21st Century Government
to Cut Waste

President Obama and Vice President Biden launch the Campaign to Cut Waste, which will hunt down and eliminate misspent tax dollars in every agency and department across the Federal Government.

Read the executive order

21st Century Government Latest News

  • Financial Disclosure Reports Now Available

    Public Financial Disclosure Reports (OGE Form 278) for White House officials are now available. Interested parties may request reports electronically by completing the application form available here.

    Once the application form is submitted, reports will be sent via email in PDF format as quickly as possible. Please call the press office if you have any questions.

    Kathryn Ruemmler is Counsel to the President 

  • Nominate a White House Champion of Change for Transformative Civic Engagement

    Since its earliest days, the Obama Administration has worked to make government more efficient, effective, and responsive to citizens’ needs by harnessing new technologies and opportunities to empower citizens with both information and a greater voice in decision-making. Today, we are working to develop the second United States National Action Plan on Open Government to do just that, and look forward to soliciting the best ideas and input from the public along the way.

    But we know that much of the best open government work happens in America’s towns and cities. Every day, local leaders across America’s communities are stepping up in big ways to advance open government goals from the ground up.

    This July, the White House will host a “Champions of Change” event to celebrate these local change-agents, whose exemplary leadership is helping to strengthen our democracy and increase participation in our government.

    The event will convene extraordinary individuals who are taking innovative approaches to engage citizens and communities in the practice of open government and civic participation.  These leaders will be invited to the White House to celebrate their accomplishments and showcase the steps they have taken to foster a more open, transparent, and participatory government.

  • More than 3.2 Million Records Released

    In September 2009, the President announced that—for the first time in history—White House visitor records would be made available to the public on an ongoing basis. Today’s release includes visitor records generated during the month of Feburary 2013. This release brings the total number of records made public by this White House to more than 3.2 million—all of which can be viewed in our Disclosures section.

    Ed. note: For more information, check out Ethics.gov.

  • Weekly Wrap Up: “What Our Families Deserve”

    Watch the West Wing Week here.

    Obama Cares: On the Friday before Mother’s Day, President Obama explained how the Affordable Care Act is helping women. For example, the law prevents insurance companies from charging women more than men and requires insurance companies to cover preventive services like mammograms free of charge.

    Thanks to the women in this room and people all across the country, we worked really hard -- and it’s now been more than three years since Congress passed the Affordable Care Act and I signed it into law. It’s been nearly a year since the Supreme Court upheld the law under the Constitution. And, by the way, six months ago, the American people went to the polls and decided to keep going in this direction. So the law is here to stay.

    The President asked Americans to learn the facts about the Affordable Care Act and the wide array of benefits the law is already providing. You can visit WhiteHouse.gov/HealthReform and HealthCare.gov to see what the law does for your family.

    Make sure you know what the actual facts are, because you stand to benefit if you’re not already benefiting from this thing. Don’t let people confuse you. Don’t let them run the okiedoke on you. Don’t be bamboozled.

    The nearly 85% of Americans who have health insurance are already benefiting from the Affordable Care Act. Now the White House is asking Americans from across the country to speak now in support of health care reform. Lend your name, share your story, and be part of making the law a success here.

  • The President and Vice President's 2012 Financial Disclosure Forms

    Today, the President and Vice President released their 2012 financial disclosure reports.

    The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 requires high-level federal officials to publicly disclose their personal financial interests. The public filing system serves to prevent financial conflicts of interest by providing for a systematic review of the finances of government officials. Those finances are set forth in annual disclosures which are reviewed and certified by ethics officials. Neither the President nor the Vice President have any conflicts of interest, and their reports have been reviewed and certified by the independent Office of Government Ethics. We are continuing this Administration's practice of posting these forms online here in the interests of transparency:

    View the President's 2012 financial disclosure report (pdf)

    View the Vice President's 2012 financial disclosure report (pdf)

    White House staff are also completing their forms and we anticipate they will be available here next month, also in electronic form.

    For more information

  • Nearly 3.2 Million Records Released

    In September 2009, the President announced that—for the first time in history—White House visitor records would be made available to the public on an ongoing basis. Today’s release includes visitor records generated during the month of January 2013. This release brings the total number of records made public by this White House to nearly 3.2 million—all of which can be viewed in our Disclosures section.

    Ed. note: For more information, check out Ethics.gov.