The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:

• Nanci E. Langley – Commissioner, Postal Regulatory Commission
• Howard A. Shelanski – Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget

President Obama said, “Our nation will be greatly served by the talent and expertise these individuals bring to their new roles.  I am grateful they have agreed to serve in this Administration, and I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead.”

President Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:

Nanci E. Langley, Nominee for Commissioner, Postal Regulatory Commission
Nanci E. Langley is currently a Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory Commission, a position she has held since 2008.  She has served as Vice Chairman twice, most recently in 2012.  Previously, Ms. Langley was Director of the Office of Public Affairs & Government Relations at the Postal Regulatory Commission from 2007 to 2008.  She served from 1999 to 2007 as Deputy Staff Director of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs’ Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia.  From 1990 to 1999, she served as a Senior Legislative Assistant in U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka’s office, and was Communications Director for U.S. Senator Spark Matsunaga from 1983 to 1990.  Ms. Langley received a B.A. from the University of Southern California.

Howard A. Shelanski, Nominee for Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget
Howard A. Shelanski is the Director of the Bureau of Economics at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a position he has held since 2012.  Mr. Shelanski is currently on leave from the Georgetown University Law Center, where he has been a professor since 2011.  From 2011 to 2012, he was also Of Counsel to the law firm Davis, Polk & Wardwell.  Prior to this, he was the Deputy Director for Antitrust in the FTC's Bureau of Economics from 2009 to 2011.  Before joining the FTC, Mr. Shelanski was on the faculty at the University of California at Berkeley from 1997 to 2009.  He served as Chief Economist of the Federal Communications Commission from 1999 to 2000 and as Senior Economist for the President's Council of Economic Advisers at the White House from 1998 to 1999.  He was an associate with Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd & Evans from 1995 to 1997.  He served as a clerk for Justice Antonin G. Scalia of the United States Supreme Court, for Judge Louis H. Pollak of the U.S. District Court in Philadelphia, and for Judge Stephen F. Williams of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.  Mr. Shelanski received a B.A. from Haverford College, and a J.D. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Background Conference Call by White House Official on Syria

Via Telephone

1:23 P.M. EDT

MS. HAYDEN:  Hi, guys.  Thank you very much for joining on what I know is short notice, but we wanted to have an opportunity to provide you with a little bit of context to the letters you've seen that were sent today from the White House's Director of the Office of Legislative Affairs, Miguel Rodriguez.  Those letters were to Senator McCain and Senator Levin.  You've probably also seen Secretary Hagel's comments, and we just wanted to give an opportunity to answer some questions.

This call is on background attributable to a White House official.  With that, I'll turn it over to your unnamed official to go ahead and get started, and then we'll take some questions. 

WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL:  Thanks, Caitlin.  I'll just say a few introductory comments. 

You all presumably have the letter that was sent up to the Hill; if you need it we can provide that.  The letter was in response to a letter that was sent to the President yesterday, April 24th, from Senator McCain, Senator Levin, Senator Corker, Senator Menendez, Senator Chambliss, Senator Ayotte, Senator Casey and Senator Graham.  And the question that was posed in that letter was:  Has the Assad regime or Syrian elements associated with or supported by the Assad regime used chemical weapons in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011? 

I'll just highlight a few parts of the letter by way of opening, and then take your questions.  What I will say is, for some time now, as you know, the President has directed the government to closely monitor the potential use of chemical weapons within Syria.  Given our concern that as the situation deteriorated and the regime became more desperate, they may use some of their significant stockpiles of chemical weapons.

What we say in the letter is that our intelligence community does assess with varying degrees of confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically the chemical agent sarin.  This assessment is based in part on physiological samples.  Our standard of evidence must build on these intelligence assessments as we seek to establish credible and corroborated facts.  For example, the chain of custody is not clear, so we cannot confirm how the exposure occurred and under what conditions. 

We go on to reaffirm that the President has set a clear red line as it relates to the United States that the use of chemical weapons or the transfer of chemical weapons to terrorist groups is a red line that is not acceptable to us, nor should it be to the international community.  It's precisely because we take this red line so seriously that we believe there is an obligation to fully investigate any and all evidence of chemical weapons use within Syria.

We are currently pressing for a comprehensive U.N. investigation that can credibly evaluate the evidence and establish what took place in association with these reports of the use of chemical weapons.  At the same time as that U.N. investigation is underway -- and we're seeking to make it more comprehensive -- we're also working with our friends and allies as well as the Syrian opposition to procure, share and evaluate additional information associated with reports of use of chemical weapons so that we can establish the facts. 

And I think the point here is that given the stakes involved, given how serious the situation is, and what we have learned, frankly, from our own recent experience, intelligence assessments are not alone sufficient.  Only credible and corroborated facts that provide us with some degree of certainty can then guide our decision-making and inform our leadership of the international community.

So with that, I'll move to take your questions.

Q    Thanks so much for doing the call, and thank you for your service.  Secretary Kerry told lawmakers today that the intelligence assessments referenced, with various degrees of confidence, two instances of chemical weapons use inside Syria.  Were these the two alleged uses in Damascus and Aleppo in March?  Or was this also the alleged use in Homs in December?  And do you believe that President Obama's red line has been crossed?

WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL:  Thanks for the question, Josh.  Let me just say a number of things.  I don't want to speak in detail about intelligence assessments, because portions of them, of course, are classified and the intelligence community is best positioned to characterize in detail their assessments.  I will say, for instance, the incident in Aleppo that you referenced, in March, was one of the reports that we've been following up on, and in fact was a precipitating factor in the call for the U.N. investigation.  And, in fact, the Syrian government itself said that they would support a U.N. investigation.  What we've made clear is that U.N. investigation needs to be comprehensive.  It needs to look into all reports of chemical weapons use, and it needs to have credible access in order to ascertain exactly what took place. 

As relates to the numbers of incidents, I won't go beyond what Secretary Kerry said.  Again, what we are saying is that the intelligence community does assess, with varying degrees of confidence, that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria.  And we'll continue to seek to gather additional facts associated with that assessment.

On your red line question, it is absolutely the case that the President's red line is the use of chemical weapons or the transfer of chemical weapons to terrorist groups.  However, I also want to underscore that given how important this issue is and how important these decisions are, our standard of evidence has to build on these intelligence assessments.  So the intelligence assessments inform our decision-making.  We want to continue to investigate above and beyond those intelligence assessments to gather facts so that we can establish a credible and corroborated set of information that can then inform our decision-making. 

So currently, again, we have benefited from a lot of rigorous intelligence work.  That intelligence work is based on a mosaic of information.  There is evidence associated with that, including physiological samples.  At the same time, we believe it's necessary to continue to investigate to corroborate that information and to have a strong, firm, evidentiary basis for the way in which we consult our friends and allies in the international community on this issue and the way in which the President will ultimately makes decisions.

So we are continuing to do further work to establish a definitive judgment as to whether or not the red line has been crossed and to inform our decision-making about what to do next.

Q    Just a point of clarification on the last -- you said you need a better or a strong, firm, evidentiary basis to do what exactly?  I mean, what is on the table here, both with your allies and, as you said, for the presidential decision?  What are the range of those options?

WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL:  Sure.  Thanks for the question.  So, as you know, we currently have a number of lines of effort in Syria, ranging from our humanitarian assistance to our significantly-increasing, nonlethal support to the opposition.  At the same time, though, the President has tasked that there be a full range of options for him to consider for additional action in Syria. 

And if, again, we reach a definitive determination that this red line has been crossed based on credible, corroborated information, what we will be doing is consulting closely with our friends and allies in the international community more broadly, as well as the Syrian opposition, to determine what the best course of action is.

I don't want to get into those hypotheticals at this juncture, but suffice it to say all options are on the table in terms of our response, and it could run a broad spectrum of activity across our various lines of effort in Syria, which already include diplomatic initiatives, already include assistance to the opposition.  But again, at the President's direction, there are additional options and contingencies that we prepared for that we would have to consider as we make a determination about chemical weapons use.

Q    Thank you so much.  Senator McCain has called on the White House to establish a safe zone for Syrian civilians.  In light of this new evidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons, would the White House consider that?  And my second question is, the President has called on President Assad to step down.  He said that he lost his legitimacy.  Who does he hold responsible in this incident in terms of using chemical weapons?  Is still President Assad responsible for that?  Thank you.

WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL:  Sure, let me just take the second question first.  As we say in the letter, we believe -- the United States intelligence community assesses that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons, again, with varying degrees of confidence.  At the same time, we're seeking to establish additional facts associated with that assessment.  We reference the chain of custody, so in terms of our efforts to confirm how the exposure occurred and under what conditions it occurred.

What we also say is that we believe that any use of chemical weapons in Syria would very likely have originated with the Assad regime.  We believe that the Assad regime maintains custody of chemical weapons within Syria, and we believe that they have repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to escalate their use of violence against the Syrian people.  So we are very skeptical that the reports of use of chemical weapons could be attributed to anyone other than the Assad regime in Syria given our belief that they remain in custody of those chemical weapons.

We've also made it clear that President Assad, as the leader of the Assad regime, is ultimately responsible for the security of those chemical weapons and responsible for ensuring that they are not used.  So ultimately, he is accountable for any use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime.  And President Assad and those around him should know that the world is going to continue to carefully monitor this issue and bring forward information as we have it and as we are doing today, and that ultimately, if it is established in a credible and confirmable way that there was a use of chemical weapons by the regime, we do believe that President Assad is ultimately accountable for that action.

With respect to the option that you referenced from Senator McCain, I don't want to get into a specific hypothetical scenario beyond saying that we will consummately have prepared contingency planning for different scenarios in Syria.  I think the military has spoken to the fact that they do prudent planning in terms of preparing a range of options for different contingencies.  But what we will ultimately do is going to be informed by what we believe is going to make the greatest difference.  And that is a judgment that we want to reach not just by ourselves, but in close coordination and consultation with other countries -- beginning with our close allies, countries like the British and the French, who have closely worked with us on this issue of chemical weapons and on the issue of Syria more generally; also the countries in the region that we've been working very closely with -- Turkey, our Gulf partners, Jordan.

So this will be a process in which we not only seek to evaluate and confirm instances of use of chemical weapons, but as it relates to our response, we'll be reviewing our own contingency planning.  But we'll also be in close consultations with our friends and allies as well.

Q    Secretary Hagel had indicated that this conclusion, these assessments had been reached in the past 24 hours.  Could you talk to us about what happened in the last 24 hours and whether you saw any change in the situations at Syrian chemical weapons depots?  And also, just to clarify on your answer on Aleppo, you had said that that was one of the incidents the U.S. had been following up on.  Did you mean that that is one of the two incidents that Kerry was referencing? 

WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL:  First of all, I don't want to confirm any particular incident as being confirmed at this point, given the fact that these are intelligence assessments and they're based on a broad range of information -- some of it classified.  What I was confirming is that the incident in Aleppo is one that prompted further investigation and we believe merits further investigation.

