Council on Environmental Quality Blog
Federal Agencies Leading By Example to Reduce Energy Use and Save Money for Taxpayers
Posted byon July 25, 2014 at 11:46 AM ESTIn 2009, President Obama set ambitious energy and sustainability goals to reduce energy use, pollution and waste, and save money in Federal operations. Today, Federal agencies released their annual updates highlighting the progress they’ve made thus far. These annual performance scorecards benchmark agencies’ progress and help them to target the best opportunities to improve.
The third National Climate Assessment released earlier this year made clear that climate change is already affecting every region of the country as well as key sectors of the economy. The President firmly believes that the Federal Government should lead by example in improving energy efficiency and cutting harmful carbon pollution. This is the fourth time agencies have publicly released their energy and sustainability scorecards as part of the Administration’s efforts to increase transparency and accountability in Federal operations.
The Federal Government is the largest energy consumer in the U.S. economy, and agencies’ improvements in energy efficiency and reductions in cost and waste are already making a difference.Today, the Federal Government announced:
- Greenhouse gas emissions from Federal facilities have been reduced by 17 percent since 2008, the equivalent of permanently taking 1.8 million cars off the road— roughly the same number of cars registered in the state of Alabama;
- Nine percent of Federal Government electricity is now from renewable sources, surpassing our own benchmark for fiscal year 2013 of 7.5 percent and ensuring that we are well on our way to reaching our new goal of 20 percent renewable energy by 2020; and
- Federal Government potable water use was reduced by 19 percent below 2007 levels.
These are big steps towards meeting our goals, and are saving taxpayers money. And we are working to do more.
For example, the Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus yesterday announced new renewable energy projects at the Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe, Hawaii, and Camp Smith in Aiea, Hawaii. The projects are expected to generate an estimated average savings of $1.6 million for taxpayers during their first year of operation. These projects will also avoid the burning of 54,000 barrels of imported oil, and reduce CO2 emission by 20,000 tons, the average annual energy use of over 5,000 Oahu homes.
The President has called for action in addressing climate change, and the Federal agencies are answering that call. With Federal Agencies working to lead the way in sustainability, the U.S. can build a healthier economy and a cleaner environment.
Kate Brandt is the Federal Environmental Executive at the Council on Environmental Quality.
Learn more about Energy and EnvironmentBuilding Drought Resilience in Montana
Posted byon July 18, 2014 at 2:15 PM ESTEarlier this week, President Obama announced a series of new steps the Administration is taking to help communities prepare for the impacts of climate change. Increasing preparedness and resilience throughout the country to impacts like extreme weather, flooding, and more severe drought is a major component of the President’s Climate Action Plan. And to do so, the President is committed to working closely with governors, mayors, tribal leaders and other decision-makers who are seeing the impacts of climate change on their communities firsthand.
Right now, with much of the western part of the country facing severe drought conditions, we’re reminded why it’s so important to build the nation’s resilience to drought. While no specific drought can be attributed solely to climate change, we do know that certain climatic factors can influence droughts, making them more frequent and severe. That’s why, through the National Drought Resilience Partnership (NDRP), a partnership of seven agencies, the Administration is making it easier for states, cities, and individuals to access Federal drought resources by linking information such as monitoring, forecasts, outlooks and early warnings with longer-term drought resilience strategies in critical sectors such as agriculture, municipal water systems, energy, recreation, tourism and manufacturing.
On Wednesday, at the beautiful Gates of the Mountains on the Missouri River just outside of Helena, Montana, the NDRP joined Montana Governor Steve Bullock in announcing a new climate resilience demonstration project in the Upper Missouri River Basin. Anne Castle, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Water and Science, joined Governor Bullock at the event, noting that the demonstration project “will build on and complement, not replace, existing drought planning and preparedness efforts in the Upper Missouri River Basin. There is already a strong foundation of Federal and state partnerships and the NDRP demonstration project will harness and coordinate existing efforts by Federal agencies and tailor the response to the unique needs of Montana watersheds.”
The initiative is focused on how improved drought preparedness at the local, state and tribal levels can be achieved through enhanced coordination of Federal agency resources. The idea is to demonstrate how drought resilience can be improved when Federal agencies go “all-in” to help with coordinating and focusing resources on specific watershed basins. And, with the Upper Missouri River Basin currently not facing drought conditions, the project will allow for the tough conversations among state, local, tribal and Federal partners to happen without a crisis looming.
Governor Bullock has already shown commendable leadership on drought preparedness, and has been essential in bringing this multi-agency collaborative model to his state. The content and scope of NDRP-Montana Upper Missouri River drought resilience demonstration is likely to evolve over time as we work closely with the Governor, tribes, local communities and watershed organizations. These folks are on the front lines of dealing with drought and know best what they need to build a long term drought resilience strategy. Lessons learned from this local demonstration will help the NDRP develop better programmatic support for drought resilience at the national level and in other parts of the country.
