The Untold Stories of Women in Science and Technology: Let's Write Them Permanently into History

A painting of an elegantly dressed woman named Lady Ada Lovelace hangs on the wall at the U.K. Prime Minister's residence at 10 Downing Street.

She's considered to be the world's first programmer -- but most people have never heard of her.

Ada Lovelace's experience remains all too familiar: So many of the breakthrough contributions of women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields continue to go untold, too often fading into obscurity.

Join us in doing something to change that: Listen to women from across the Obama administration share the untold stories of women who’ve inspired us.

Then add an untold history of your own, and make a commitment to share these stories in any way you can to help inspire more young women and men to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Related Topics: Technology, Women, New Jersey

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Letter from the President -- Six Month Consolidated War Powers Resolution Report

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)

I am providing this supplemental consolidated report, prepared by my Administration and consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148), as part of my efforts to keep the Congress informed about deployments of U.S. Armed Forces equipped for combat.


In furtherance of U.S. counterterrorism efforts, the United States continues to work with partners around the globe, with a particular focus on the U.S. Central Command's and U.S. Africa Command's areas of responsibility. In this context, the United States has deployed U.S. combat-equipped forces to enhance the counterterrorism capabilities and support the counterterrorism operations of our friends and allies, including special operations and other forces for sensitive operations in various locations around the world. Specific information about counterterrorism deployments to select countries is provided below, and a classified annex to this report provides further information.

Military Operations Against al-Qa'ida, the Taliban, and Associated Forces and in Support of Related
U.S. Counterterrorism Objectives

Since October 7, 2001, the United States has conducted combat operations in Afghanistan against al-Qa'ida, the Taliban, and associated forces. In support of these and other overseas operations, the United States has deployed combat-equipped forces to a number of locations in the U.S. Central, Pacific, European, Southern, and Africa Command areas of operation. Such operations and deployments have been reported previously, consistent with Public Law 107-40 and the War Powers Resolution, and operations and deployments remain ongoing. These operations, which the United States has carried out with the assistance of numerous international partners, have been successful in seriously degrading al-Qa'ida's capabilities and brought an end to the Taliban's rule in Afghanistan. If necessary, in response to this terrorist threat, I will direct additional measures to protect U.S. citizens and interests. It is not possible to know at this time the precise scope or the duration of the deployments of U.S. Armed Forces necessary to counter this terrorist threat to the United States.

Afghanistan. United States Armed Forces have transitioned the lead for security to Afghan security forces while striking significant blows against al-Qa'ida's leadership and preventing Afghanistan from being used to launch attacks against our homeland. On May 27, 2014, I announced my decision to end the U.S. combat mission in Afghanistan at the end of 2014, and to maintain a limited number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan beyond the end of 2014. These forces in Afghanistan will be for the purposes of training, advising, and assisting Afghan forces and supporting counterterrorism operations against the remnants of al-Qa'ida.

The U.N. Security Council most recently extended its authorization of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan until December 31, 2014, in U.N. Security Council Resolution 2120 (October 10, 2013). The mission of
ISAF, under North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) command and in partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is to reduce the capability and will of the insurgency, support the growth in capacity and capability of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), and facilitate improvements in governance and socio-economic development in order to provide a secure environment for sustainable stability. For the last few years, the ISAF campaign has focused on preparing the ANSF for full security transition in 2014.

Since June 2013, the ANSF have been in the lead for security nationwide and have been conducting the overwhelming majority of operations. ISAF is now in support of the ANSF, and the only unilateral operations that ISAF conducts are in support of its own security, sustainment, and redeployment. During the remainder of its campaign, ISAF will continue to focus on developing the sustainability of the ANSF at the corps and ministerial levels. The security transition process -- as agreed to at the 2010 NATO Summit in Lisbon and reaffirmed at the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago -- remains on track, and the ANSF are expected to assume full responsibility for security across the whole of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Following the completion of the ISAF mission at the end of 2014, the mission to help train, advise, and assist the ANSF and Afghan ministries and institutions will continue through the follow-on NATO-led Resolute Support Mission.

Today, there are approximately 15,000 U.S. forces in Afghanistan. The U.S. Armed Forces are on track to draw down to a Force Management Level of 9,800 by early 2015. (The actual number of U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan may exceed this Force Management Level due to, for example, overlap during rotations of units and the continued presence of forces with the single mission of supporting the retrograde of U.S. equipment, both of which are excluded from counting against the Force Management Level.) By the end of 2016, U.S. forces would draw down to a small presence at our embassy in Kabul, focusing primarily on security assistance activities. The United States would continue to work with our Afghan partners to pursue the remnants of al-Qa'ida and more broadly to work with our partners in the region to continue to detect and disrupt extremist threats.

