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Image of the South Portico of the White House

What's Happening

February 14, 2016

The Schedule

No public schedule available at this time.

Out-of-Town  Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: ABC
Print: NY Times

February 13, 2016

The Schedule

In the evening, the President will deliver a statement on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.  The President’s statement in the Omni Rancho Las Palmas press file will be open press.

All times ET

8:30 PM

The President delivers a statement on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Scalia

Omni Rancho Las Palmas Press File, Rancho Mirage, California Open Press

Out-of-Town  Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: NBC
Print: AFP

February 12, 2016

The Schedule

In the morning, the President will depart Los Angeles en route Palm Springs, California. The departure from Los Angeles International Airport and the arrival at Palm Springs International Airport are open to pre-credentialed media. The Vice President will meet with senior advisors. 

In the afternoon, the Vice President will depart Washington, DC en route Wilmington, Delaware.

The President will remain overnight in Palm Springs.


All times ET

1:45 PM

The President departs Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles International Airport Open to pre-credentialed media

2:40 PM

The President arrives in Palm Springs, CA

Palm Springs International Airport Open to pre-credentialed media

Out-of-Town  Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: FOX
Print: NY Times

February 11, 2016

The Schedule

In the morning, the President will participate in a DSCC roundtable at a private residence. The roundtable is closed press. The Vice President will hold breakfast with the Delaware Congressional Delegation at the Naval Observatory. This breakfast will be closed press. 

In the afternoon, the President will deliver remarks at a DNC event at a private residence. There will be print pool coverage of the President’s remarks. The Vice President will meet with senior advisors.

Later in the afternoon, the President will depart San Jose, California en route Los Angeles, California. The departure from Moffett Federal Airfield and the arrival at Los Angeles International Airport are open to pre-credentialed media.

Afterward, the President will tape an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. There will be a pool spray of this taping. 

In the evening, the President will deliver remarks at a DNC event at a private residence. There will be print pool coverage of the President’s remarks.

Later in the evening, the President will deliver remarks and take questions at a DNC event at a private residence. There will be print pool coverage of the President’s remarks only.

The President will remain overnight in Los Angeles.

All times ET

2:00 PM

The President participates in a DSCC roundtable

Private Residence, Palo Alto, California Closed Press

4:15 PM

The President delivers remarks at a DNC event

Private Residence, Atherton, California Print Pool

5:20 PM

The President departs San Jose, California en route Los Angeles, California

Moffett Federal Airfield Open to pre-credentialed media

6:25 PM

The President arrives in Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles International Airport Open to pre-credentialed media

7:25 PM

The President tapes an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Warner Brothers Studios, Burbank, California Pool Spray

9:55 PM

The President delivers remarks at a DNC event

Private Residence, Hancock Park, California

11:00 PM

The President delivers remarks and takes questions at a DNC event

Private Residence, Los Angeles, California Print Pool

Out-of-Town  Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: CNN
Print: NY Times

February 10, 2016

The Schedule

In the morning, the President will travel to Springfield, Illinois. The departure from the South Lawn is open press, and the arrival at Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport is open to pre-credentialed media.

While in Springfield, the President will address the Illinois General Assembly about what we can do, together, to build a better politics – one that reflects our better selves. The President’s remarks at the Illinois State Capitol will be pooled press.

Afterward, the President will deliver remarks to supporters, stakeholders and volunteers. The President’s remarks at the Hoogland Center for the Arts will be pooled press.

In the evening, the President depart Illinois en route San Jose, California. The departure from Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport and the arrival at Moffett Federal Airfield are open to pre-credentialed media.

The President will remain overnight in San Jose.