All of the NDRP agencies are looking forward to learning from this important demonstration project. In the meantime, the Administration will continue to look for opportunities to support state, local, and tribal leaders as they prepare their communities for drought and other impacts of climate change.
Mike Boots is Acting Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
Learn more about Energy and EnvironmentLocal Businesses, Leaders, and Non-profits Working in Unison to Prepare for Climate Change Impacts in California
Posted byon June 20, 2014 at 2:04 PM ESTAs the impacts of climate changes become more and more prevalent, the Administration is working hard to create a cleaner, safer and more resilient nation. This week, during a trip to San Jose and San Francisco, Calif., I was able to see firsthand the steps Americans are taking to move towards a clean energy economy and prepare communities for the impacts of climate change.
Yesterday, I joined state and local leaders for a tour of projects focused on building resilience to climate impacts, including sea level rise, at Ocean Beach in San Francisco. Beach erosion has forced the closure of a section of the Great Highway along the City’s Pacific coast and threatens critical wastewater infrastructure. In response, the City of San Francisco has undertaken an unprecedented and expedited collaboration of city, state, and federal agencies—as well as community stakeholders—to implement a sustainable approach to coastal management.
The President knows that the best ideas come from the communities facing the worst of climate change impacts, which is why he established a task force of 26 state, local, and tribal leaders to advise him on what they need from the Federal Government to build resilience in their communities. I’ve had the opportunity to meet with many of these leaders on a regular basis, and the innovation they’ve shown at the community level is truly impressive and already informing the way that we’re developing our policies back in Washington.
Great ideas are also coming from the private sector. Yesterday, at the Silicon Valley Energy Summit at Stanford University I spoke with stakeholders, entrepreneurs, investors, and businesses about new energy innovations and advancements in the United States. It was rewarding to be on stage alongside former Secretary of State, George Shultz, who has been a true leader on the challenging issue of climate change.
Thanks in part to the Obama Administration’s investment in clean energy – the largest in American history – the United States has more than doubled renewable energy generation from wind, solar, and geothermal sources since 2008. Solar jobs have jumped dramatically in recent years, and it has been growing at a rate faster than any other sector in the country. The costs of solar panels are decreasing, too.
Earlier this spring, President Obama called for private and public sector commitments to create jobs by advancing solar deployment and energy efficiency. GRID Alternatives, a non-profit in California, responded to this call along with more than 300 other organizations from the private and public sector. Specifically, GRID Alternatives committed to help install 100 MW of solar power on low-income housing across the country by 2024.
Wednesday, in San Jose, I was able to participate in one of these solar power installations for a local homeowner with GRID Alternatives co-founders Erica Mackie and Tim Sears. On the roof with a group of inspiring volunteers, I installed a solar panel for the first time and the homeowner told me how excited she was about her energy bills decreasing.
It has never been more evident that we’re transitioning to a clean energy economy, and becoming a country that’s resilient to the impacts of climate change. With the right innovation, investment and commitment, America is on the way to achieving both a healthy economy and a healthy environment.
Mike Boots is Acting Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
Learn more about Energy and EnvironmentAdministration Prepares for Hurricane Season, Impacts of Climate Change
Posted byon May 30, 2014 at 3:54 PM ESTWith hurricane season beginning on Sunday, the Administration has been hard at work making sure we’re as prepared as possible. Today, the President convened a meeting with members of his response team to receive an update on these efforts, as well as a briefing on the outlook on the 2014 hurricane season. Federal, State, and local agencies are working together on mobile applications and other innovations that will better inform and involve the public in preparedness and response activities.
As a result of our changing climate, more and more communities across the United States can expect to feel impacts like increasingly frequent and severe storms or extended drought and wildfire seasons. In fact, the third National Climate Assessment that the Administration released earlier this month confirms that climate change is already affecting every region of the United States as well as key sectors of our economy. Local decision-makers in communities most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change know this, as they’re on the front lines of dealing with climate change. And through the President’s State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, we’re working with a group of those decision-makers – all of them proven leaders in helping their communities adapt to the impacts of climate change - to figure out how the Federal Government can best support their efforts. The Task Force will provide its recommendations to the President in the fall, and in the meantime President Obama is doing everything he can to support the work of those leaders and build a safer and more resilient Nation.
One of the ways we can do this is by investing in the resilience of our natural resources. This week, the United States Department of Agriculture announced the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), a program that will rely on partnerships with regional organizations, non-profits, and the private sector to drive conservation and restoration efforts in the regions where they are needed most. With the government serving as a catalyst, we can spur more private investment in rural America to increase local resilience to drought and flooding, increase water supply, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
As we work to improve the resilience of our precious natural resources, we also need to build smarter and stronger, so that our infrastructure can withstand the next storm, and the next. In the Hurricane Sandy-affected region, state and local stakeholders are working with the Federal Government to do just that. Sandy recovery efforts can serve as a model for future investments in building climate resilience in communities all over the country. For example, today the Federal Transit Administration is awarding approximately $167 million to the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey and $67 million to New Jersey Transit from their Emergency Relief Program to help both agencies continue rebuilding and replacing transportation equipment and facilities damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. By strengthening rail systems, ferry terminals, and local infrastructure, the region can be prepared for a future with intensified storms and other extreme weather events. And the Department of Housing and Urban Development today announced a third round of grant funding, totaling more than $2.5 billion, to help four states and New York City continue recovering from Hurricane Sandy.
