Welcome to the Council on Women and Girls Weekly Highlights! In celebration of Independence Day, the First Family joined more than 1,200 military heroes and their families for a barbeque, a special USO show featuring Train and Amos Lee, and a viewing of the fireworks over the National Mall.
This week, President Obama answered a series of questions on jobs and the economy at the first-ever Twitter Town Hall at the White House. The President stated that progress has been made, and though we still need to work through some real differences, that even greater progress is within reach.
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Fourth of July Celebration at the White House
Video| President Obama @ Twitter Town Hall: Economy, Jobs, Deficit, and Space Exploration
We Will Honor All Those Who Have Fallen
What You Can Do to Support Military Families
Council on Veterans Employment Meets to Discuss the Way Forward
The Departments of Justice and Education Resolve Gender-Based Harassment Case
Woman Business Owner Creates Clean Energy Jobs By Being Bold
President Obama Addresses the Status of the Deficit Negotiations
The Employment Situation in June
Mile High City with Mountains of Ideas
Health Insurance Leads to Healthier Americans
West Wing Week: "Ready to Tweet!"
Monique Dorsainvil is a Staff Assistant in the Office of Public Engagement focusing on the Council on Women and Girls and LGBT Outreach