’re so grateful to Mexican Americans in every segment of our society -- for teaching our children, and running our companies, and serving with honor in our military, and making breakthroughs in science, standing up for social justice.  As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. told Cesar Chavez once, we are “brothers in the fight for equality.”  And, in fact, without the strong support of Latinos, including so many Mexican Americans, I would not be standing today as President of the United States.  (Applause.)  That's the truth.
And so given that is Americas heritage, given that we share a border with Mexico, given ties that run back generations, it is critical that the United States recognize the need to reform our immigration system -- (applause) -- because we are a nation of laws, but we're also a nation of immigrants.  Like every nation we have a responsibility to ensure that our laws are upheld.  But we also know that, as a nation of immigrants, the immigration system we have in the United States right now doesn’t reflect our values.  It separates families when we should be reuniting them. It’s led to millions of people to live in the shadows.  It deprives us of the talents of so many young people -- even though we know that immigrants have always been the engine of our economy, starting some of our greatest companies and pioneering new industries.
That’s one of the reasons I acted to lift the shadow of deportation from what we call the DREAMers -- young people brought to the United States as children.  (Applause.)  And that’s why I’m working with our Congress to pass common-sense immigration reform this year.  (Applause.)  I'm convinced we can get it done.   Reform that continues to strengthen border security and strengthen legal immigration, so citizens don’t have to wait years to bring their families to the United States.  Reform that holds everyone accountable -- so immigrants get on the right side of the law and so immigrants are not exploited and abused.  And most of all, reform that gives millions of undocumented individuals a pathway to earn their citizenship.   And I’m optimistic that -- after years of trying -- we are going to get it done this year.  I'm absolutely convinced of it.  (Applause.) 
Obviously, we’re going to have to work with the Mexican government to make sure that we've got a well-regulated border.  But I also want to work with the Mexican government because I believe that the long-term solution to the challenge of illegal immigration is a growing and prosperous Mexico that creates more jobs and opportunities for young people here.
I agree with the Mexican student who said, “I feel like we can reach the same level as anyone in the world.”  That's absolutely true.  And so I firmly believe -- juntos, podemos lograr más -- together, we can achieve more.  (Applause.)  So with the remainder of my time today, I want to focus on five areas where we can do more.
Number one, let’s do more to expand trade and commerce that creates good jobs for our people.  We already buy more of your exports than any country in the world.  We sell more of our exports to Mexico than we do to Brazil, Russia, India and China combined.  (Applause.)  Mexican companies are investing more in the United States, and we’re the largest foreign investor in Mexico -- because we believe in Mexico and want to be a partner in your success.
So guided by the new economic dialogue that President Peña Nieto and I announced yesterday, let’s do more to unlock the true potential of our relationship.  Let’s keep investing in our roads and our bridges and our border crossings so we can trade faster and cheaper.  Let’s help our smaller businesses, which employ most of our workers, access new markets and new capital -- the big markets right across the border.  Let’s empower our young entrepreneurs as they create startup companies that can transform how we live.  (Applause.)  And let’s realize the Trans-Pacific Partnership this year, so our two nations can compete and win in the fast-growing markets of the Asia Pacific.  If the United States and Mexico are working together, we can sell a whole lot of things on the other side of the Pacific Ocean where the fastest-growing economies are taking off right now.  That's number one.
Number two, let’s not just sell more things to each other, let’s build more things together.  With many of our companies operating in both countries, parts are now being shipped back and forth across the border as they’re assembled.  So every day, U.S. and Mexican workers are building things together -- whether it’s crafts -- or whether it’s cars, or aircraft, or computers, or satellites.
I think this is only the beginning.  Given the skills of our workers, it makes even more sense for companies around the world to set up shop in the United States and set up shop in Mexico.  And as Mexico reforms, we’re going to be able to do more business together and sell more goods around the world.  And the more that our companies collaborate, the more competitive they’ll be.  And the entire hemisphere will benefit because of those links and chains that have been created between our two countries.  
Number three, as we secure our economic future, let’s secure our energy future, including the clean energy that we need to combat climate change.  Our nations are blessed with boundless natural beauty -- from our coastlines and farmlands to your tropical forests.  But climate change is happening.  The science is undeniable.  And so is the fact that our economies must become greener.
In the United States, we’ve made historic commitments to clean and renewable energy like solar and wind power.  We've made a commitment to reduce the emissions of harmful carbon pollution.  And here in Mexico, you’re a leader in cutting carbon emissions and helping developing countries do the same.  So, together, let’s keep building new energy partnerships by harnessing all these new sources, and, by the way, creating the good jobs that come with these new technologies.  And let’s keep investing in green buildings and technologies that make our entire economy more efficient, but also make our planet cleaner and safer for future generations.  (Applause.)
Number four -- and this is part of staying competitive -- let’s do more together in education so our young people have the knowledge and skills to succeed.  (Applause.)  Here in Mexico you’ve made important progress, with more children staying in school longer, and record numbers of students like you getting a university education.  Just imagine how much the students of our two countries could do together, how much we could learn from each other. 

