"To help businesses discover, develop, and deploy new materials twice as fast, we're launching what we call the Materials Genome Initiative. The invention of silicon circuits and lithium-ion batteries made computers and iPods and iPads possible -- but it took years to get those technologies from the drawing board to the marketplace. We can do it faster." -President Barack Obama, June 2011 at Carnegie Mellon University

Federal Programs
The Federal Government has announced several programs and funding opportunities related to the Materials Genome Initiative. Learn more about these activities below:
Federal Funding Announcements
FY 2014
National Science Foundation
- Funding Announcement for the FY 2014 Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) program
FY 2013
National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Funding Announcement for the Advanced Materials Center of Excellence
National Science Foundation:
- Funding announcement for the FY 2013 Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) program
Department of Energy:
- Funding announcement for SBIR/STTR programs, including program area to develop and improve web-based tools for access to predictive theory and modeling
- Funding announcement for the development of lightweight magnesium alloys and awardees.
FY 2012
Department of Energy:
- Funding announcement for the development of lightweight materials and awardees.
- Funding announcement for predictive theory and modeling for advanced materials.
- Funding announcement for Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) partnerships.
Department of Defense:
- Funding announcement for the Enterprise for Multiscale Research of Materials program, led by the Army Research Laboratory (ARL).
- Funding announcement for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Center of Excellence for Integrated Computational Material Science and Engineering of Structural Materials
- Funding announcement for the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Center of Excellence in advanced organic composites
National Institute of Standards and Technology:
- Funding announcement for the NIST Advanced Materials for Industry program.
National Science Foundation:
- Funding announcement for the FY 2012 NSF Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) program.
Other Federal Programs & Resources
- National Science and Technology Council: Subcommittee in the Materials Genome Initiative (est. 2011)– Co-chaired by OSTP, DOE, and NIST with Deputy Chairs from ONR and AFRL. Participants include: DOD (ARL, OSD), DOE, NASA, NIST, NSF, and USGS.
- U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI): Description of the NNI Nanotechnology Knowledge Infrastructure signature initiative to coordinate activites around the development of a nanotechnology cyber-toolbox and data infrastructure.
- Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program (NITRD): NITRD creates opportunities for coordination of big data research and development activities across the Federal Government.
- National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI): NNMI is a network of regional hubs to accelerate development and adoption of cutting-edge manufacturing technologies.
- Ab-Initio Electronic Structure Library: Beta release of the Ab-Initio Electronic Structure Library (AFLOWLIB), maintained by Duke University in partnership with the Office of Naval Research, with open access to over 17,000 compounds derived from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database and over 160,000 binary alloys
- The Department of Energy’s Hydrogen Storage Materials Database provides access to comprehensive material property data for adsorbents, chemical hydrides, and metal hydrides to help support the advancement of hydrogen storage materials research.