Statements and Releases
Statement by National Security Council Spokesman Tommy Vietor on Strategy 31 Protests in Russia
President Obama to Welcome Israeli President Shimon Peres to the White House
Nominations Sent to the Senate, 3/31/11
President Obama Signs Tennessee Disaster Declaration
President Obama Nominates Corinne Ann Beckwith to be an Appellate Judge for the District of Columbia Court of Appeals
President Obama Names Alison J. Nathan as Nominee for the United States District Court
President Obama Nominates David L. McNulty to Serve as a U.S. Marshal
President Obama Nominates George L. Beck to Serve as U.S. Attorney
Statement by the Press Secretary on U.S. contribution to the United Nations Trust Fund for Global and Regional Disarmament
President Obama Announces Ambassador Princeton N. Lyman as U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan