Office of the Chief Operations Services (OCOS)
The Office of the Chief of Operation Services (OCOS) oversees the operational activities that maintain and run the physical and logistical aspects of the EOP complex.
Facilities and Security Management Division: The Facilities and Security Management Division (FSMD) serves as the facility management liaison for all customer tenants on the White House Complex (WHC). We provide this service through a working relationship with the General Services Administration (GSA), who owns and maintains the buildings. FSMD is divided into four divisions, the Facilities Management Branch (FMB), Construction Management Branch (CMB), the Physical Security Branch (PSB) and Continuity of Operations (COOP).
Facilities Management Branch: Day-to-day building operations and services
Construction Management Branch: Long-term planning and construction management
Physical Security Branch: The physical security program supports all components of the Executive Office of the President and works in conjunction with the United States Secret Service (USSS) and the Federal Protective Service (FPS) to ensure adequate measures are in place at the WHC to protect and safeguard personnel, equipment, information and operations.
Continuity of Operations: Oversees all EOP Components continuity planning and capabilities to respond to natural or manmade events that impact personnel and facilities.
As a whole, FMO facilitates maintenance and renovation efforts, protects historical attributes while minimizing disruptions throughout the WHC, ensures the physical safety and security of the grounds and occupants, and provides an optimal work environment for the WHC occupants with a strong focus on customer service.
Mail and Logistics Management Division: Mail and Logistics Management Division (MLMD) manages the newspaper/magazine distribution; mail pickup and delivery; United Parcel Services (UPS) package acceptance; transportation requests and courier delivery; red tag pickup and delivery; and meter official mail for various EOP components. Additionally, MLMD provides office supplies, receipt, delivery, and temporary storage of parcels, furniture, equipment, and other bulk items; and management of personal property.