
The City of Naperville

The City of Naperville was awarded an $11 million Smart Grid Investment Grant from the Department of Energy. Naperville will deploy more than 57,000 smart meters and install the infrastructure and software necessary to support and integrate various smart grid functions and the two-way flow of information between the utility and customers. The project will complete the automation of the city’s electric grid, which will provide automatic, computerized meter readings in real-time permitting streamlined customer billing and increased billing accuracy. The smart meters will allow residents and businesses to analyze and adjust their energy usage patterns, thus conserving energy and controlling consumption and costs.

Illionois' Numbers
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Number of jobs created or saved by the Recovery Act:


Recover Act funds made available to support jobs:

$15.7 Billion

Recovery Act funds that have already been spent:

$11.5 Billion

Number of working families receiving tax relief that can be put to use immediately:

4.8 Million

Number of Recovery Act-backed small business loans :


Miles of highway improved across the state:


Number of clean energy projects :


Number of homes that will be weatherized :


Number of students getting Pell Grants to help pay college tuition:


Number of education jobs funded by the Recovery Act:



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