As I noted in my report of June 12, 2014, on March 25, 2013, the United States signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Government of Afghanistan under which the United States transferred all Afghan nationals detained by U.S. forces in Afghanistan to the custody and control of the Afghan government.
Pursuant to the MOU, any new Afghan detainees are to be transferred to Afghan custody and control within 96 hours after capture. United States forces in Afghanistan continue to detain a small number of third-country nationals under the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40), as informed by the law of war.

Iraq and Syria.   In order to provide support and security to U.S. personnel and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and as part of a comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), I authorized, earlier this year, the deployment of U.S. Armed Forces to Iraq. These deployments of U.S. forces, which I reported to the Congress in a series of reports in recent months, are conducting coordination with Iraqi forces and providing training, communications support, intelligence support, and other support to select elements of the Iraqi security forces, including Kurdish Peshmerga forces. Additionally, these forces are conducting a systematic campaign of airstrikes and other necessary actions against ISIL forces in Iraq and Syria and airstrikes against elements of al-Qa'ida known as the Khorasan Group in Syria. The Force Management Level for U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq currently is 3,100 personnel.

These actions are being undertaken in coordination with and at the request of the Government of Iraq and in conjunction with coalition partners.

Somalia. In Somalia, a small contingent of U.S. military personnel, including some special operations forces, has worked to counter the terrorist threat posed by al-Qa'ida and associated elements of al-Shabaab. On September 1, 2014, U.S. forces conducted an airstrike in Somalia that killed the emir of the terrorist group al-Shabaab, Ahmed Abdi al-Muhammad, also known as Ahmed Godane.

Yemen. The U.S. military has also been working closely with the Government of Yemen to operationally dismantle and ultimately eliminate the terrorist threat posed by al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the most active and dangerous affiliate of al-Qa'ida today. Our joint efforts have resulted in direct action against a limited number of AQAP operatives and senior leaders in that country who posed a terrorist threat to the
United States and our interests.

Cuba. Combat-equipped forces, deployed since January 2002 to the Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, continue to conduct humane and secure detention operations for the 142 detainees at Guantanamo Bay under the authority provided by the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40), as informed by the law of war.

Military Operations in Niger in Support of U.S. Counterterrorism Objectives

As indicated in my report of December 13, 2013, U.S. military personnel in Niger continue to provide support for intelligence collection and to facilitate intelligence sharing with French forces conducting operations in the Sahel and with other partners in the region. The total number of U.S. military personnel deployed to Niger is approximately 200.

Military Operations in Chad in Support of Efforts to Locate Schoolgirls Kidnapped in Nigeria

The deployment of U.S. military personnel to Chad to support U.S. intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations has concluded. A small number of U.S. military personnel remain deployed to Chad for security cooperation activities.

In October and November 2011, U.S. military personnel with appropriate combat equipment initially deployed to Uganda to serve as advisors to regional forces of the African Union Regional Task Force (AU-RTF) that are working to apprehend or remove Joseph Kony and other senior Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) leaders from the battlefield, and to protect local populations. United States forces deployed to central Africa also operate and maintain U.S. aircraft providing air mobility support to foreign partner forces. The aircraft and personnel providing the enhanced air mobility support will deploy to the LRA-affected areas of central Africa episodically, as they are available, consistent with other Department of Defense requirements. During these deployments, the number of U.S. military personnel deployed to the central Africa region, including advisors deployed for this mission and personnel providing logistical and support functions to this and other missions, will fluctuate at a level up to approximately 300.

United States forces are working with select partner nation forces of the AU-RTF to enhance cooperation, information-sharing and synchronization, operational planning, and overall effectiveness. These forces, however, will not engage LRA forces except in self-defense. It is in the U.S. national security interest to help our regional partners in Africa to develop their capability to address threats to regional peace and security, including the threat posed by the LRA. The United States is pursuing a comprehensive strategy to help the governments and people of this region in their efforts to end the threat posed by the LRA and to address the impact of the
LRA's atrocities.

Additional information about military operations related to the Lord's Resistance Army is provided in the classified annex.


Approximately 700 military personnel are assigned to the U.S. contingent of the Multinational Force and Observers, which have been present in Egypt since 1981.


As initially detailed in my report of June 21, 2013, at the request of the Government of Jordan, U.S. Armed Forces elements, including Patriot missile systems, fighter aircraft, and related support, command, control, and communications personnel and systems, are deployed to Jordan to support the security of Jordan and promote regional stability. The total number of U.S. forces in Jordan is approximately 1,700 U.S. military personnel. These forces will remain in Jordan, in full coordination with the Government of Jordan, until the security situation becomes such that they are no longer needed.