With respect to your other question --

MS. HAYDEN:  Margaret, this is Caitlin.  Can you just repeat the other part of your question please?

WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL:  Oh, it was Hagel, sorry, yes.  So with respect to Secretary Hagel’s comment about the last 24 hours, the way I’d characterize that, Margaret, is that we are constantly reviewing our intelligence as it relates to chemical weapons.  We have been doing so for several months.

I would also note that we are the ones who often raise the profile of the issue of chemical weapons precisely because we saw things that were concerning to us within Syria.  And as we made clear in the letter, we raise those issues publically, we raise those issues privately in seeking to deter the use of chemical weapons.

As a part of that process, we also continually kept Congress informed of our assessments of chemical weapons and our efforts to investigate reports of the use of chemical weapons.  In the last 24 hours, a determination was made to respond to the letter that we received from the several senators on an unclassified basis. 

Given the fact that we have been developing additional information within our intelligence community and given the fact that we want to be responsive to Congress, to the international community and the American people on these issues, we felt it was the right and prudent thing to do to respond in an unclassified form to this letter.  So we took that decision last night, and the letter was delivered to Capitol Hill this morning.

As you also have no doubt seen, we were briefing the Congress on this issue as well today in our commitment to keep them fully informed.  So these are constantly updated intelligence assessments.  They evolve over time as we gather more information.  And the decision that was made in the last 24 hours was to finalize the assessment that we would provide, both in terms of our briefing to members of Congress today, but also in terms of deciding to respond to this letter in an unclassified fashion.

Q    Thanks for doing the call.  In Congress, Republicans and Democrats -- the Democrat, Dianne Feinstein, just put out a statement -- appear to believe that a red line has been crossed.  And Dianne Feinstein said if action isn’t taken now, the Syrian regime will see that there’s no sanction to even limited use of chemical weapons.  To what degree is the administration sensitive to the charge -- both leveled by members of Congress and a fear that is within the Syrian opposition -- that if nothing is done now, the Syrian regime, desperate, will only escalate its use of chemical weapons because nothing is being done after proof positive has been determined -- at least by several governments, and partially by ours -- and that the situation is so chaotic in Syria right now that the credible and collaborative or corroborative evidence standard the administration sets can never be reached?

WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL:  Thanks for the question, Major.  Let me just say a few things.  First of all, we’re already doing a significant amount in Syria, and we recently doubled our assistance to the opposition, including direct assistance to the Syrian military coalition on the ground.  So we have now $250 million worth of nonlethal assistance.  Again, that will include direct support to the people who are fighting on the ground as it relates to things like meals, medical equipment, body armor and things that are directly relevant to their efforts.  And we also have over $400 million in humanitarian assistance that we’re deploying and delivering into Syria as well -- as well as dealing with the refugee crisis in neighboring countries.

With respect to your question on chemical weapons, I would say that we are the ones who took the determination to come forward with our assessment as it stands today, just as we have consistently raised the profile of the issue of chemical weapons.

The other countries that you reference, I think if you were to ask them, they’ll speak for themselves, but they are very much in the same position that we are in assessing that there is evidence of the use of chemical weapons, but there needs to be further investigation so that there is a clear, corroborated and credible basis for the decisions that we need to make.

So again, it’s precisely because we take the red line seriously that we feel like there needs to be clear, factual, evidentiary basis for our decisions.  And we will be continuing that investigation.  And frankly, we feel like even with the chaotic situation in Syria, there are ways for us to establish the facts.

Now, the simplest way is for the U.N. investigation to have the access that it needs to do a credible investigation, and that means people being able to get in on the ground and do the evaluations necessary. 

But even without that investigation, we're already working with the Syrian opposition, who can help us in corroborating reports and gathering evidence.  We're working with other countries, like the British, for instance, who are also undertaking their own investigations and gathering their own information.  So we are also capable of collecting further information, evaluating that information and presenting it to the public. 

But I would say that given our own history with intelligence assessments, including intelligence assessments related to weapons of mass destruction, it's very important that we are able to establish this with certainty and that we are able to present information that is airtight in a public and credible fashion to underpin all of our decision-making.  That is I think the threshold that is demanded given how serious this issue is.

But I think nobody should have any mistake about what our red line is.  It is when we firmly establish that there has been chemical weapons use within Syria, that is not acceptable to the United States, nor is the transfer of chemical weapons to terrorist organizations.  And the people in Syria and the Assad regime should know that the President means what he says when he set that red line.  And keep in mind, he is the one who laid down that marker.  He's the one who directed that we provide this information to the public.  And he's the one who directed that we do everything we can to further investigate this information so that we can establish in credible, corroborated, factual basis what exactly took place.

Q    Two questions.  One, could you give us any more detail on the physiological samples?  Are we talking about soil samples, some other form of material?  And secondly, on the question coming up, what Major asked earlier -- if you're having to wait until you establish this comprehensive case, this evidentiary case you talked about, is there a risk that Assad, who has kind of ratcheted up the use of weapons steadily throughout this war, might feel emboldened to take it to the next level?  I mean, if this is something that’s going to take you weeks or even months to establish definitively, isn't there a risk that Assad will somehow see that as a pretext to go even further in his use of weapons?

WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL:  On your first question, I don’t want to get into the details of the physiological evidence because it's still rooted in intelligence gathering.  The fact is these assessments, which the intelligence community can speak to, are based on a broad mosaic of information.  Some of it is physiological. 

The point I'd make that's relevant here to our follow-through is that we do have the ability to gather that type of information, precisely because we are working with countries in the region and we're working with the Syrian opposition.  So we continually gather that type of evidence ourselves.  We do believe that the United Nations should have more direct access into Syria to form a credible investigation of their own.  But in the interim, we're also going to continue to work with our friends and allies in the opposition to gather as much evidence as we can.

With respect to your second question, I think what the Assad regime needs to know is that we are watching this incredibly closely.  And just the fact that we were able to establish the assessments that we already have collected points to how closely we are monitoring chemical weapons within Syria.  Were he to undertake any additional use, he would be doing so under very careful monitoring from us and the international community. 

With respect to the reports of use already, we are already gathering facts associated with those reports so we can establish the type of evidentiary basis that I spoke about.  So I think the message to the Syrian regime should be perfectly clear, even with what we are doing today, which is that we are going to be methodical, rigorous and relentless in gathering the relevant information and putting it together so we can establish exactly what happened around these reports of chemical weapons use.  And if there are any additional reports, we're similarly going to be following through on those as well, and we're going to be doing so in the context where the entire world, the international community, is focused on this issue.

So there should be no mistaking our determination not just to get to the bottom of these reports, but to send a message that as we establish the facts here and as we continue to stick to a red line that makes clear that the use of chemical weapons is unacceptable to us, the United States of America is committed to following through on what the President said, which is that Bashar al-Assad and his regime will be held accountable for these types of actions.  And I think we're joined by other like-minded friends and allies who share that view.

Q    Can you tell us whether the physiological samples that you received are associated with any deaths?

WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL:  I don't want to get into the details of the physiological samples, just because they're rooted ultimately in intelligence.  What I will say is that as we have a mosaic of information that informs our intelligence judgments, we also have a capability to gather this type of evidence.  And that's an ongoing process that's underway. 

And we're not the only ones who are engaged in that effort.  We're able to speak to the Syrian opposition, for instance, in our efforts to corroborate this information.  So this information picture continues to fill in.  That's what informed the letter that was delivered to the Hill today.  And that's what will inform our continued efforts to establish the facts of what happened associated with these reports of chemical weapons use, and associated with the broader challenge of chemical weapons in Syria in general.

I'll just conclude by saying that we, number one, will continue to be deeply engaged in the situation in Syria.  And I think you've already seen the upward trajectory of our assistance and our contact with the opposition as representative of our commitment to bring about a transition in Syria.  The President has been consulting with other leaders.  He had the Emir of Qatar here the other day.  We have King Abdullah coming here shortly.  So we have an ongoing set of consultations about Syria already on chemical weapons.  We'll continue to provide information to Congress and the public as we gather it. 

And that's I think what you see today with the effort to be transparent with what we know, which is reflected fully in the letter that was delivered and the briefings that have been delivered on the Hill.  And so we'll continue to keep people informed going forward as this situation develops. 

1:49 P.M. EDT

President Obama Speaks at a Memorial Service for West, Texas

April 25, 2013 | 16:20 | Public Domain

President Obama delivers remarks at a memorial service for the victims of the explosion in West, Texas.

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Remarks by the President at Memorial Service -- Waco, TX

University of Baylor
Waco, Texas

3:54 P.M. CDT

THE PRESIDENT:   Thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you so much.  Thank you.  Please.  Thank you, Senator Cornyn, Governor Perry, President Starr, gathered dignitaries, the community of Baylor and Waco -- most of all, the family and the friends and neighbors of West, Texas.

I cannot match the power of the voices you just heard on that video.  And no words adequately describe the courage that was displayed on that deadly night.  What I can do is offer the love and support and prayers of the nation. 

The Book of Psalms tells us, “For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us.  We went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance.  “We went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance."

For this state, for our country, these have been trying and difficult days.  We gather here in Texas to mourn the brave men who went through fire and all those who have been taken from us.  We remain mindful of our fellow Americans in flooded states to the north who endure the high waters.  We pray for those in Boston who have been tested, and the wounded whose greatest tests still lie ahead.

But know this:  While the eyes of the world may have been fixed on places far away, our hearts have also been here in your time of tribulation.  And even amidst such sorrow and so much pain, we recognize God’s abundance.  We give thanks for the courage and the compassion and the incredible grace of the people of West.

We're grateful for Mayor Muska and Mayor Duncan, and all those who have shown such leadership during this tragedy.  And to the families and neighbors grappling with unbearable loss, we are here to say, you are not alone.  You are not forgotten.  We may not all live here in Texas, but we're neighbors, too.  (Applause.)  We're Americans, too, and we stand with you, and we do not forget.  And we'll be there even after the cameras leave and after the attention turns elsewhere.  Your country will remain ever ready to help you recover and rebuild and reclaim your community.  (Applause.)

Until last week, I think it’s fair to say that few outside this state had ever heard of West.  And I suspect that’s the way most people in West like it.  (Laughter and applause.)  Now, it is true that weary travelers, and now the wider world, know they can rely on the Czech Stop for a brief respite in the middle of a long stretch of highway.  I want to say, by the way, all the former Presidents in Dallas send their thoughts and prayers, and George W. and Laura Bush spoke longingly about the kolaches -- (laughter) -- and the even better company, as they’ve driven through West.  And what they understand, and what all of you understand, is what makes West special is not the attention coming from far-flung places.  What makes West special, what puts it on the map is what makes it familiar:  The people who live there.  The neighbors you can count on.  Places that haven’t changed.  Things that are solid and true and lasting.

