Startup America
Startup America: Progress Report
Startup America / Progress Report
The Obama Administration is taking concrete action to improve the environment for high-growth entrepreneurship across the country, in five key areas:
- Unlocking access to capital to fuel startup growth
- Connecting mentors and education to entrepreneurs
- Reducing barriers and making government work for entrepreneurs
- Accelerating innovation from “lab to market” for breakthrough technologies
- Unleashing market opportunities in industries like healthcare, clean energy, and education
Check out our progress report below, and see the Commitments page for more details.
Unlocking Access to Capital
Calling on Congress to Unlock More Startup Capital
Eliminating Capital Gains Taxes on Small Business Investments
Simplifying Tax Credits for Investment in Lower-Income Communities
Connecting Mentors
Connecting Clean Energy Startups with Experienced Mentors
Launched Nationwide Center for Teaching Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering
Funding Clean Energy Business Competitions for Students Nationwide
Advancing Youth Entrepreneurship Education
Reducing Barriers
Faster Patent Applications
Accelerating Innovation
Created an Innovation Corps to Help Scientists Launch Startups
Launched i6 Challenges for Regional Innovation
Funding Innovation Ecosystems for Clean Energy
Speeding Up Technology Licensing for Biomedical Startups
Unleashing Market Opportunities
Creating a National Platform for Healthcare Innovation
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