
Restoration of the Sallisaw Creek Dam

The Sallisaw Creek dam is one of the largest flood control structures in the region and is currently in dangerous condition, due to aging. Flooding is acutely dangerous in this area, due to the close proximity of residences to the creek, and the sloped and narrow nature of the watershed. With ARRA support, the dam will be brought up to current safety standards. Once restored, the dam will protect homes, agricultural land, and public works from flooding and prevent dam failure. The area protected by the project is characterized by high poverty rates and includes a significant Cherokee Tribal population. The project also protects Interstate 40, a major economic catalyst for the region. The project reservoir behind the dam will provide water for 20,000 people, including the community of Stilwell, Oklahoma. The messages for this event are public safety and the importance of maintaining reliable supplies of water for communities, including low income populations. Benefits from the rehabilitation of the dam will increase public safety and provide $20.7 million in flood-reduction benefits over the dam’s 100-year life. The lake created by the dam provides 3,000 acre-feet of municipal water storage for the Stilwell Area Development Authority

Oklahoma's Numbers
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Number of jobs created or saved by the Recovery Act:


Recover Act funds made available to support jobs:

$4.1 billion

Recovery Act funds that have already been spent:

$2.5 billion

Number of working families receiving tax relief that can be put to use immediately:

1.3 million

Number of Recovery Act-backed small business loans :


Miles of highway improved across the state:


Number of clean energy projects :


Number of homes that will be weatherized :


Number of students getting Pell Grants to help pay college tuition:


Number of education jobs funded by the Recovery Act:



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