Most of the people in West know everybody in West.  Many of you are probably descended from those first settlers -- hardy immigrants who crossed an ocean and kept on going.  So for you, there’s no such thing as a stranger.  When someone is in need, you reach out to them and you support them, and you do what it takes to help them carry on.

That’s what happened last Wednesday, when a fire alarm sounded across a quiet Texas evening.  As we’ve heard, the call went out to volunteers -- not professionals -- people who just love to serve.  People who want to help their neighbors.  A call went out to farmers and car salesmen; and welders and funeral home directors; the city secretary and the mayor.  It went out to folks who are tough enough and selfless enough to put in a full day’s work and then be ready for more. 

And together, you answered the call.  You dropped your schoolwork, left your families, jumped in fire trucks, and rushed to the flames.  And when you got to the scene, you forgot fear and you fought that blaze as hard as you could, knowing the danger, buying time so others could escape.  And then, about 20 minutes after the first alarm, the earth shook, and the sky went dark -- and West changed forever.

Today our prayers are with the families of all who we’ve lost -- the proud sons and daughters of West whose memories will live on in our hearts.  Parents who loved their kids, and leaders who served their communities.  They were young and old, from different backgrounds and different walks of life.  A few were just going about their business.  An awful lot ran towards the scene of disaster trying to help.  One was described as the kind of guy whose phone was always ringing with folks in need of help -- help he always provided.  That’s just who these folks were.

Our thoughts are with those who face a long road -- the wounded, the heartbroken, the families who lost their homes and possessions in an instant.  They’re going to need their friends in West, but they’re also going to need their friends in Texas, and their friends all across this country.  They’ll still need you to answer that call.  They will need those things that are lasting and true.  For, as Scripture teaches us, “a friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” 

To the people of West, just as we’ve seen the love you share in better times, as friends and brothers and sisters, these hard days have shown your ability to stand tall in times of unimaginable adversity.

You saw it in leaders like Mayor Muska, who lost close friends.  And you saw it in the hospital staff who spent the night treating people that they knew -- toiling through their tears as they did what had to be done.

We saw it in the folks who helped evacuate an entire nursing home, including one man who drove an elderly resident to safety and then came back to do it again, twice. 

We saw it in the people so generous that when the Red Cross set up a shelter for folks who couldn’t go back to their homes, not that many people showed up, because most had already been offered a place to stay with their friends and family and neighbors

Complete strangers drove from hundreds of miles to donate supplies.  Firefighters from surrounding communities manned the stations so surviving volunteers could recover from their wounds.  Right here at Baylor, students stood in line for hours to give blood.  And a nearby school district opened its doors to the students who can’t go back to their classrooms, putting welcome signs on lockers and in the hallways.

So that's the thing about this tragedy.  This small town’s family is bigger now.  It extends beyond the boundaries of West.  And in the days ahead, this love and support will be more important than ever, because there will be moments of doubt and pain and the temptation to wonder how this community will ever fully recover.  And the families who have lost such remarkable men of the sort that we saw in that video, there are going to be times where they simply don't understand how this could have happened. 

 But today I see in the people of West, in your eyes, that what makes West special isn't going to go away.  And instead of changing who you are, this tragedy has simply revealed who you’ve always been.

It’s the courage of Deborah Sulak, who works as a cashier just around the corner from the fire station.  She said, “It’s going to be tough for the families.  But we’re going to rebound because we’re fighters.”  And that courage will bring West back.  (Applause.)

It’s the love of Carla Ruiz, who used to live in West but now lives in Austin.  And last week, she drove all the way back.  “I had to be here,” she said.  “You have to be here for family.”  That love will keep West going. 

It’s the faith of someone like Pastor John Crowder that will sustain the good people of West for as long as it takes.  His church was damaged in the explosion.  So on Sunday, the congregation assembled outside.  “What happened Wednesday was awful,” he told them.  “But God is bigger than all of this.”  (Applause.)  God is bigger than all of this and he is here with you in West.  He is bigger than all of this and he is here with you.    

Going forward, it’s not just your town that needs your courage and your love and your faith.  America does, too.  We need towns where if you don’t know what your kids are up to, then chances are your neighbors do too, and they'll tell on those kids in a second.  (Laughter.)  America needs towns that holds fundraisers to help folks pay the medical bills and then take the time to drop off a home-cooked meal, because they know a family is under stress.  America needs communities where there’s always somebody to call if your car gets stuck or your house gets flooded.  We need people who so love their neighbors as themselves that they’re willing to lay down their lives for them.

America needs towns like West.  (Applause.)  That’s what makes this country great, is towns like West.  “For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us.  We went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance.”

You have been tested, West.  You have been tried.  You have gone through fire.  But you are and always will be surrounded by an abundance of love.  You saw it in the voices on those videos.  You see it in the firefighters and first responders who are here.  (Applause.)  All across America, people are praying for you and thinking of you.  And when they see the faces of those families, they understand that these are not strangers -- these are neighbors.  And that’s why we know that we will get through this. 

God bless West.  (Applause.)  May God grant His peace on those that we’ve lost, His comfort to their families.  May He continue to bless this great state of Texas, and may He continue to bless these United States of America.

                        END                4:11 P.M. CDT

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President Obama Speaks at the Dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library

April 25, 2013 | 8:26 | Public Domain

President Obama delivers remarks at the dedication ceremony of the George W. Bush Presidential Library.

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Remarks by President Obama at Dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library

Bush Presidential Center
Dallas, Texas

10:42 A.M. CDT

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Thank you so much.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Please be seated.  To President Bush and Mrs. Bush; to President Clinton and now-former Secretary Clinton; to President George H.W. Bush and Mrs. Bush; to President and Mrs. Carter; to current and former world leaders and all the distinguished guests here today -- Michelle and I are honored to be with you to mark this historic occasion.

This is a Texas-sized party.  And that’s worthy of what we’re here to do today:  honor the life and legacy of the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush. 

When all the living former Presidents are together, it’s also a special day for our democracy.  We’ve been called “the world’s most exclusive club” -- and we do have a pretty nice clubhouse.  But the truth is, our club is more like a support group.  The last time we all got together was just before I took office.  And I needed that.  Because as each of these leaders will tell you, no matter how much you may think you’re ready to assume the office of the presidency, it’s impossible to truly understand the nature of the job until it’s yours, until you’re sitting at that desk. 

And that’s why every President gains a greater appreciation for all those who served before him; for the leaders from both parties who have taken on the momentous challenges and felt the enormous weight of a nation on their shoulders.  And for me, that appreciation very much extends to President Bush.

The first thing I found in that desk the day I took office was a letter from George, and one that demonstrated his compassion and generosity.  For he knew that I would come to learn what he had learned -- that being President, above all, is a humbling job.  There are moments where you make mistakes.  There are times where you wish you could turn back the clock.  And what I know is true about President Bush, and I hope my successor will say about me, is that we love this country and we do our best. 

Now, in the past, President Bush has said it’s impossible to pass judgment on his presidency while he’s still alive.  So maybe this is a little bit premature.  But even now, there are certain things that we know for certain.

We know about the son who was raised by two strong, loving parents in Midland, famously inheriting, as he says, “my daddy’s eyes and my mother’s mouth.”  (Laughter.)  The young boy who once came home after a trip to a museum and proudly presented his horrified mother with a small dinosaur tailbone he had smuggled home in his pocket.  (Laughter.)  I’ll bet that went over great with Barbara.

We know about the young man who met the love of his life at a dinner party, ditching his plans to go to bed early and instead talking with the brilliant and charming Laura Welch late into the night. 

We know about the father who raised two remarkable, caring, beautiful daughters, even after they tried to discourage him from running for President, saying, “Dad, you’re not as cool as you think you are.”  (Laughter.)  Mr. President, I can relate.  (Laughter.)  And now we see President Bush the grandfather, just beginning to spoil his brand-new granddaughter. 

So we know President Bush the man.  And what President Clinton said is absolutely true -- to know the man is to like the man, because he’s comfortable in his own skin.  He knows who he is.  He doesn’t put on any pretenses.  He takes his job seriously, but he doesn’t take himself too seriously.  He is a good man.

But we also know something about George Bush the leader.  As we walk through this library, obviously we’re reminded of the incredible strength and resolve that came through that bullhorn as he stood amid the rubble and the ruins of Ground Zero, promising to deliver justice to those who had sought to destroy our way of life. 

We remember the compassion that he showed by leading the global fight against HIV/AIDS and malaria, helping to save millions of lives and reminding people in some of the poorest corners of the globe that America cares and that we’re here to help.

We remember his commitment to reaching across the aisle to unlikely allies like Ted Kennedy, because he believed that we had to reform our schools in ways that help every child learn, not just some; that we have to repair a broken immigration system; and that this progress is only possible when we do it together.

Seven years ago, President Bush restarted an important conversation by speaking with the American people about our history as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.  And even though comprehensive immigration reform has taken a little longer than any of us expected, I am hopeful that this year, with the help of Speaker Boehner and some of the senators and members of Congress who are here today, that we bring it home -- for our families, and our economy, and our security, and for this incredible country that we love.  And if we do that, it will be in large part thanks to the hard work of President George W. Bush.  (Applause.)

And finally, a President bears no greater decision and no more solemn burden than serving as Commander-in-Chief of the greatest military that the world has ever known.  As President Bush himself has said, “America must and will keep its word to the men and women who have given us so much."  So even as we Americans may at times disagree on matters of foreign policy, we share a profound respect and reverence for the men and women of our military and their families.  And we are united in our determination to comfort the families of the fallen and to care for those who wear the uniform of the United States.  (Applause.) 

On the flight back from Russia, after negotiating with Nikita Khrushchev at the height of the Cold War, President Kennedy's secretary found a small slip of paper on which the President had written a favorite saying:  "I know there is a God.  And I see a storm coming.  If he has a place for me, I believe I am ready." 

No one can be completely ready for this office.  But America needs leaders who are willing to face the storm head on, even as they pray for God's strength and wisdom so that they can do what they believe is right.  And that’s what the leaders with whom I share this stage have all done.  That’s what President George W. Bush chose to do.  That’s why I'm honored to be part of today's celebration.

Mr. President, for your service, for your courage, for your sense of humor, and, most of all, for your love of country, thank you very much.  From all the citizens of the United States of America, God bless you.  And God bless these United States.  (Applause.) 

10:50 A.M. CDT

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President Obama Participates in the Dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library

President Obama with former Presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter, at the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library, April 25, 2013

President Barack Obama stands with former Presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter, at the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum in Dallas, Tex., April 25, 2013. Former First Ladies Laura Bush, left, and Hillary Rodham Clinton, right, are also pictured. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

President and Mrs. Obama were in Dallas today for the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library. It was an historic occasion that brought all the living former Presidents --  Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush -- together for the first time since right before President Obama took office in 2009. They were joined by former First Ladies Roslyn Carter, Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton (also a former Secretary of State, as President Obama noted) and Laura Bush.

