Weekly Address: Ensuring Every Child Gets a Great Education

President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address at the Anacostia Neighborhood Library in Washington, D.C., April 30, 2015

President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address at the Anacostia Neighborhood Library in Washington, D.C., April 30, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

In this week’s address, the President reiterated his commitment to expanding access to education, and to spreading the joy of reading to more children and young adults.

Earlier this week, the President announced two new efforts that, building on the progress already made by his ConnectED initiative, will do just that: a challenge to mayors, libraries, and school leaders to help every student get a library card; and commitments from libraries and major publishers to provide more than $250 million in free e-Books for low-income students. In his address, the President also previewed his upcoming commencement speech at Lake Area Tech, in Watertown, South Dakota, where he will discuss his plan to make two years of community college as free and universal for every American as high school is today.

The President is working to ensure every child has the access to the education and resources they need to be successful.

Transcript | mp4 | mp3

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