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White House Author

Janine Janosky PhD

Janine Janosky PhD, serves as Vice President and Senior Fellow for the Center for Community Health Improvement at the Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, Ohio (ABIA). The Institute’s Accountable Care Community initiative is an integrated health and wellness model supported through a Community Transformation Grant from the Affordable Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Fund. Under Dr. Janosky’s direction, ABIA aims to foster collaborations and shared responsibility among various sectors in the community to transform health in Northeast Ohio. In its first 18 months the program has focused on diabetes and seen more than half of participants lose weight and decrease body mass index. In addition, the average cost of care for individuals with diabetes was reduced and diabetes-related Emergency Department visits decreased. Previously, Dr. Janosky served as the Vice Provost for Research at Central Michigan University and as an Executive Director and Inaugural Leader for the Center for Primary Care Community-Based Research at the University of Pittsburgh.

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