In his remarks, President Obama highlighted the special bond that connects our past presidents, and said that despite disagreement on matters of foreign policy, all of the men on the stage with him shared "a profound respect and reverence for the men and women of our military and their families. And we are united in our determination to comfort the families of the fallen and to care for those who wear the uniform of the United States."

Related Topics: Texas

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by President Obama at Dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library

Bush Presidential Center
Dallas, Texas

10:42 A.M. CDT

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Thank you so much.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Please be seated.  To President Bush and Mrs. Bush; to President Clinton and now-former Secretary Clinton; to President George H.W. Bush and Mrs. Bush; to President and Mrs. Carter; to current and former world leaders and all the distinguished guests here today -- Michelle and I are honored to be with you to mark this historic occasion.

This is a Texas-sized party.  And that’s worthy of what we’re here to do today:  honor the life and legacy of the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush. 

When all the living former Presidents are together, it’s also a special day for our democracy.  We’ve been called “the world’s most exclusive club” -- and we do have a pretty nice clubhouse.  But the truth is, our club is more like a support group.  The last time we all got together was just before I took office.  And I needed that.  Because as each of these leaders will tell you, no matter how much you may think you’re ready to assume the office of the presidency, it’s impossible to truly understand the nature of the job until it’s yours, until you’re sitting at that desk. 

And that’s why every President gains a greater appreciation for all those who served before him; for the leaders from both parties who have taken on the momentous challenges and felt the enormous weight of a nation on their shoulders.  And for me, that appreciation very much extends to President Bush.

The first thing I found in that desk the day I took office was a letter from George, and one that demonstrated his compassion and generosity.  For he knew that I would come to learn what he had learned -- that being President, above all, is a humbling job.  There are moments where you make mistakes.  There are times where you wish you could turn back the clock.  And what I know is true about President Bush, and I hope my successor will say about me, is that we love this country and we do our best. 

Now, in the past, President Bush has said it’s impossible to pass judgment on his presidency while he’s still alive.  So maybe this is a little bit premature.  But even now, there are certain things that we know for certain.

We know about the son who was raised by two strong, loving parents in Midland, famously inheriting, as he says, “my daddy’s eyes and my mother’s mouth.”  (Laughter.)  The young boy who once came home after a trip to a museum and proudly presented his horrified mother with a small dinosaur tailbone he had smuggled home in his pocket.  (Laughter.)  I’ll bet that went over great with Barbara.

We know about the young man who met the love of his life at a dinner party, ditching his plans to go to bed early and instead talking with the brilliant and charming Laura Welch late into the night. 

We know about the father who raised two remarkable, caring, beautiful daughters, even after they tried to discourage him from running for President, saying, “Dad, you’re not as cool as you think you are.”  (Laughter.)  Mr. President, I can relate.  (Laughter.)  And now we see President Bush the grandfather, just beginning to spoil his brand-new granddaughter. 

So we know President Bush the man.  And what President Clinton said is absolutely true -- to know the man is to like the man, because he’s comfortable in his own skin.  He knows who he is.  He doesn’t put on any pretenses.  He takes his job seriously, but he doesn’t take himself too seriously.  He is a good man.

But we also know something about George Bush the leader.  As we walk through this library, obviously we’re reminded of the incredible strength and resolve that came through that bullhorn as he stood amid the rubble and the ruins of Ground Zero, promising to deliver justice to those who had sought to destroy our way of life. 

We remember the compassion that he showed by leading the global fight against HIV/AIDS and malaria, helping to save millions of lives and reminding people in some of the poorest corners of the globe that America cares and that we’re here to help.

We remember his commitment to reaching across the aisle to unlikely allies like Ted Kennedy, because he believed that we had to reform our schools in ways that help every child learn, not just some; that we have to repair a broken immigration system; and that this progress is only possible when we do it together.

Seven years ago, President Bush restarted an important conversation by speaking with the American people about our history as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.  And even though comprehensive immigration reform has taken a little longer than any of us expected, I am hopeful that this year, with the help of Speaker Boehner and some of the senators and members of Congress who are here today, that we bring it home -- for our families, and our economy, and our security, and for this incredible country that we love.  And if we do that, it will be in large part thanks to the hard work of President George W. Bush.  (Applause.)

And finally, a President bears no greater decision and no more solemn burden than serving as Commander-in-Chief of the greatest military that the world has ever known.  As President Bush himself has said, “America must and will keep its word to the men and women who have given us so much."  So even as we Americans may at times disagree on matters of foreign policy, we share a profound respect and reverence for the men and women of our military and their families.  And we are united in our determination to comfort the families of the fallen and to care for those who wear the uniform of the United States.  (Applause.) 

On the flight back from Russia, after negotiating with Nikita Khrushchev at the height of the Cold War, President Kennedy's secretary found a small slip of paper on which the President had written a favorite saying:  "I know there is a God.  And I see a storm coming.  If he has a place for me, I believe I am ready." 

No one can be completely ready for this office.  But America needs leaders who are willing to face the storm head on, even as they pray for God's strength and wisdom so that they can do what they believe is right.  And that’s what the leaders with whom I share this stage have all done.  That’s what President George W. Bush chose to do.  That’s why I'm honored to be part of today's celebration.

Mr. President, for your service, for your courage, for your sense of humor, and, most of all, for your love of country, thank you very much.  From all the citizens of the United States of America, God bless you.  And God bless these United States.  (Applause.) 

10:50 A.M. CDT

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President at DNC Event

April 24, 2013
Private Residence
Dallas, Texas 
8:06 P.M. CDT
THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, everybody.  Thank you.  Thank you so much.  Well, let me begin by thanking Naomi and Larry for opening up this extraordinary home to all of us.  It is wonderful to see them again.  And they’ve been such longtime supporters.  They were there back in the day when many of you could not pronounce my name.  (Laughter.)  But they’ve just been great friends and are active on so many fronts.  Obviously, Larry is labor and Naomi is management -- (laughter) -- as is true in our household as well.  (Laughter.)  But we really appreciate them and their very impressive sons.  
I also want to acknowledge Henry Munoz who’s here and is just doing an outstanding job as our finance chair of the DNC.  Where’s Henry?  There he is.  (Applause.)  Thank you, Henry.  And I understand that the former mayor of this great city, Ron Kirk, is still around.  So, everybody, give a big round of applause to Ron.  (Applause.)  
Obviously this has been a tough couple of weeks for the country.  I have spent time in Boston and have been inspired by the incredible resilience of that city in the wake of such a horrific tragedy; had a chance to visit with some of the victims of the explosion and talk to the families of some of the folks who were lost.  And then tomorrow I'll be attending a memorial service for the tragedy that took place in West, Texas, and have a chance to visit with some of those families.  
And there’s no words that are satisfactory when you’re confronting these kinds of losses.  And families cope, they do their best, but obviously their lives are transformed by this.  And so I don't want to pretend that somehow you can put a positive gloss on those kinds of events.  On the other hand, what is remarkable is the strength and the courage and the fellowship that you see in people when they’re confronted with these kinds of challenges.  And in Boston, what you saw was not just the character of an extraordinary American city, but it was also the character of a nation.
There is something about tough times that brings out the best in us, and all the petty differences and the divisions of race and class and religion and political persuasion all seem to fade away.  And I remember, as I was driving from the airport to the memorial service in Boston, I was with Deval Patrick -- outstanding Governor of Massachusetts and a great friend who handled the whole situation as well as anybody could -- and we agreed that wouldn't it be something if we could just somehow capture and sustain that spirit beyond tragedy.
That's kind of a cliché.  We talk about this a lot. 
We talked about this after 9/11; we talk about it after a natural disaster like Sandy.  We're all struck by how we come to each other’s aid, and these huge waves of empathy come forward and people are willing to do anything for strangers because they understand there but for the grace of God go I.  And they also understand that there’s something fundamental that binds us together as Americans, and that we love this country, and this country is simply a collection of incredible people -- our fellow citizens.
And that idea of citizenship, the idea that we don't just have obligations to ourselves -- we do; we have obligations obviously to our families and our immediate circles.  But we have also an obligation to something larger than ourselves; that our orbit of concern extends to a child somewhere in a border town in Texas who is struggling to get a decent education.  And it extends to a senior citizen somewhere in Maine that is trying to figure out how they can get enough heating oil to get through a winter and have enough to eat at the same time.  And it extends to the young immigrant who just came here and is trying to find their way in California.  And it applies to a single mom in New York who is going back and has gotten her education and is looking for some decent daycare.  That all of us have a stake in their success, and all of us have a stake in a country that expresses this incredible quality of compassion and concern and fellow feeling not just in our churches or our synagogues or our mosques or our temples, not just in our workplaces or our neighborhoods or our Little League, but also expresses itself through our government.
And the reason I think all of you are here is because you believe that, too.  And the Democratic Party at its best tries to give expression to that.  The Democratic Party doesn’t always get it right and this is not a feeling that is unique to Democrats. I'm really looking forward to attending the Bush Library opening tomorrow, and one of the things I will insist upon is that whatever our political differences, President Bush loves this country and loves its people and shared that same concern and was concerned about all people in America, not just some, not just those who voted Republican.  I think that's true about him and I think that's true about most of us.
But what’s also true is that policy matters.  How we express that best part of ourselves is a matter of significant debate and it’s a matter of votes, and it’s a matter of legislation and budgets, and how we're allocating resources and how we're prioritizing what we think is important.  And although I couldn't be prouder of the work that we've done over the last four years, we all know we've got a lot more work to do on that front.  
Middle-class families all across America are struggling to get by.  And things have stabilized since the crisis in 2008, but for a lot of folks, they’re still just barely keeping their heads above water.  There are millions of kids across this country who are still poorly educated or malnourished, or don't have any place to go outside of school.  And for them, college is just a distant dream.  They can't even imagine the prospect of actually creating a life for themselves that's similar to what they see on television, or maybe just walking down the streets of Dallas.  It’s like looking through a pane of glass.
We have made enormous strides when it comes to broadening equality in this country.  And I could not be prouder of the work that we've done under my administration to make sure that we have a strong civil rights division, that we ended "don't ask, don't tell," that we're championing the rights of the LGBT community, that we're making sure that women are getting paid the same as men for the work that they do.  But we all know that in all kinds of interactions, large and small, there are people out there who aren't getting a fair shot, still aren't getting a fair deal, still aren't being treated the way we would want ourselves to be treated.  And government has something to say about that.  
We have enormous challenges like climate change that our easy to ignore in the short term, and yet I think most of us here want to make sure that the next generation is bequeathed the same incredible bounty, this amazing land of ours, that we inherited from our parents and our grandparents.  
So we've got a lot of work to do.  And unfortunately, right now Washington is not -- how do I put this charitably?  (Laughter.)  It’s not as functional as it should be.  It could do better.  And when you think about the work that we've been able to do over the last four, four and a half years, some of it, happily, has been bipartisan.  There have been times where we've been able to tackle issues together.  And particularly when it comes to national security and keeping America safe, I think that there’s been some convergence among Democrats and Republicans that we have to act wisely overseas and we've got to make sure that we're supporting our troops when they come home, and we've got to take every step that we can to guard against terrorist acts, but we've also got to do so consistent with our Constitution and rule of law.
But when it comes to domestic policy, when it comes to budgets, when it comes to action that is translating into real change for people day to day, the fact of the matter is, is that when Democrats were in charge of the House we were able to make sure that 30 million people get health care, and that people who have health care have the kinds of protections they need from insurance company abuse and are getting the kind of preventive care that's going to drive our health care costs down over the long term.
The fact of the matter is, is that when Democrats were in charge we were able to rein in some of the excesses of Wall Street in a way that assures long-term stability in the financial system and makes it a lot less likely that we end up seeing the kinds of taxpayer bailouts that not only weren’t fair but aren't good for our economy.  The fact is, is that when Democrats were in charge, that's when we were able to make sure that we got "don't ask, don't tell" ended.  And so who’s setting the agenda and who’s running the show in Congress makes a difference.
And I'm going to spend the next year and a half doing everything I can to try to bring the parties together around some basic, smart, common-sense agendas that in past years haven't even been particularly partisan -- making sure that we're balancing our budget -- or making sure that we're bringing down our deficits and managing our budgets in a way that doesn’t just load up the entire burden on seniors or students or the poor, but asks a little bit from everybody.  
And making sure that we can still invest in things like early childhood education, and making sure that we're investing in research and science so that we can continue to maintain our cutting-edge internationally; rebuilding our infrastructure so that we continue to have the best infrastructure in the world.
These are not things that, in the past at least, have been Democrat and Republican.  I come from the “land of Lincoln,” and it turns out that was the first Republican President’s agenda as well.  He wanted to build railroads and locks and dams, and he started the National Foundation for Science, and started land-grant colleges because he understood that we have a free market and the genius of America is unleashing the capacities of our people.  But he also understood that there’s a role for government to play to make sure that everybody is getting a fair shot; to make sure that there are ladders of opportunity; to make sure that everybody can realize their full potential.
So these aren't Democratic ideas; these are American ideas. Unfortunately, they’ve gotten caught up in some partisan politics.  And we're going to do everything we can over the next year and a half to break through that.  
So, occasionally, I may make some of you angry because I am going to reach out to Republicans.  I'm going to keep on doing it.  Even if some of you guys think I'm a sap, I will keep on doing it -- (laughter) -- because I think that's what the country needs.  But what I also believe in is that when Democrats have the opportunity to set the agenda, then we don't have a country where just a few are doing really, really well; we've got a country where potentially everybody has a chance to do well if they’re willing to work hard and if they’re willing to take responsibility.
That's what we're fighting for.  That's why you're here.  And I hope that all of you recognize that despite the fact that I've got a lot of gray hair and I don't look exactly like I did the first time I came to Dallas as a potential Senate candidate, the same passion and the same values that motivated me then are the values that motivate me now; and that we win elections to give us the possibility of actually getting stuff done on behalf of the American people.  We don't win elections just to have a party on Inauguration Day, and we don't win elections just so we've got a title on our door, and we don't win elections just because it’s sport.  We win elections so that we have the possibility of delivering for the American people.  And delivering means sustained work after the election.  
So I can't do that by myself.  I can only do it with you.  And as Larry helpfully reminded me, I understand that Texas is a so-called red state, but you’ve got 10 million Democrats here in Texas.  And beyond the fact that there are a whole lot of Democrats in Texas, there are a whole lot of people here in Texas who need us, and who need us to fight for them.  And I don't know about you, but I intend to fight for them as long as I have the honor of holding this office and probably a little bit after that as well.  
Thank you very much, everybody.  (Applause.) 
8:23 P.M. CDT