The U.N. Security Council authorized Member States to establish a NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) in Resolution 1244 on June 10, 1999. The original mission of KFOR was to monitor, verify, and, when necessary, enforce compliance with the Military Technical Agreement between NATO and the then-Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (now Serbia), while maintaining a safe and secure environment. Today, KFOR deters renewed hostilities in cooperation with local authorities, bilateral partners, and international institutions. The principal military tasks of KFOR forces are to help maintain a safe and secure environment and to ensure freedom of movement throughout Kosovo. The U.S.
contribution to KFOR is approximately 700 U.S. military personnel out of the total strength of approximately
4,600 personnel.


As stated in my report of June 12, 2014, U.S. Armed Forces remain in Yemen to support the security of U.S. personnel. These forces will remain deployed, in full coordination with the respective host governments, until the security situation no longer requires them.

As I noted in my report of July 27, 2014, during the period July 25-26, embassy personnel and the U.S. forces supporting their security were relocated outside Libya. To support the safe departure of the embassy staff from Libya over land through Tunisia, U.S. military aircraft and additional military personnel entered Libya and Tunisia; those forces also departed Libya.

As I noted in my report of September 11, 2014, U.S. Armed Forces deployed to the Central African Republic to support the resumption of the activities of the U.S. Embassy in Bangui. The force is expected to remain in the Central African Republic until it is replaced by an augmented U.S. Security Guard Detachment and additional Department of State civilian security personnel as the security situation allows.

I have directed the participation of U.S. Armed Forces in all of these operations pursuant to my constitutional and statutory authority as Commander in Chief (including the authority to carry out Public Law 107-40 and other statutes), and as Chief Executive, as well as my constitutional and statutory authority to conduct the foreign relations of the United States. Officials of my Administration and I communicate regularly with the leadership and other Members of Congress with regard to these deployments, and we will continue to do so.



The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President at Meeting of the Export Council

Eisenhower Executive Office Building

11:30 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, good morning, everybody.  I just want to offer a few thoughts before you return to the meeting.  Obviously we've seen some significant economic progress here in the United States over the last year.  Our businesses have added almost 11 million jobs over the past 57 months.  This year our economy has already created more jobs [than] in any year since the 1990s, with still a month to go.  All told, since 2010, we've created more jobs here in the United States than Japan, Europe, and all advanced nations combined.

And one of the reasons that we've been able to create so many jobs here in the United States is because our exports have been strong.  Last year our businesses sold a record $2.3 trillion of Made in America goods and services.  And these exports support more than 11 million American jobs -- typically, by the way, jobs that pay higher wages. 

And so this Council is designed to build on this progress.  It is in part a factor in the progress that we've made.  We've had some terrific suggestions from some of our leading businesses, but also some small businesses and medium-sized businesses who are starting to sell overseas.  The recommendations that have been generated by the Council have been implemented by our various agencies, and we're here not to rest on our laurels but rather to continue to make a big push to sell even more overseas.

I've said before I will go anywhere around the world to go to bat for American companies and American workers.  We're going to keep on pushing trade agreements that benefit American companies and American workers and ensure that we've got a fair and even playing field, particularly in the fastest-growing markets.  We're going to work with Congress to try to renew trade promotion authority and secure approval for a very ambitious TransPacific Partnership agreement, which would create a higher standard for trade in the fastest-growing, most populous and dynamic region in the world, the Asia Pacific region. 

We're also announcing -- because manufacturing has been a real bright spot in our growing economy -- some additional measures to boost manufacturing here in the United States so we can sell more manufacturing goods overseas.  We're announcing today more than $290 million in new investments to launch two additional high-tech manufacturing hubs.  One is going to be focusing on flexible computer chips that can be woven into everything from the gears in a helicopter to the fabric in your shirt.  Another is going to focus on advance sensors that can dramatically cut energy costs for our factories.

So far, we have launched eight of these hubs, and we intend to get 16 done, so we're more than half of the way there.  And they’re helping us to compete for the next generation of manufacturing.  One of the reasons that manufacturing has been growing faster here than the overall economy is because of real savings on the energy front, outstanding workers, but also because our companies have retooled and once again made that investment in innovation that has been the hallmark of American manufacturing for years.

I also want to thank many of the folks around this room who’ve been working with us to find ways that we can increase and improve the pipeline for skilled workers going into the companies that ultimately end up exporting goods and services overseas.  To make sure that our workers have those skills, today, my Secretary of Labor, Tom Perez, is announcing a $100 million competition to help expand apprenticeship programs across our country.  Many of the companies around this table have helped design it or are already participating in these apprenticeship programs.  They give talented, motivated young people the chance to get an outstanding career.  They get a pathway, a door open to them that allows them to succeed and secure a position in the middle class, and it helps us recruit the kind of workers that are going to keep us competitive for years to come.

