
Support for Veterans: By the Numbers
August 1, 2016
As Americans, we have a sacred obligation to honor the service men and women who keep America free and safe. To live up to that promise, the Administration is redoubling our efforts to serve our nation's veterans by ensuring they get the benefits they have earned, as well as expanding opportunity for our service members, veterans, and their families.
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A Diverse Judicial Pool
June 8, 2016
The men and women the President has nominated to enforce our laws and deliver justice represent his unprecedented commitment expanding the diversity of our nation's highest courts. That's a big deal — so if you learned something new here, pass it on.
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President Eisenhower and Alaska
August 31, 2015
On Jan. 3, 1959, President Dwight Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting Alaska to the Union as the 49th state.
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President Franklin D. Roosevelt in Alaska
August 31, 2015
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the nation's 32nd President and is considered by many to have been our country's "Conservationist President."
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Check from the Alaska Purchase
August 31, 2015
On March 30, 1867, the United States reached an agreement to purchase Alaska from Russia for a price of $7.2 million. The Treaty with Russia was negotiated and signed by Secretary of State William Seward and Russian Minister to the United States Edouard de Stoeckl.
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We the People Numbers
July 28, 2015
In September of 2011, we launched We the People to give Americans a new way to petition their government about the issues they care about. Nearly four years later, take a look at where the platform stands.
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Wall Street Reform Just Turned 5:
July 21, 2015
“Dodd-Frank” is shorthand for the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, whose chief co-sponsors on Capitol Hill were Senator Chris Dodd and Representative Barney Frank. These reforms -- which the President signed into law exactly five years ago today -- represent some the most sweeping financial reforms made since the Great Depression.
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Why We Must Connect America
July 15, 2015
While high-speed internet is a given for millions, it remains out of reach for far too many. Take a look at what that looks like in households and communities across the country. Then, learn what we're doing to fix it.
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We're Using More Clean Energy
June 16, 2015
Most people don't realize that, since the President took office, we've tripled our wind power and generated 20 times more solar energy. Take a look, and then make sure someone else sees this.
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22 States Aren't Expanding Medicaid
June 4, 2015
Nearly half of states are so locked into the politics of Obamacare that they're willing to leave nearly 4.3 million of their own people uninsured. Take a look at our map — and make sure you share it.
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ACA Comic Strip: Vain
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15 enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Oversharer
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Organized
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Hipster
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Daredevil
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strips: Caregiver
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Athletic
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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State of the Union 2015 Enhanced Slides
January 26, 2015
These slides accompanied the enhanced version of the President's 2015 State of the Union Address.
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Note from the President
January 20, 2015
Ahead of his State of the Union Address tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern, the President drafted a quick note to the American people. Read it, share it, and make sure you're watching at
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Maintain Your Tires
December 9, 2014
Only one in five American drivers has properly inflated tires. Find out how keeping your tires in good condition can keep money in your wallet, make you safer, and protect the planet.
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Recipe to #GetCovered
November 26, 2014
There's a good chance it'll take less time to apply for health coverage than to make your Thanksgiving dinner. Need coverage? Go to right now. Otherwise, be sure to share this delicious one-two punch.
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The President's New Steps on Immigration
November 20, 2014
Here's how President Obama is using his executive authority to increase accountability and fix our broken immigration system. Learn more at
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It's Time for Equal Pay
October 31, 2014
Women who work full-time still earn just 78 cents for every dollar that men earn. It's on us to make sure more people realize that. Share this graphic today to make sure they do.
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October 9, 2014
Here's what you need to know about Millennials: where they are, where they're going, and what President Obama is doing to ensure their success.
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October 8, 2014
Here's what you need to know about Millennials: where they are, where they're going, and what President Obama is doing to ensure their success.
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Our Economy's Making Incredible Progress
October 3, 2014
The economy created 248,000 jobs in September, and the unemployment rate dropped to 5.9 percent -- the lowest rate since July 2008.
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The President's Update on the Economy
October 2, 2014
Our economy is stronger than it was when President Obama took office during the Great Recession, but we're not there yet. To build an economy that works for every American -- not just the privileged few -- we must invest in key areas to create security and opportunity for America’s middle class.
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BRAIN Initiative
September 30, 2014
President Obama is making new investments in the “BRAIN” Initiative — a bold new research effort to revolutionize our understanding of the human mind and uncover new ways to treat, prevent, and cure brain disorders like Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury.
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What We're Doing on Inversions
September 26, 2014
Inversions -- or tax maneuvers that reward U.S. corporations that declare themselves overseas residents to avoid paying taxes in America -- have been in the news a lot lately, because more than 50 percent of these deals have happened in the past five years. We're doing something about it. Get the facts below, and then pass this on.