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Presidential Proclamation -- Honoring the Victims of the Explosion in West, Texas





     As a mark of respect for the memory of those who perished in the explosion in West, Texas, on April 17, 2013, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at all public buildings and grounds and at all military facilities and naval stations of the Federal Government in the State of Texas on April 25, 2013.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.



The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/24/2013

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

1:08 P.M. EDT

MR. CARNEY:  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for being here.  Before I take your questions, I have a couple of announcements to make.

First, as you know, the President had been scheduled to speak at the Planned Parenthood National Conference in Washington on Thursday evening.  That has been rescheduled for Friday morning in order to allow him to spend more time with those injured and the loved ones of those lost in the deadly explosion in West Texas.  As you know, he’ll be at a memorial service for those who were lost on Thursday.

Separately, I’d like to read a statement from the President on the confirmation of Sylvia Mathews Burwell.  This is the President: 

“I am pleased that the Senate took bipartisan action today to confirm Sylvia Matthews Burwell as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.  Sylvia shares my commitment to growing our economy, shrinking our deficits in a balanced way, and reigniting a rising, thriving middle class.  Sylvia has spent a career fighting for working families, and she was part of an OMB team that presided over three budget surpluses in a row.  Her experience will be especially important as we continue our efforts to replace the indiscriminate budget cuts that are already starting to cost jobs, hurt families, and inconvenience Americans.  Sylvia will be a key member of my economic team, and I look forward to working with her in the years ahead.”

Separately -- this is not from the President -- but I noted on my way out here that the Senate Finance Committee had moved forward unanimously on the nomination of Marilyn Tavenner to head the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  We obviously welcome that development.

I will take your questions.

Q    Thank you.  I wanted to get your assessment on some of the things we’re starting to hear from U.S. officials about the two suspects of the Boston bombing.  Should the public look at this as sort of a good development that it appears as though these brothers didn’t have any connection to sort of a major foreign terrorist operation?  Or is it more troubling that they appear to be what people are saying is self-radicalized?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I appreciate the question.  As you know, because you heard it from the President, he believes it’s essential that a complete and comprehensive investigation answer all the questions that we have about how this terrorist attack happened, what motivated the suspects whom we believe perpetrated the terrorist attack.  Everything we can learn about them and what inspired them, and how they developed the explosive devices that were used -- these are all matters that are under investigation right now as part of the case against the second suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and the overall investigation into the bombings themselves. 

I don’t think we have all the answers yet and we won’t for some time.  That’s why we need a comprehensive investigation.  As the President said on Friday night, we need to know whether they acted alone or whether they had associations.  We need to know what inspired them, how they came about possessing or developing the weapons and explosive devices that they used.

On the issue of -- separate from this case, because I think we haven’t gotten the answers to these questions; that’s why we have a full investigation into the matter.  On the issue of self-radicalization, especially online radicalization, and radicalization that leads to violence, this has been a concern and it has been an issue in the past.  We have seen it in the past in very well-known cases.  And this is a problem that the President has talked about and leaders of his national security team have talked about. 

And as I said I think yesterday, the threat that faces us as a nation has evolved.  We continue to face a threat from al Qaeda central, even though we have met with significant progress in the fight against al Qaeda central, beginning with the elimination of Osama bin Laden.  We have offshoots of al Qaeda in various parts of the region and the world, and we have other terrorist threats and the threat posed by independent actors.

We don’t know yet whether the independent actor prism is the one that will fit this particular case.  I would refer you to the investigators, but I suspect that they're focused on the case itself.

Q    Is there any discussion that’s happening here though about how sort of procedures and protocols need to possibly be readjusted to account for self-radicalization and not people who may have links to any overseas groups?

MR. CARNEY:  I think the threat -- and you've heard John Brennan and others talk about this -- John, when he was in his previous position -- is one we assess and reassess all the time, and that all the agencies charged with protecting the United States and the American people assess and reassess all the time, and they evaluate how best to counter the threat that can be posed from different corners.

The issues related to this case and procedures and how they worked, what we learned in a warning from Russia, for example, and the action that sparked the FBI to take and to looking into Tamerlan Tsarnaev -- all of these issues are obviously under investigation.  What we do know is that the FBI took action in response to that notification, investigated the elder brother -- investigated thoroughly -- and came to the conclusion that there was no derogatory information, no indication of terrorist activity or associations either foreign or domestic at that time. 

But this is a matter of investigation, and we will -- we look forward to the results of that investigation.

Q    Quickly, on a separate topic.  I know the White House had purposely kept the President a little more on the backburner on immigration while the Gang of Eight got its draft bill together.  Now that that draft bill is public, are we going to see the President taking a more public role on the immigration issue going forward?

MR. CARNEY:  I think it's fair to say that we have made the progress we have made as a country, or at least here in Washington, towards comprehensive immigration reform in no small measure because of the President’s leadership.  He made this an issue.  He has supported this for a long time.  He has had his principles available to the public now for some time.

It was his judgment that the best avenue for achieving broad, comprehensive immigration reform that had bipartisan support and could pass the Senate and the House, and meet his principles, and be signed into law by him was to encourage a process that was emerging in the Senate and that has produced the bill that you mentioned.  And that is welcome progress.

And we are evaluating the legislation, but the bill does meet the principles that the President laid forward -- laid out.  So you can expect the President to continue to speak about the need for comprehensive immigration reform -- why it’s good for our economy; why it’s good for our national security; why it’s good and better for the middle class -- in days and weeks ahead. 

And he will continue to work with members of Congress who are engaged in this bipartisan effort.  It is one of the topics that he frequently discusses when he has meetings with lawmakers, both Democrats and Republicans.  As you know, he had a meeting -- a dinner last night here at the White House with a bipartisan group of female U.S. senators.  He has had meals with groups of Republican lawmakers as well as Democratic lawmakers.  And those conversations will continue.  And in every one of those conversations, immigration reform is a topic. 


Q    Jay, as I’m sure you’re aware, and you touched on this yesterday, the President is accused of making the effects of the sequester as disruptive as possible to score political points, particularly with regard to the air traffic controllers.  Is the White House doing everything it can to minimize these disruptions?  Or does it feel in some way that the discomfort helps to make his point about the sequester?

MR. CARNEY:  Let’s be clear:  The sequester was a law written by Congress.  Congress wrote the law.  Congress passed the law.  Members of Congress should read the law.  The law does not allow for the kind of flexibility when it comes to the FAA budget that some of these members -- Republicans, principally -- all claim it has.  They should read the law.  They wrote it, they should know what’s in it.  They passed it, they voted for it, they should know what’s in it.

The fact is the FAA has initiated a series of cost-saving measures, both personnel and non-personnel related, including a hiring freeze, restrictions on travel, termination of certain temporary employees, and reductions to contracts.  But the law specifically walls off three-quarters of the department’s budget from sequestration and does not give the department any flexibility to mitigate the impact on the FAA.  Why?  Because it was written to be a bad law.  It was written to be as onerous as possible.  And this is a truth that applies all across the impacts of the sequester.  Seventy percent, as I said, of the FAA’s budget, operations budget, is personnel.  So even after taking all of the measures that the FAA took to cut costs, they have to furlough 47,000 employees for up to 11 days between now and the end of the fiscal year. 