The President stands with the communities all over the U.S. as they prepare for hurricane season, and for the impacts of climate change that are affecting us now, and will continue to affect us in the future.
Mike Boots is Acting Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
Learn more about Energy and EnvironmentGreenGov: Connecting Government and the Private Sector
Posted byon May 20, 2014 at 10:32 AM ESTEarlier this month, the President announced $2 billion in new commitments in energy efficiency by the Federal Government through the use of energy performance contracts, a great example of how the Administration is working with the private sector to improve energy efficiency. All over the country, Federal agencies are leading by example by using less energy, cutting costs, and reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions. But the Federal Government can’t do it alone. Partnerships between the Federal Government and private sector make commitments to energy efficiency and sustainability a reality.
Last week, the Council on Environmental Quality hosted the GreenGov Workshop on Renewable Energy Purchasing and Development, which brought together Federal agency directors, private sector leaders, and a wide range of other stakeholders committed to clean energy. The workshop encouraged dynamic conversation on the importance of renewable energy for the future of both business and the Federal government.
Presenters, including keynote speaker Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, shared lessons learned and innovations in renewable energy deployment for Federal agencies, the use of alternative financing for renewable energy investments, and success stories from both industry and the Federal government. Private sector partners offered their perspective on improving the contracting process while Federal agency presenters provided examples of innovations such as using previously contaminated lands for renewable energy siting and sharing contracting expertise between agencies.
The President firmly believes that the Federal Government should lead by example in improving energy and cutting harmful carbon pollution, which is why he set aggressive targets for Federal agencies for reducing their energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and water use. Through this initiative, the Federal Government – the largest energy consumer in the U.S. economy – has already reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent – the equivalent of permanently taking 1.8 million cars off the road. As we envision a future that is more resilient to climate change, it is imperative to understand the value of partnerships between the Federal government and the private sector. GreenGov helps strengthen those partnerships and build a more energy efficient future.
As two new additions to the Council on Environmental Quality, we’re looking forward to working with Federal agencies and the private sector to keep leading by example.
Kate Brandt is the Federal Environmental Executive and Angela Barranco is the Associate Director for Public Engagement at the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
Learn more about Energy and EnvironmentLeading by Example to Reduce Carbon Pollution and Waste Less Energy
Posted byon May 9, 2014 at 1:53 PM ESTIn his speech at Georgetown University last summer, President Obama laid out his plan to cut the carbon pollution that drives climate change. One of the ways he said we can do that is through wasting less energy – which will save money for American families, businesses, and the Federal Government.
Following up on that commitment, the President today announced that the Administration is doubling down on energy efficiency in Federal buildings with an additional $2 billion investment in energy upgrades to federal buildings over the next three years. This investment, when combined with the President’s initial 2011 commitment of $2 billion, makes for a total of $4 billion in performance contracts through 2016. This means that the Federal Government will be using long term energy savings to pay for up-front costs, at no net cost to taxpayers.
Energy Performance Contracts drive economic development, utilize private sector innovation, and increase efficiency. They have received broad bipartisan support, along with support from the National Association of Manufacturers and the Chamber of Commerce. The President’s investment in energy upgrades will save billions in energy costs, promote energy independence, and create tens of thousands of jobs in the hard-hit construction sector. We’ve already seen impressive progress here – actual savings through the use of performance contracts has far exceeded the savings guaranteed by the contracts.
The President firmly believes that the Federal Government should lead by example in improving energy efficiency and cutting harmful carbon pollution, which is why he set aggressive targets for Federal agencies for reducing their energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and water use. Through this initiative, the Federal Government – the largest energy consumer in the U.S. economy – has already reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent, the equivalent of permanently taking 1.8 million cars off the road. Today, building on these efforts, the White House announced that it has completed installation of American-made solar panels on the First Family’s residence as a part of an energy retrofit that will improve the overall energy efficiency of the building. The retrofit includes the installation of energy-saving equipment such as updated building controls and variable speed fans, as well as 6.3 kilowatts of solar generation. Watch the behind the scenes installation of solar panels on the roof of the residence here:
Acting on climate is more urgent than ever. The third National Climate Assessment that was released on Tuesday showed that climate change is already affecting every region of the United States as well as key sectors of our economy. The additional investment in energy upgrades for Federal buildings will help improve energy efficiency across the economy and reduce the carbon pollution that drives climate change.
Mike Boots is Acting Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
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