Expanding "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day"
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In April 2015, the White House celebrated Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day by opening our doors to include students from local schools in the D.C. area. This was a joint initiative between the White House Council on Women and Girls, My Brother’s Keeper Initiative, and Office of Management and Administration. President Obama also issued a call to action encouraging employers to invite youth from their communities who may not have a workplace to visit: “Invite them to spend the day with you. Show them what you do every day – and tell them that, with hard work and determination, they can do it too.”
Public and private sector employers across the country joined in this effort, working with various schools and youth organizations to create hands-on, career exploration experiences for thousands of youth who are typically left unable to participate. This year, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America has also partnered with the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day Foundation to offer work-based learning opportunities to an additional 170,000 youth.
During the White House event in April 2016, we will include foster youth, youth with disabilities and others who are typically unable to participate in this day, including children who may not have a parent with a job that allows them to bring their children to work. We're also encouraging additional employers to similarly expand their Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day programs. If your organization is planning to expand your program, share your plans with us here.
As the President said, “Together, we can help more kids participate – so they, too, can dream bigger dreams about their futures.”
Want to expand your program?
If you're interested in expanding your Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day program, please consider contacting your local school system, non-profits, and other social service organizations to help identify youth participants in your community.
Here's why it's so important:
Work-based learning experiences help young people to better understand the connection between what they learn in the classroom and future careers. In a national survey of youth who dropped out of high school, approximately four out of five respondents said that opportunities for real-world learning would have improved their chances of graduating.
Each year, an estimated 3.5 million employers participate in Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. If just a small portion of these employers open their doors to youth in their communities, that can generate hands-on, career exploration experiences for many young people throughout the country who would not otherwise have this opportunity.
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