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What We're Doing on Inversions
September 26, 2014
Inversions -- or tax maneuvers that reward U.S. corporations that declare themselves overseas residents to avoid paying taxes in America -- have been in the news a lot lately, because more than 50 percent of these deals have happened in the past five years. We're doing something about it. Get the facts below, and then pass this on.
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What We're Doing on Inversions
September 26, 2014
Inversions -- or tax maneuvers that reward U.S. corporations that declare themselves overseas residents to avoid paying taxes in America -- have drawn the ire of many Americans as an example of an unfair corporate tax loophole. The Treasury Department took another step to limit inversions. Get the facts below, and then pass this on.
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Low Premium Increases, More Out-of-Pocket Limits
September 24, 2014
In 2014, the average annual premium for employer-provided family health coverage only went up 3%. That's tied for the lowest rate on record. And about 8 million more workers now have plans that limit their out-of-pocket spending.
Get the facts below -- and pass it on:
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Where Are Our Ambassadors?
June 24, 2014
Several U.S. ambassador posts remain unfilled because Senate Republicans refuse to confirm the President's nominees. It's time to let these nominees do their important work in protecting U.S. interests across the globe.
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Working Dads in 2014
June 13, 2014
Our work force -- and families -- look different than ever before. Like moms, many dads don't have access to paid leave or flexible workplaces. And it's harder than ever for them to balance work and family. Take a look at what that looks like, and then share this if you learned something new.
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Working Dads in 2014
June 9, 2014
Our work force -- and families -- look different than ever before. Like moms, many dads don't have access to paid leave or flexible workplaces. And it's harder than ever for them to balance work and family. Take a look at what that looks like, and then share this if you learned something new.
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Modernizing Our Power Plants
June 2, 2014
A new proposed rule by the EPA will set the first-ever national carbon emissions limits for our country's existing power plants. Find out how this will make Americans healthier.
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Modernizing Our Power Plants
June 2, 2014
A new proposed rule by the EPA will set the first-ever national carbon emissions limits for our country's existing power plants. Find out how this will make Americans healthier.
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Modernizing Our Power Plants
June 2, 2014
A new proposed rule by the EPA will set the first-ever national carbon emissions limits for our country's existing power plants. Find out how this will make Americans healthier.
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Bringing Our Troops Home
May 28, 2014
When President Obama took office, nearly 180,000 troops were in harm's way in Iraq and Afghanistan. By the end of this year, there will be fewer than 10,000. Here's a timeline of what that looks like. Take a look, and pass it on.
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Bringing Our Troops Home
May 28, 2014
When President Obama took office, nearly 180,000 troops were in harm's way in Iraq and Afghanistan. By the end of this year, there will be fewer than 10,000. Here's a timeline of what that looks like. Take a look, and pass it on.
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Bringing Our Troops Home
May 27, 2014
When President Obama took office, nearly 180,000 troops were in harm's way in Iraq and Afghanistan. By the end of this year, there will be fewer than 10,000. Here's a timeline of what that looks like. Take a look, and pass it on.
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Rebuild America
May 14, 2014
The funding to fix our crumbling roads and bridges is running out, and only Congress can reauthorize it. Find out what will happen if Congress doesn't act, and see how the President's plan would rebuild our infrastructure in a smarter way:
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Cost of Inaction on Immigration
April 16, 2014
Last June, the Senate passed a bipartisan immigration reform bill that would grow our economy and shrink the deficit. But without action from the House to move forward in the last year, our country is losing out on these economic gains.
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House of Cuts
April 10, 2014
The latest House GOP budget cuts vital programs, lowers taxes for millionaires, and raises taxes for middle-class families. Get the details below, and pass it on.
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Closing the Pay Gap
April 8, 2014
On average, full-time working women earn 77 cents to every dollar earned by men. Worse still, many women don't even know they're underpaid, and can't take steps to ensure they're getting equal pay for equal work. See what President Obama is doing about that, then share the news.
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Closing the Pay Gap
April 8, 2014
On average, full-time working women earn 77 cents to every dollar earned by men. Worse still, many women don't even know they're underpaid, and can't take steps to ensure they're getting equal pay for equal work. See what President Obama is doing about that, then share the news.
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Closing the Pay Gap
April 8, 2014
On average, full-time working women earn 77 cents to every dollar earned by men. Worse still, many women don't even know they're underpaid, and can't take steps to ensure they're getting equal pay for equal work. See what President Obama is doing about that, then share the news.