Now, look, when it comes to the FAA and the travel delays that we have seen, we are absolutely concerned about this terrible effect of the sequester.  That's why two months ago the Secretary of Transportation stood before you in this room and warned of these looming effects and called on Congress to act to avert them.

Unfortunately, instead of acting to avert them and to delay the sequester or eliminate it through the kind of broad-based, bipartisan, balanced deficit reduction that the country supports, Republicans in Congress made a political, tactical decision to embrace the sequester.  They did and they declared it a victory.  They said it's a victory for the tea party.  It's a home run for the Republican Party. 

It's slightly ironic that -- and you never hear them mention this -- but they should also read the budget that they passed in the House of Representatives.  The Ryan budget cuts -- if the dramatic, non-defense discretionary cuts envisioned in that budget were applied across the board -- because of course they're not identified in the Ryan budget -- but if they were just applied across the board, the cuts to the FAA would be three times the size of the sequester budget reductions.  Three times.  That's what they voted for.  That's what they want to become the law of the land.

And it's not just the FAA.  The same dramatic, steep cuts in services for children, for seniors; the same kind of harm that we're seeing from the sequester -- eliminating children from Head Start, eliminating access to Meals on Wheels programs for seniors -- just multiplied and made worse.  That's the budget they voted for.

Now, when Secretary LaHood was out here warning of these problems, the Republicans instead in Congress were saying, you know what, no, the sequester is a good thing.  We want it.  We would rather have the sequester take effect than ask millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more to help reduce our deficit in a balanced way.  That was the choice they made.  Now, we share the frustration, and we warned about these very problems.  And we think those members of Congress who haven't read the law that they voted for and passed ought to read it.  But they also, more importantly, ought to take action to do away with the sequester so that we don't suffer these consequences.

Q    On the budget, the House Republicans say they're going to hold off naming conferees on a budget resolution while Ryan and Murray work separately to come to details.  Is the White House content with that process?  And is the White House aiming to involve itself?  Is the President aiming to involve himself in the budget negotiations in any way to speed them up?

MR. CARNEY:  Republicans called for regular order.  They said the Senate ought to pass a budget; we ought to have regular order in a way that we have not had in previous years.  The Senate passed a budget.  The House passed a budget.  The normal regular order process here would then demand leadership to appoint conferees.  Senator Reid has attempted to move forward on that and has been blocked by Republicans in the Senate.  We call on Republicans to adopt the regular order that they said they wanted, and that would require conferees to be appointed. 

The President is broadly interested, as you know, in finding common ground.  That's why he has had these meetings with Republican lawmakers and bipartisan groups of lawmakers to see and explore the possibility of finding common ground on a range of issues, but in particular, in many ways, on these budget challenges that confront us.  Finding common ground means agreeing to the basic principle that we need a balanced approach to our deficit reduction.  That's the principle that has been embraced by every bipartisan group that has made a proposal on deficit reduction.  It's the principle embodied in the President's budget.  It's the principle embodied in the Senate budget proposal.  It's the right way to go. 

So the President is interested in speaking with any Republican in Congress who is interested in trying to find common ground on these issues, who is open to the idea of balanced deficit reduction.  So those conversations will continue.  Meanwhile, we certainly believe that Republicans ought to embrace the regular order that they demanded and move forward with appointing conferees.  
Q    And lastly, Senator Baucus in announcing his retirement said he wanted to focus on comprehensive tax reform.  Would the White House be open to tax reform independent of the grand bargain process?  And if so, what kinds of conditions would it set for that?

MR. CARNEY:  We believe that tax reform is essential as part of a comprehensive, balanced approach to deficit reduction.  We do not believe what the Republicans believe in their proposals, which we ought to reform our tax code in order to give more tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.  That’s obviously not the President's approach.  And I'm not suggesting that that’s the Senator's approach; I'm just saying that the President has put forward a broad comprehensive budget that reduces our deficit significantly and does so in a balanced way, and it includes within it revenue achieved through closing loopholes in our tax code, capping deductions for wealthy individuals, eliminating special interest clauses in our tax code that benefit industries or individuals, and using that money to help reduce our deficit as well as make key investments in our economy so that it grows and creates jobs.

That overall balanced approach is the one the President believes we ought to take.

Q    But just to be clear, tax reform separate from a grand bargain deficit reduction package is a non-starter?

MR. CARNEY:  Again, the President believes -- I mean, you're just sort of speaking very hypothetically -- but the President believes that tax reform needs to be part of a budget process that produces revenue so that we can reduce our deficit in a balanced and fair way, not -- again, the only proposal on the table is the House Republican budget, which reforms the tax code in a way to give additional massive tax breaks to the rich while raising taxes on the middle class.  And that is wholly unacceptable, not just to the President, but to the American people.

Yes, Jim.

Q    It appears that Tamerlan Tsarnaev's name appears in two separate government databases for potential terrorists, and that he pinged the system when he traveled to Russia last year, but there was no follow-up by the FBI following that.  Is this administration fully confident that these databases are providing adequate protection for the American people?  And what do you make of some of these concerns expressed by lawmakers yesterday that there perhaps is not enough information-sharing going on between the various agencies, and that kind of information-sharing should have been improved dramatically after September 11?  There are concerns that that’s not the case.

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I’d say a couple of things.  As Secretary Napolitano testified yesterday, Tamerlan Tsarnaev did ping in our systems when he traveled.  But we also know that the FBI did a thorough investigation in 2011 and did not find any terrorism activity, foreign or domestic.

Broadly, the questions that you ask and Julie asked before you are ones that this investigation seeks to answer.  And as the President made clear when he spoke before you on Friday night, he wants every agency involved in this to do a broad investigation into what happened, what we knew, what inspired and motivated these two individuals, and the steps that they took that led to the terrorist attacks in Boston a week ago Monday.  That process needs to take place, and it’s being undertaken now in an investigation led by the FBI and a prosecution, obviously, led by the Justice Department.

Q    But has the administration heard anything that’s developed with respect to whether or not there was enough sharing of information and data in this case -- I mean, that concerns the administration at this point?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, again, I’m not going to give assessments, day by day, of the little bits of information that emerge in reports about the investigation.  We want to let the investigation proceed.  What we do know, because it was publicly stated by the FBI, and what we can share is the actions that they took in 2011 in response to information provided to them by a foreign government, and the conclusions that they reached then and the nature of the investigation they conducted then.

It is certainly the case that the FBI conducted a series of actions looking into Tamerlan Tsarnaev.  They interviewed Mr. Tsarnaev and his family and reached the conclusions that they reached, which is they had no derogatory information, no associations with terrorism or terrorists, foreign or domestic.  But beyond that, I think we need to let the investigation unfold and make assessments when we know all the facts.

Q    And a political question.  Yesterday, Senator Max Baucus announced that he’s retiring, he’s not running for reelection.  And given the fact that he voted against Manchin and Toomey, given the fact that recently he described Obamacare as a potential train wreck, are you glad to see him go?

MR. CARNEY:  The President put out a statement in reaction to Senator Baucus’s decision not to seek reelection.  I would say a couple of things.  One, he made clear his views on and his disappointment over the failure of the Senate to support a proposition -- the expansion of background checks -- that 90 percent of the American people support.  I think he was very clear and concise in his language and how he viewed that.

On the other matter, I think it’s important to note that the Senator was referring to an implementation process that has been -- which Republicans have again and again attempted to disrupt.  In addition to the 30 or 40 votes they’ve taken to do away with Obamacare, you would think they would find time to do other, more productive work.

But implementation proceeds apace, and we are on track and we will be implementing the Affordable Care Act.


Q    Jay, the White House has officially -- just a few moments ago, you didn’t want to get involved in deciding at this point whether or not the two terrorists were in fact foreign-inspired or if they were homegrown, domestic terrorists.  But the Vice President seems to have already made that decision.  Just a few moments ago, he called the accused bombers ”two cowardly, twisted, perverted, knockoff jihadis.”

MR. CARNEY:  So, I’m sorry, that’s a conclusion that doesn’t track -- I mean, that’s a statement that doesn’t track with what you said in the top of your question.

Q    Well, it does seem as though if he’s saying they’re “knockoff jihadis” --

MR. CARNEY:  I think the act was cowardly and it was terrorism.  But --

Q    But doesn’t “knockoff jihadis” seem to indicate that he doesn’t believe they’re connected to a large, foreign --

MR. CARNEY:  Seem to -- I’m sorry, you’re making assessments that I’m not going to engage in.  There’s an investigation underway.  We know some things.  There’s a lot more to learn.  And that’s why the investigation is taking place. 

We have seen a remarkable period from the moment the bombings occurred through last week and Friday night when Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was put in custody, and now, through to this day, only a few days later as the investigation proceeds and he’s been charged.  But this is a short period of time.  And it should be noted that federal law enforcement, led by the FBI, working with state and local authorities, did a remarkable job last week from the moment of the bombings through to the arrest of Mr. Tsarnaev.  And now the process of investigation and prosecution moves on.

So I think we saw last week that there is some danger in making -- jumping to conclusions, making judgments based on new information that may or may not be true, or partial information that will be developed further as time goes on.  I think it’s important to allow the investigation to proceed and for us to make assessments about all of these questions once we have more facts.

Q    But just follow up on that -- but you don’t see the term “knockoff jihadis” as minimizing any connection to a foreign, larger group like al Qaeda?

MR. CARNEY:  I’m saying that the question of whether or not they had any associations is one under investigation by the proper authorities.  And we obviously have some information; some has made its way into press reports.  But that investigation is not complete, and we’re not going to make any conclusions until we have all the facts.

Q    Can I just follow up on the FAA sequestration?  It does appear as though, moving forward -- rather than talking about what had happened and how we got here -- but moving forward, it does seem as though the Secretary of Transportation may be meeting with some senators about a new law that would reduce the effects on the FAA.  Does the White House support that?

MR. CARNEY:  What I think I said yesterday and what I’ll say again today is the best way to deal with the sequester is to eliminate it through broad, balanced deficit reduction along the lines that the President has put forward, that bipartisan panels have put forward, and that the American people support, and that the Senate passed. 

But the fact is, on dealing with the sequester, Congress has to act.  The law was written in a way that prevents the kind of actions that could mitigate, that some outside observers and lawmakers suggest are available.  Congress has to act.  Now, if Congress wants to address specifically the problems caused by the sequester with the FAA, we would be open to looking at that.  But that would be a band-aid measure. 

And it would not deal with the many other negative effects of the sequester:  the kids kicked off of Head Start; the seniors who aren’t getting Meals on Wheels; and the up to three-quarter of a million Americans who will lose their jobs, or will not have jobs created for them because of the sequester; and the reduction by a full half of a percentage point in GDP that will be a result of the sequester if it’s allowed to continue. 

The right thing to do would have been never to allow the sequester to take effect at all.  But Republicans made a choice, decided that it was good for their internal politics to embrace it, call it a “tea party victory,” a “victory for the Republican Party,” “a homerun” -- these are all quotes -- rather than worry about the effects on the American people.  And we’re seeing those effects in airports and we’re seeing those effects on the families who are not able to send their kids to Head Start programs.

