South Dakota

Crow Creek Tribal School

$42 million of Recovery Act funding is supporting the construction of a new school on the Crow Creek reservation in Buffalo County,South Dakota, the single poorest county in the United States. The Crow Creek Tribal School will serve 432 academic students and 160 residential students, and includes costs for infrastructure, housing, and demolition.

South Dakota's Numbers
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Number of jobs created or saved by the Recovery Act:


Recover Act funds made available to support jobs:

$1.2 billion

Recovery Act funds that have already been spent:

$629.7 million

Number of working families receiving tax relief that can be put to use immediately:


Number of Recovery Act-backed small business loans :


Miles of highway improved across the state:


Number of clean energy projects :


Number of homes that will be weatherized :


Number of students getting Pell Grants to help pay college tuition:


Number of education jobs funded by the Recovery Act:



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