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Women and the Minimum Wage
March 26, 2014
Raising the minimum wage is especially important for women, who are highly concentrated in low-wage jobs and occupations. Learn more and then share this graphic with others.
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Effects of Raising the Minimum Wage
March 19, 2014
Raising the minimum wage nationwide will increase earnings for millions of workers, and boost the bottom lines of businesses across the country.
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ACA and the AAPI Community
March 17, 2014
Millions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act. Get the facts below, then share this with your friends and family.
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Women in the Workforce
March 12, 2014
Women workers are contributing more and more to their family's earnings, but the wage gap between men and women hasn't gone away. Here's where we stand, in three charts. Take a look, and pass it on.
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Fill Out the FAFSA
March 7, 2014
If you're a student, a parent, or just know someone who is, this is relevant to you: You're probably leaving money on the table by not filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Learn more, and pass this on to anyone who needs to see it.
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Strengthening Medicare
February 21, 2014
Making Medicare stronger has long been a top priority for President Obama. Learn how the Affordable Care Act is helping the Obama administration strengthen Medicare and crack down on Medicare fraud, and share the information with others.
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Protecting American Inventors
February 20, 2014
The Obama administration is making major progress on a series of initiatives designed to combat patent trolls, further strengthen our patent system and foster innovation and has announced new executive actions to build on these efforts. Learn more about these initiatives below.
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Protecting American Inventors
February 20, 2014
The Obama administration is making major progress on a series of initiatives designed to combat patent trolls, further strengthen our patent system and foster innovation and has announced new executive actions to build on these efforts. Learn more about these initiatives below.
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February 10, 2014
100 people die from drug overdose in America every day--and nearly half of them are from prescription painkillers. All of them are preventable. Here's how you can do your part.
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OD Prevention: 17 States
February 7, 2014
17 states and D.C. have amended their laws to make it easier to prescribe, dispense and administer naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal drug.
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5 Farm Bill Benefits
February 7, 2014
Despite its name, the Farm Bill isn't just about helping farmers. It's a jobs bill, an innovation bill, an infrastructure bill, a research bill, and a conservation bill -- and it's about growing our economy. Take a look, and pass it on.
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State of the Union Slides
February 6, 2014
These slides accompanied the enhanced version of the President's 2014 State of the Union Address.
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Minimum Wage: 21 States
January 30, 2014
Across the country, 21 states have minimum wage rates that are higher than the federal minimum wage.
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Pocket Card to Congress
January 29, 2014
Want all the facts? During the State of the Union, we hand out a "pocket card" to Members of Congress so they can get all the facts in one quick, easy to read place. This year we're sharing it with you, too.
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The Avg Woman Loses $431,000
January 28, 2014
By age 65, the average working woman will lose $431,000 due to the wage gap. Share this graphic if you agree this isn’t fair.
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568,000 Manufacturing Jobs
January 28, 2014
Over the past 46 months, the manufacturing sector has added 568,000 jobs. Share this remarkable statistic with others.
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The Deficit Is Falling Faster
January 28, 2014
Our federal deficit fell to 4.1% of GDP in 2013, down from 9.2% in 2009. Learn more below, and pass it on.
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Private-Sector Job Growth
January 28, 2014
Since March 2010, the private sector has added a total of 8.2 million jobs, helping reduce the unemployment rate to 6.7%.
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Apprenticeships = High Hourly Wages
January 28, 2014
Apprenticeships often result in higher wages. Share this graphic that shows the benefits of apprenticeships in a number of occupations.
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Apprenticeships Raise Earnings
January 28, 2014
Combining classroom instruction with on-the-job training, apprenticeships give workers a great start to their career.
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Raise the Federal Minimum Wage
January 28, 2014
Today’s minimum wage doesn’t allow workers to cover the basics. Share this graphic if you think these workers deserve more.
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The Current Minimum Wage Isn’t Enough
January 28, 2014
No one that works full-time should have to live in poverty. Share this graphic if you agree.
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Share SOTU
January 28, 2014
Today, President Obama will deliver his fifth State of the Union address to the nation. Ask your friends and family to watch and engage.
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Before and After the Affordable Care Act
January 22, 2014
Today, millions of people have peace of mind about their health care that they lacked before the Affordable Care Act was passed, including better protections and access to health care, and new options for finding affordable coverage.
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Expanding College Opportunity
January 16, 2014
The President is calling on colleges, universities, businesses, and other organizations to help expand opportunity for more young Americans to get to college and succeed: And they're listening. Learn more about how they're stepping up — and how you can, too.