So we’d be open to something if they wanted to propose it, but it would just be a band-aid approach and we would continue to have these other problems that need to be addressed by sensible deficit reduction that’s balanced and fair.

Senator Reid has proposed a method of postponing and delaying the sequester to allow time for broad-based, balanced deficit reduction along the lines that the President has proposed.

The obstacle thus far has been Republican refusal, Republican intransigence to accept the basic principle that we should ask millionaires and billionaires to give up some special-interest tax breaks, the benefits that they enjoy in our tax code that others don’t enjoy, in order to avoid all these negative impacts. 

Q    Jay, just to follow up on that thread -- does the White House support Senator Reid's approach?  Because it does not include taxes, it looks to -- oversees contingency operations and other funding that’s possibly available for working out this problem.  Does the White House support that approach with this problem right now?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, Leader Reid's proposal allows for the sequester to be turned off for a temporary period and in a way that does not hurt seniors, does not hurt the middle class and does not hurt students.  And we support this effort to allow both sides to find a longer-term solution that replaces the sequester permanently in a balanced way so we can stop these harmful cuts that are hurting our economy and middle-class families across the country.

This would be a temporary solution, and we support it.  But it does not deal -- it would not -- it would only deal temporarily with the bigger problem, which is the need for Republicans to go along with the principle endorsed by the public, endorsed by bipartisan panels that we ought to reduce our deficit in a balanced way. 

It wasn't that many months ago that the Speaker of the House said that he could find a trillion dollars in revenue from tax reform -- revenue gained from closing loopholes and capping deductions on the wealthiest Americans, and that he could apply that to deficit reduction.  But suddenly, that policy is no longer relevant to the Speaker now; he's more focused on pointing fingers about the sequester that his party embraced and he said was a political tactic he had in his back pocket. 

Q    Right, but for the here and now, you're willing to support --


Q    -- an approach that does not include tax increases for the moment for a temporary resolution of this problem, correct?

MR. CARNEY:  We support Senator's Reid's effort to reduce -- to postpone the sequester temporarily to allow for time for the Congress to adopt a balanced approach to permanently get rid of the sequester and reduce our deficit.

Q    And to the charge made by some budget analysts who have no partisan interest in this one way or another that using overseas contingency operations as a means to finance this is kind of a gimmick, because it is accounting for savings that, in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan, wouldn’t be spent in the first place?

MR. CARNEY:  Those savings are the result of policy decisions made by President Obama.  That is a fact.  It was his policy promise in 2008 to end the war in Iraq and to wind down and end the war in Afghanistan.  And he is fulfilling those promises, and there are policy results and financial savings, cost savings, that flow from those policy decisions.

The fact is previous Republican budgets have accounted for those savings from OCO -- overseas contingency operations.  The previous Paul Ryan budgets have contained OCO savings in them.  And the CBO counts OCO savings.  These are real policy choices that produce savings.

We believe that Senator Reid's proposal is a good one in that it would temporarily delay the sequester and all the negative effects that we're talking about now to air travelers and families and seniors, as well as the job loss and the drag on our economy, in order to allow for the discussions that the President is engaged in to try to find common ground with Republicans to bear fruit so that we can reduce our deficit in a balanced way and eliminate the sequester entirely. 

Q    On Boston real quick.  You have been understandably cautious from this podium about what is known and what is not known and advised all of us not to jump to conclusions.  Earlier this morning, Secretary of State Kerry said, and I quote him directly here, "We [just] had a young Russian person who went to Russia, Chechnya, who blew people up in Boston.  So he didn't stay where he went, but he learned something where he went and he came back with a willingness to kill people."  Are those remarks consistent with the caution you've urged of everyone in the administration and everyone dealing with this story?  Or do they reflect something that's known but not yet disclosed by the administration?

MR. CARNEY:  The answer to that second question is no.  And the State Department has clarified that Secretary Kerry was not reflecting any new information or conclusion about the individuals involved.  He was speaking generally about the nature of terrorism.  But we are in the process of an investigation.  Those comments don't reflect any new information. 

The fact is there are a lot of questions that need to be answered.  We, broadly -- the federal government, the FBI and the Department of Justice are investigating this matter.  I think it is known that our embassy in Moscow sent a team down to Dagestan to interview the Tsarnaevs’ parents.  And that is part of an investigation into both the broad question about these two young men and what motivated them, and their past and their history, and also the specific visit that the elder brother made last year. 

But this investigation is proceeding apace, and we're still in the phase of getting questions answered.  We're not making final assessments. 

Q    Does this indicate the need for everyone, including Cabinet secretaries, to be careful?

MR. CARNEY:  Look, I think that in a situation like this we ought to let the investigators do their work and not jump to conclusions, as the President said on Friday.
Q    A House committee is considering legislation that would basically take the decision-making about the Keystone XL pipeline out of the hands of the State Department and the EPA.  What's your reaction to that?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I'm not aware of considerations in a House committee.  But we have seen action taken by Republicans in Congress in the past of demands made to politicize this decision, a decision that's housed in the State Department appropriately as it has been through previous administrations, Democratic and Republican -- and that's where it ought to be.  Rather than politicize it, which when Republicans did this the first time caused a delay in the consideration of the Keystone pipeline, they ought to let the process proceed in its appropriate place in an appropriate and timely manner.  And that's what's happening now in the State Department.

Q    The EPA has also found the State Department's initial review to be insufficient, citing among other things the high-carbon production involved in just extracting the crude from oil sands.  Does it concern you that two parts of the administration appear to be on different pages here?

MR. CARNEY:  There is a process underway at the State Department.  As part of that process, they ask for comment both from stakeholders and other agencies.  The letter that you mentioned, the assessment that you mentioned from the EPA is part of that process, appropriately.  And that process is now continuing.  The State Department runs these assessments when you have a pipeline that crosses international borders.  That has been the case now for successive administrations of both parties.  It has been the case in previous consideration of pipelines in this administration and it's the process now.  And they run a process, they oversee it.  But it obviously includes input from other agencies, as well as the public and stakeholders.

Q    To press you on that, though, it's not just the pipeline itself, which the EPA also found some concern about the safety of.  But it's the carbon footprint of the production of crude from oil sands that they said the State Department did not consider adequately.  Do you feel that that should be the State Department's concern, the carbon footprint of production of oil?

MR. CARNEY:  The State Department, again, evaluates comment and information provided to it by agencies across the government with relevant interest in the pipelines that cross international boundaries.  And that's the case here.  And then it evaluates that information as it moves forward in the process.  And that's what's happening.

I'm not going to make judgments about a process that's underway now at the State Department that has not produced a result. 

Q    Republicans are concerned that this is, as they see it, another attempt to basically delay the construction of the pipeline.

MR. CARNEY:  I was wondering where you were coming from, Wendell.  For a minute there, I thought you were worried about the environment.  (Laughter.)  Look, I understand Republicans have a political interest in this.  They have demonstrated it in the past.  This is a process that needs to be allowed to proceed, as it historically has at the State Department -- a process that incorporates the information provided to the State Department and the assessments provided to the State Department by other agencies, as well as assessments and opinions and concerns expressed by the public, and state and local governments. 

If you evaluate the history of this particular decision-making process, you'll note that all of these inputs have had an impact on the process.  That's how it should be.  What it shouldn't be is politicized in the way that it has been periodically by Republicans in Congress. 

Q    If I can ask you briefly about -- following up on the hacking of the Associated Press's tweet yesterday -- and they're not the only major media organization to have been hacked in recent days or weeks.  What does the White House know about said Syrian Electronic Army?

MR. CARNEY:  We've seen those reports, but this is a matter that's under investigation by the FBI, and I would refer you to them.  I don't have anything more than that.

Q    Nothing more on the Syrian army in particular?  Okay.  Then let me ask you then --

MR. CARNEY:  I mean, let me just say, broadly -- not in response to that specific allegation or assessment -- the threats in cyberspace, as you know, are a serious and growing concern, and cyber security is a national priority.  In this case, the misinformation was corrected very quickly, which was a good thing.  But obviously, this incident is an example of why the public and private sector must continue to work together to promote norms of behavior in cyberspace and to protect ourselves against malicious actions.

As I said, it's our understanding the FBI has opened an investigation into this matter, so we can't -- or I can't get into any specifics about this case.  But as you know, the President is very concerned about this issue.  He has called on Congress to take action on cyber security.  He has taken executive action and will continue to look at ways to take executive action.  Part of what we need to do as a nation is work together, both public and private sector, on this issue, and this administration has done that.

Q    And there may not be a specific proposal, but can you explain sort of the concern that exists within this administration, given the fact that yesterday was perhaps the best example of the real consequences of even cyber-terror or cyber-hacking?  Yesterday more than $137 billion, I think it was, was lost from the DOW in a matter of moments before being regained because of systems that exist in place in Wall Street that are computerized, not done manually?  Does that concern the administration in some way?  Is this something that could be addressed?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, again, without getting into the specifics of this incident, beyond saying that it's under investigation, appropriately, broadly speaking, cyber security is a concern and a growing concern, and for the reasons that you just mentioned, but for a variety of reasons, as we become a more digital world and digital country and more of our systems are dependent upon computer systems and cyber systems. 

These are stating obvious and layman facts, but that is why it has received so much focus from this administration; why, appropriately, it should be receiving focus and consideration in Congress; and why we need to take considerate action both as a government but also working with the private sector to address cyber security.

Q    Under current laws right now -- on a separate topic -- if a background check reveals that your name is on a terror watchlist, is on a terrorism watchlist, you can still walk into a gun dealership in this country, purchase a gun, assuming you don’t have a criminal record or a mental health record in some forms.  Does the White House think that’s okay?  That there should be more done to prevent people whose names are on the terror watchlist, or lists? 

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I appreciate the angle at which you're coming at this.  But the fact is I'm not going to comment on a specific matter that relates to the case under investigation.

Q    In general -- it's not about these guys -- in general, it could happen today elsewhere in the country.

MR. CARNEY:  We can pretend that it's not about these guys.  The procedures that are in place with regards --

Q    But you guys had already brought the gun issue up in general of saying, across America there could be people on a terror watchlist who could purchase a gun today.

MR. CARNEY:  When it comes to our procedures for identifying potential terrorists, I would refer you to the agencies that oversee that process.  And when it comes to the need for expanded background checks, I am more than willing to expound on why that is the common-sense thing to do that protects our Second Amendment rights, and for that reason, why the vast majority of the American people support that common-sense action, and why a minority of the United States Senate rebuffed the will of the vast majority of the American people in their vote last week.

Steve, and then April.

Q    I just wanted to follow up on the sequester and get a little bit more clarity on where the White House is as far as vetoing a sequester replacement that doesn’t have revenue attached.  Is that still the White House's view on a long-term plan?  Could somebody, the House Republicans for example, come up with a version of a sequester replacement for the next five months just with cuts, just like Harry Reid did, that could pass muster with the White House?

