Statements and Releases
Vicepresidente Biden anuncia que 200,000 viviendas han sido acondicionadas para las inclemencias del tiempo con la Ley para la Recuperación
Background on the President's Event in New Orleans for the Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
Vice President Biden Announces 200,000 Homes Weatherized Under the Recovery Act
Readout of President Obama's call with British Prime Minister Cameron
President Obama to Deliver Back to School Speech September 14
Readout of President Obama's Conference Call with His Economic Team
President Obama and Administration Officials to Mark 5th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with Travel to Gulf Coast, Project Site Visits
Statement by the Vice President on New CBO Report on Employment and Economic Impact of the Recovery Act
Remarks by Vice President Joe Biden at the Recovery Act Innovation Report Event
FACT CHECK: John Boehner's Attacks on the President's Job Creation Agenda
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