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Expanding College Opportunity
January 16, 2014
The President is calling on colleges, universities, businesses, and other organizations to help expand opportunity for more young Americans to get to college and succeed: And they're listening. Learn more about how they're stepping up — and how you can, too.
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Extending Unemployment Insurance, in Four Numbers
January 7, 2014
Unemployment insurance is a vital economic lifeline for millions of Americans who are looking for work -- and because Republicans in Congress failed to act at the end of 2013, that lifeline was taken away from 1.3 million Americans. They can fix this before it affects millions more. Here is why they should:
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4 Numbers on Extending UI
January 7, 2014
Unemployment insurance is a vital economic lifeline for millions of Americans who are looking for work -- and because Republicans in Congress failed to act at the end of 2013, that lifeline was taken away from 1.3 million Americans. They can fix this before it affects millions more. Here is why they should:
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Tips for New Health Coverage
December 31, 2013
If you're one of the many Americans who enrolled in health coverage that starts January 1, 2014, check out these tips on what to do the first time you visit the doctor or pharmacy.
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Technology for Higher Education
December 18, 2013
Higher education is an important pathway to success in almost any field. In a new report, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) explores the potential of innovative technologies to expand access to higher education in America. Learn how.
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ACA and the LGBT Community
December 17, 2013
The Affordable Care Act has the potential to transform the lives of countless LGBT people. Learn how, then share this graphic with others.
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Reporting Back on the Auto Recovery
December 9, 2013
At a time when the American auto industry was about to collapse, the President made the tough to decision to invest in it. Today, the United States no longer owns a stake in General Motors, and the auto industry is thriving. Here's what that looks like.
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Americans Getting Covered Now
December 3, 2013
The Affordable Care Act is currently helping millions of Americans -- and we don't hear those stories often enough. Let's change that.
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Meaningful Progress on Gun Violence
December 2, 2013
On January 16, 2013, President Obama announced 23 executive actions to reduce gun violence. Today, we have completed or made significant progress on every one of them. Take a look at what we've done -- and pass it on.
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Four Ways To Get Covered
December 2, 2013
Ready to get covered? Learn about the four ways to apply for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace, then share this with your friends to help them get covered, too.
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Remember This During Thanksgiving
November 26, 2013
For decades, Congress has authorized SNAP in a bipartisan fashion through the Farm Bill. They don't have to do it in a way that hurts children, seniors, veterans, and vulnerable families. Learn more, and pass it on:
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Gettysburg Address Tribute
November 19, 2013
One hundred fifty years after President Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address, President Obama penned a handwritten tribute to President Lincoln's historic remarks. Read his essay below, then share it with others.
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The 113th Congress Could Vote Right Now
November 19, 2013
Right now, members of Congress are in a position to vote on multiple national measures that would help our economy and millions of Americans. They could vote tomorrow. And they should.
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Reducing Our Dependence on Foreign Oil
November 14, 2013
For the first time in nearly two decades, we're importing less foreign oil than we're producing domestically -- and we're using less overall. That's a really big deal. Get the facts below, and pass them on.
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Economic Growth, in 3 Charts:
November 12, 2013
There's no doubt that the government shutdown caused unnecessary damage to the economy in October. But there's still a good story to tell: The economy is growing steadily. Here's what that looks like.
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Cutting Our Deficit in Half
November 4, 2013
A new report has some big economic news you probably missed: Since 2009, we've cut our deficit in half -- and it's falling at its fastest rate since World War II.
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Americans Are Signing Up for Obamacare
October 18, 2013
While there have been extensive problems with, across the country people are using the Health Insurance Marketplace to get affordable health coverage. See some of their stories below, then share the news with others.
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Why Won’t Speaker Boehner #JustVote
October 10, 2013
Speaker Boehner has refused to schedule a yes or no vote on a Senate-passed bill that would reopen the government. Take a look and spread the word.
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The President's Judicial Nominees
September 24, 2013
Creating a judicial pool for the 21st Century, one with intellect, fair-mindedness and integrity that resembles the nation that it serves, is a top priority for President Obama and his administration. In fact, the President’s nominations for federal judges embody an unprecedented commitment to expanding the racial, gender and experiential diversity of the men and women who enforce our laws and deliver justice.
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Our Nation’s Energy History
September 9, 2013
Did you know the U.S. uses more wood as a source of fuel than we did in 1775?
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A Plan for College Affordability
August 22, 2013
President Obama is introducing a new set of ideas to rethink the way in which we pay for higher education -- and shake up the current system. Share the details to help get out the news.
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