MR. CARNEY:  I'm not going to engage in hypotheticals.  I will say that we support the effort that Senator Reid is making to temporarily buy down or postpone the sequester to allow for time for these conversations that the President is engaged in and lawmakers up on the Hill are engaged in about can we find common ground to reduce our deficit in a balanced way, in a way that would eliminate the sequester entirely.

If your question is would the President support the House Republican approach to deficit reduction, which is to voucherize Medicare or institute across-the-board dramatic cuts to programs that help children and seniors and middle-class families, the answer is no.  He is very clear in his budget what he believes the right course of action is to take, and he has been very clear about the fact that -- and it is reflected it in his budget -- that he's willing to make tough decisions as part of a balanced approach to deficit reduction.  And that willingness is demonstrated in the fact that, when it comes to entitlement reforms, he has included items that were part of what Republicans said they would want in return for their acceptance of balanced deficit reduction.

So they ought to embrace that.  That offer has been on the table since last year, and they ought to embrace it so we can move forward as a country.

Q    He’s also been clear up until today that even on a short-term sequester bill he wanted revenue.  He got some revenue in the fiscal cliff for that short-term, two-month period.  The White House was very clear they sought it as a precedent.  They wanted revenue for short-term bills as well as long-term bills until today.  It seems like there’s now a shift.

MR. CARNEY:  What I’m saying is that we support Senator Reid’s effort.  Using the savings from the decisions that President Obama has made to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the savings generated from that, only a portion of those savings -- I believe less than a tenth -- to temporarily postpone the sequester precisely to allow for consideration of a balanced deficit reduction approach that the President supports and can sign into law.

It remains to be seen whether Republicans are willing to cross that threshold, which is to agree with the vast majority of the American people who believe we should approach this in a balanced way, who think it’s not the right way to go to reduce our deficit in a way that raises taxes on the middle class; voucherizes Medicare; and gives huge tax breaks -- I think $5.3 trillion, $5.7 trillion in tax breaks -- almost entirely to the wealthy.

I mean, that is a proposal that is so far out of the mainstream that you would think it couldn’t possibly be tabled and passed in 2013, after it had been rejected several times over, including in the election last year.  But that is the current proposal on the table from House Republicans.

April, yes.

Q    Jay, could you talk to me about the White House’s push on this diversity lottery issue?  For the last couple weeks, we’ve heard that White House officials have been calling on members of the Senate to make sure that the diversity lottery is back in the immigration bill, or maybe part of an amendment to it, because it was taken out in their proposal.

MR. CARNEY:  As I said when we first discussed the proposal put forward by the Gang of Eight, it broadly reflects the principles that the President has long endorsed.  It is not word for word in keeping with what the President supports, and we obviously will work with the Congress going forward on this legislation to adjust it in ways that we think are correct. 

But I want to be clear.  This is significant progress and we commend the bipartisan Group of Eight for the work they have done thus far, and we look forward to working with the Senate as the legislation moves through that body.

Q    Okay.  How can it be -- and this is just asking a question -- how can it be significant progress when you have a minority group, the Congressional Black Caucus, very, very, very upset because it's now -- they're looking at possibilities of a point or merit system which they say will not allow for the 55,000 immigrants to come through a year, and you're taking out the lottery that affects the African diaspora to include the Caribbean and Haiti, but you still have in place the guest worker program for Mexicans as well as the skills-based program for Asians, and the people of -- the black people around the world are not taken care of in this program, in this bill?

Q    April, as I think I've said, this bill does not contain every specific element that the President has supported, but it does represent an important step towards the broad principles the President has made clear need to be part of common-sense immigration reform.  We are early in the process, and this is an effort that we're engaged in with the Senate as it considers this legislation.

The administration has made clear that improving our legal immigration system does not have to be a zero-sum game.  And we can increase employer- and family-sponsored green card numbers without taking away from other categories of visas.  Now, that’s our position, and that’s a position that we have held and will hold moving forward.  But I'm not going to presume outcomes of deliberations that are underway or haven't concluded yet.

This is a significant piece of business and a significant amount of progress that’s been made in a bipartisan away by this Group of Eight that reflects the President's principles, and we are encouraged by it.  But we are still in the process of hopefully making this bill become law.

Q    Well, let me rephrase my question; maybe I'll get an answer.  How important is it for the President -- because we understand that many people in the White House are trying to help push this through -- how important is this one piece for him, especially since he voted for it in 2006?

MR. CARNEY:  Again, April, I think -- I can say that this bill reflects the President's broad principles.  It's not word for word exactly as he would have written it, and it does not contain every specific element at this point that the President has supported.  We'll see how this process moves forward.  But I don’t have anything specific on an item within the piece of legislation or an omission within the legislation at this time.

Q    Jay, yesterday the White House neglected to send witnesses to a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on the use of drones.  Can you explain whether this comports with the White House and the President's promise in the State of the Union and at other times to have transparency on this issue?

MR. CARNEY:  We have been in regular contact with the committee about how we can best provide them the information that they require.  As the President has indicated, we will continue to engage Congress and to ensure that our counterterrorism efforts are not only consistent with our laws and system of checks and balances, but even more transparent to the American people and the world.

Q    Right, but I'm not talking about transparency to the committee as much as the American people and the world.  How does not putting witnesses in a public forum for the world to see and to hear and to actually present in a public forum --

MR. CARNEY:  I understand the question.  And what is the fact is that this administration, beginning with the President and including some of the most senior national security principals, have been enormously transparent about our counterterrorism efforts.  And that process, as promised by the President, will continue.  And it is not specific to one committee hearing.  It is specific to a broad array of actions that the President and the administration have taken; a broad array of communications, some of them unprecedented, that the administration has engaged in with members of Congress who have an interest in this issue.  And it will be consistent with actions that we take in the future to provide even more information both to the Congress and the public.

Q    But the number-two Senate democrat, chairman of that subcommittee, says it's not good enough.  He says he's disappointed with the White House.  He says that this is a frustrating thing to not have this public forum --

MR. CARNEY:  I understand.  And I’m saying that the process of providing more information -- again, unprecedented levels thus far from the highest levels of government -- and the process of providing more information, both to Congress and to the public, is ongoing and will continue.  And it’s not limited to or specific to a single hearing.

Q    And when can that be something that we see in public?

MR. CARNEY:  I don’t have any updates for you.


Q    Fisker Automotive -- there are reports that the Energy Department was warned as early as June 2010 that the electric carmaker wasn’t meeting its goals, but didn’t suspend the loan until about a year later.  Did the administration drop the ball on this?  What happened?

MR. CARNEY:  Well, I know there was a GOP document dump and I would refer you to the Department of Energy for more information.  But you know from their statement that the committee’s efforts to stoke false controversy by selectively leaking a few out-of-context documents just do not stand up to scrutiny. 

In the case that you refer to, the document shows that one person at a meeting discussed the possibility that Fisker might not meet a financial commitment, which had to be certified as met by the company before a loan disbursement.  Absent from that document was the fact that the department received that certification five days later and subsequently disbursed on the loan.

Q    Is there any concern that this story, when combined with Solyndra, of course, could undermine the President’s own efforts to push alternative energy?

MR. CARNEY:  Look, I think that the necessity that we have as a nation to move forward on investments in alternative energy to make sure that we develop the industries of the future in this country that provide jobs of the future in this country, as opposed to importing alternative energy in the manner that we for so long imported fossil fuel energy is absolutely the right thing to do.  And this President is committed to it.

And the program, as you know, when it was created in 2007 before this President took office, was understood to contain risk within it.  But the fact is the broad array of investments have been positive and necessary.  And the overall need to invest in alternative technologies in the energy field is essential for our energy independence in the future and our national security interests.

Last one, yes.

Q    Thanks, Jay.  I wanted to bring up the House report yesterday on Benghazi.  They point to cables that reportedly had Secretary -- technically then-Secretary Clinton’s signature on it that referenced a request for additional security and in which instead cuts were made.  And some members are saying that this shows administration culpability in the security problems there, and some have gone so far as to say signs of a cover-up.  I just wanted to get your response on that.

MR. CARNEY:  I bet you do.  First of all, I would draw your attention to the letter that the Democratic members of the same committee sent to Speaker Boehner yesterday strongly objecting to what is an obviously partisan Republican staff report.

Now, it seems to me that if these members of Congress were genuinely interested in getting information, they would not have abandoned the customary oversight process and excluded Democratic members from the entire process, which is what they did.

As these ranking members said last night, these Republicans, “sacrificed accuracy in favor of partisanship,” unnecessarily politicizing our national security and casting aside the system used by the House for generations to avoid making obvious mistakes, errors, and omissions.

And on the issue of the signature, you have to be factual and acknowledge reality here.  It is standard protocol that cables originating from the department in Washington go out under the authority of the current Secretary of State with their signature, i.e. their name, typed at the bottom.  This practice has been in place throughout this administration and across prior administrations, both Democratic and Republican.

Additionally, all cables originating from our overseas posts are similarly signed, i.e. have the name at the bottom, by the ambassador and are addressed to the Secretary.  In this way, this Secretary -- Secretary Clinton and others before her -- signed hundred of thousands of cables during their tenures as Secretary. 

And as Secretary Clinton testified, the security cables related to Benghazi did not come to her attention.  These cables were review as appropriate -- were reviewed, rather, as appropriate, at the Assistant Secretary level.  And as the chairman of the ARB explained, accountability was fixed at the assistant secretary level, “where the decision-making takes place, where, if you like, the rubber hit the road.” 

Now, the concerted efforts by Republicans to politicize this have distracted from the real work that’s been done through the ARB to find out what happened and what steps need to be taken to improve the security at our embassy facilities.  That report was very clear and very direct, and went right at the issues of concern. 

Meanwhile, the effort to find out who was responsible for those attacks and who was responsible for the deaths of Americans is ongoing, and that is a commitment the President made, that we would find those responsible and bring them to justice.  Efforts to politicize this have failed in the past, and they are not helpful to the broad national security interest that we should share together.  And, again, the signature thing is a perfect example of an attempt to politicize something when it’s wholly unnecessary. 

Q    And the charge of a cover-up?

MR. CARNEY:  I think I’ve answered that.  Thanks very much, guys.

2:02 P.M. EDT

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement from the President on the Confirmation of Sylvia Mathews Burwell

I am pleased that the Senate took bipartisan action today to confirm Sylvia Mathews Burwell as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.  Sylvia shares my commitment to growing our economy, shrinking our deficits in a balanced way, and reigniting a rising, thriving middle class.  Sylvia has spent a career fighting for working families, and she was part of an OMB team that presided over three budget surpluses in a row.  Her experience will be especially important as we continue our efforts to replace the indiscriminate budget cuts that are already starting to cost jobs, hurt families, and inconvenience Americans.  Sylvia will be a key member of my economic team, and I look forward to working with her in the years ahead.