And that’s why President Peña Nieto and I announced a new partnership in higher education -- to encourage more collaboration between our universities and our university students.  (Applause.)  We’re going to focus on science and  technology, on engineering and mathematics.  And this is part of my broader initiative called 100,000 Strong in the Americas.  We want 100,000 students from the United States studying in Latin America, including Mexico.  And we want 100,000 Latin American students, including Mexican students, to come to study in the United States of America.  (Applause.)  Because when we study together, and we learn together, we work together, and we prosper together -- that's what I believe.  (Applause.)
And finally, to help spark prosperity in both out countries, let’s truly invest in innovation, and research and development together.  Here in Mexico, you’re now a global leader in graduating engineers and technicians.  One of Mexico’s leading scientists, Rafael Navarro-González, is helping analyze data from the rover that we landed on Mars.
So, together, let’s remember that every dollar, every peso that we invest in research and development returns so much more to our economies in jobs and opportunity, new products, new services.  That's why I'm calling for us to forge new partnerships in aerospace, and IT, and nanotechnology and biotechnology and robotics.  Let’s answer the hope of a young woman -- a student at the National Polytechnic Institute -- who spoke for many in your generation, so eager to make your mark.  She said, “Give us jobs as creators.”  Give us jobs as creators.

Sometimes young people are known as just consumers of goods, but we want young people creating the new products, the next big thing that will change how we live our lives.  That's the agenda that I want to pursue.  
And I understand that there are those both here in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America, but also back home in the United States, who are skeptical of your progress, who maybe doubt the  capacity for us to make the most of this moment.  There are always cynics who say, aw, this is too hard, the headwinds you face are too stiff.  They say Mexico has been here before we look like we're making progress, we're looking at a bright horizon, on the verge of great possibility, but then we get blown off course.
And it’s true that nothing is inevitable.  Progress and success is never guaranteed.  The future that you dream of, the Mexico you imagine -- it must be built, it must be earned.  Nobody else can do it for you.  Only you can earn it.  You are the future.  As Nervo wrote in “La Raza de Bronce,” tu eres el sueño -- you are the dream.  (Applause.)
For just as it was patriots who answered the call when Father Hidalgo rang the church bell two centuries ago, you -- your lives, in a free Mexico -- are the dream that they imagined.  And now it falls to you to keep alive those virtues for which so many generations of Mexicans struggled.
You are the dream that can stand up for justice and human rights and human dignity, here at home and around the world.  You’re the creators and the builders and the climbers and the strivers who can deliver progress and prosperity that will lift up not just the Mexican people for generations to come, but the entire world.
You’re the men and women who will push this nation upwards as Mexico assumes its rightful place, as you proudly sing: “in heaven your eternal destiny was written by the finger of God.”
You are the dream.  This is your moment.  And as you reach for the future, always remember that you have the greatest of  partners, the greatest if friends -- the nation that is rooting for your success more than anybody else -- your neighbor, the United States of America.  (Applause.)
Viva México!   Viva los Estados Unidos!   Que Dios los bendiga!  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)

9:56 A.M. CDT

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Presidential Proclamation -- National Charter Schools Week, 2013


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America's success in the 21st century depends on what we do today to reignite the true engine of our economic growth: a thriving middle class. Achieving that vision means making sure our education system provides ladders of opportunity for our sons and daughters. We need to equip all our students with the education and skills that put them on the path to good jobs and a bright future -- no matter where they live or what school they attend.

Charter schools play an important role in meeting that obligation. These learning laboratories give educators the chance to try new models and methods that can encourage excellence in the classroom and prepare more of our children for college and careers. In return for this flexibility, we should expect high standards and accountability, and make tough decisions to close charter schools that are underperforming and not improving. But where charter schools demonstrate success and exceed expectations, we should share what they learn with other public schools and replicate those that produce dramatic results. Many charter schools choose to locate in communities with few high-quality educational options, making them an important partner in widening the circle of opportunity for students who need it most.

Our children are ready to write the next great chapter in the American story. As parents and teachers and citizens, it is up to all of us to provide them the tools they need to keep our country moving forward -- from a degree that leads to a good job to the critical thinking skills that make our democracy thrive. This week, we recognize charter schools that are advancing those goals, and we recommit to helping our Nation's children go as far as their talents will take them.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 5 through May 11, 2013, as National Charter Schools Week. I commend our Nation's charter schools, teachers, and administrators, and I call on States and communities to support charter schools and the students they serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

President Obama Signs Minnesota Disaster Declaration

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Minnesota and ordered Federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area affected by a severe winter storm during the period of April 9-11, 2013.

Federal funding is available to state and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and the repair or replacement of facilities damaged by the severe winter storm in the counties of Cottonwood, Jackson, Murray, Nobles, and Rock.

Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide. 

W. Craig Fugate, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security, named Kari Suzann Cowie as the Federal Coordinating Officer for federal recovery operations in the affected area. 

FEMA said additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the state and warranted by the results of further damage assessments.

President Obama Reaffirms the United States-Mexico Relationship

President Barack Obama greets President Peña Nieto of Mexico at the Palacio Nacional

President Barack Obama greets President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico at the Palacio Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico, May 2, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

On the first day of his trip to Mexico and Costa Rica, President Obama was in Mexico City for meetings and a joint press conference with President Peña Nieto.

The two leaders, who first met in Washington, DC last November, discussed the broad range of issues that bind our nations and affect the daily lives of citizens in both countries, and renewed their commitment to a strong relationship between the United States and Mexico.

President Barack Obama participates in a press conference with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico

President Barack Obama participates in a press conference with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico at the Palacio Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico, May 2, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

While working together to confront urgent challenges like security, “we can’t lose sight of the larger relationship between our peoples, including the promise of Mexico’s economic progress,” President Obama said. “I believe we’ve got a historic opportunity to foster even more cooperation, more trade, more jobs on both sides of the border, and that’s the focus of my visit.”