All times ET

10:05 AM

The President departs the White House

South Lawn Open Press Final Gather 9:50AM – North Doors of the Palm Room

10:20 AM

The President departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Springfield, Illinois

Andrews Air Force Base Travel Pool Coverage Call Time 9:00AM – Virginia Gate, Joint Base Andrews

12:20 PM

The President arrives in Springfield, Illinois

Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport, Springfield, Illinois Open to pre-credentialed media

2:00 PM

The Vice President will tour the Modrich Laboratory in the Nanaline Duke Building

Duke University Medical Center Pooled Press

2:25 PM

The President addresses the Illinois General Assembly

Illinois State Capitol, Springfield, Illinois Pooled Press

2:30 PM

The Vice President will participate in a roundtable discussion on the Cancer Moonshot

Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans Center for Health Education at the Duke University Medical Center Open Press

4:25 PM

The President delivers remarks

Hoogland Center for the Arts, Springfield, Illinois Pooled Press

6:10 PM

The President departs Springfield, Illinois en route San Jose, California

Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport, Springfield, Illinois Open to pre-credentialed media

10:30 PM

The President arrives in San Jose, California

Moffett Federal Airfield, Mountain View, California Open to pre-credentialed media

In-Town  Pool Call Time: 9:00
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: CBS
Print: The Root
Radio: WW1
Out-of-Town  Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: NY Times
Print: CBS
Radio: NPR

February 9, 2016

The Schedule

In the morning, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. This meeting is closed press.

Later in the morning, the President will meet with members of his national security team and cybersecurity advisors to discuss new actions to enhance the nation’s cybersecurity, including measures that will be outlined in the President’s FY2017 Budget proposal. The Vice President will also attend. There will be a pool spray at the bottom of this meeting in the Roosevelt Room.

In the afternoon, the Vice President will hold a working lunch with President Sergio Mattarella of Italy at the Blair House. This meeting is closed press.

Later in the afternoon, the President will meet with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, Senator Chuck Schumer, and Representative Steve Israel, to discuss the President's FY2017 budget, and domestic and national security priorities for the months ahead. The Vice President will also attend. This meeting in the Oval Office is closed press.

In the evening, the Vice President will attend a reception with Democratic Senators at a private residence. This event is closed press.

All times ET

10:00 AM

The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

Oval Office Closed Press

11:05 AM

The President meets with members of his national security team and cybersecurity advisors; The Vice President also attends

Roosevelt Room Pool Spray at the Bottom Gather Time 11:40AM – Brady Press Briefing Room

3:35 PM

The President meets with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, Senator Chuck Schumer, and Representative Steve Israel; The Vice President also attends

Oval Office Closed Press

In-Town  Pool Call Time: 9:30
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: ABC
Print: Roll Call
Radio: VOA

February 8, 2016

The Schedule

In the morning, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. This meeting is closed press.

Later in the morning, the President will hold a bilateral meeting President Sergio Mattarella of Italy; the Vice President will also attend. During their meeting, the Presidents will discuss our shared efforts to counter ISIL and the global refugee crisis.  They will also exchange views on economic developments in Europe, the importance of concluding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and other issues of mutual interest. There will be a pool spray at the bottom of this meeting in the Oval Office.

In the afternoon, the President will have lunch with the Vice President in the Private Dining Room. This lunch is closed press.

All times ET

10:00 AM

The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

Oval Office Closed Press

11:10 AM

The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Sergio Mattarella; The Vice President also attends

Oval Office Pool Spray at the Top Gather Time 11:35AM – Brady Press Briefing Room

12:30 PM

The President and the Vice President meet for lunch

Private Dining Room Closed Press

In-Town  Pool Call Time: 9:30
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: NBC
Print: Regional Reporters
Radio: Talk Media News

February 7, 2016

The Schedule

No public schedule available at this time.

In-Town  Pool Call Time: 11:00
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: FOX
Print: Real Clear Politics
Radio: Sirius XM

February 6, 2016

The Schedule

No public schedule available at this time.

In-Town  Pool Call Time: 11:00
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: CNN
Print: Politico
Radio: SRN

February 5, 2016

The Schedule

In the morning, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. This meeting is closed press.

Later in the morning, the President will meet with Senator Bob Casey to discuss national security issues and legislative priorities for the year ahead. This meeting in the Oval Office is closed press.

In the afternoon, the Vice President will depart Washington, DC en route Wilmington, Delaware.

All times ET

10:00 AM

The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

Oval Office Closed Press

11:35 AM

The President meets with Senator Bob Casey

Oval Office Closed Press

12:30 PM

The President delivers a statement on the economy

Brady Press Briefing Room Open Press

In-Town  Pool Call Time: 9:30
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP
TV Corr & Crew: CBS
Print: NY Times
Radio: NPR