Finally, we’ve got real opportunities to make some bipartisan progress this year on some areas that will make us more competitive in this global marketplace.  For example, today our companies face the highest corporate tax rate in the world on paper.  There are so many loopholes that some end up paying a much lower rate; some pay the full freight.  It distorts our allocation of capital.  It makes us less competitive relative to businesses that are headquartered overseas.  We need to fix that. And I think that there’s genuine interest on both the Democratic and Republican side in making that happen. 

And so I just want to thank everybody on the Export Council for the outstanding work that you’ve already done.  I’m looking forward to hearing about the recommendations that you have generated during the course of this meeting.  And rest assured that I will be your partner for the remainder of my time in this office, making sure that we have the strongest, most competitive companies, the best workers, the best research and development, and the highest exports that we’ve ever seen in our history.

Thank you very much. 

Thanks, pool.  Thank you, pool.

Q    Mr. President, do you agree with John Brennan that the CIA’s interrogation techniques saved lives?

THE PRESIDENT:  We're talking about exports, Jon.  Thank you. 

Q    Mr. President, do you agree with John Brennan that the CIA’s interrogation program saved lives?

THE PRESIDENT:  We’re talking about exports, Jon.  Thank you. 

MR. McNERNEY:  Listen, thank you very much, Mr. President.  If you look historically at the PEC, there has never been a time in its history where the administration, you personally, and the people on your Cabinet have supported this group to a greater extent.  And we feel that engagement, and your presence here today once again makes that point.  It energizes us, and I think it moves the agenda along.

What we did today, we focused heavily on trade with Ambassador Froman.  I’d like to maybe come back and get your perspective on how we’re going to move that forward.  Everybody in the room is leaning forward in every kind of way to get that done. 

I think we reported out on the basis of six of our subcommittees’ recommendations we’re going to send to you, which you will get in due course.  I think the other thing we talked about was a fact-finding trip we made to Turkey and Poland, which I think gave everybody in this group an on-the-ground understanding of the impact of the leadership of Penny and Mike and others on furthering things along.

But I think if there were two things I would just sort of tee up -- and I know we have limited time with you -- one would be getting these things done.  We all think it’s the right time, and you’ve suggested that to us at the BRT and some other places. Any comments you’d have for us to help you get it done. 

And then the other thing that came up is China.  You’ve spent a lot of time with President Xi personally connecting.  Penny is going to take the leadership role, starting in Chicago next week, JCCT.  We’re trying to engage.  But any comments on China would be -- those are sort of the themes that came out of the group this morning.

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, if you heard from Mike Froman, then you heard from --

MR. McNERNEY:  The Oracle.  (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT:  -- the guy who’s in the trenches on these trade negotiations.  I’ll just give you a couple of quick top lines. 

First of all, I’m much more optimistic about us being able to close out an agreement with our TPP partners than I was last year.  Doesn’t mean that it’s a done deal, but I think the odds of us being able to get a strong agreement are significantly higher than 50-50, whereas last year I think it was still sort of up for grabs.

The question then becomes, assuming we are able to get the kind of agreement that is good for American workers and good for American businesses, how do we proceed in Congress.  I think that despite the fact that we had an election I did not -- I wasn’t that happy with, the dynamics really don’t change in terms of the number of votes in the House and the Senate that are there to be gotten for a good trade deal.  But we have to make the case.  And I think we can make a very strong case that what we’re doing here is really setting a higher bar that will give us more access to markets, will give us greater IP protection, will make sure that U.S. companies both in goods and in services are less disadvantaged by non-tariff barriers and state support and procurement practices in these countries than they’ve been in the past.

The pushback that we’re going to get domestically derives from a couple of sources.  One is from not just labor -- not just organized labor, but a public perception generally that trade has resulted in an erosion of our manufacturing base as companies moved overseas in search of lower-wage labor.  And my essential response to those arguments is not to deny that there have been some consequences to China’s ascension to the WTO and offshoring, but rather that that horse is out of the barn.  We are now in the worst of all worlds where they have access to our markets, much of that shift in search of low-wage labor has already occurred, and yet, we don’t have access to those markets that are growing and no levers to force these other countries to increase their labor standards and their environmental standards.

So instead of fighting the last war, what we need to be doing is looking forward.  And there’s no doubt that what Mike is negotiating creates higher labor standards and greater access than the status quo.  And that’s what we should be measuring against.  

I’ll give you just one very specific example, and that’s Vietnam.  Vietnam is probably the most interesting country involved in these negotiations:  A, it's still a one-party system that provides workers very few rights, if any, and yet, in order to be part of TPP, they’re having to make some pretty radical shifts in how they treat workers.  They’re not going to suddenly have the same labor standards as Germany does, but there’s going to be an improvement.  And by us establishing a baseline for labor rights even in a country that has traditionally had no labor rights we’re improving our position not deteriorating our position. 

The same is true for the other set of critics that we may receive and that is from the environmental community, although, there’s divisions between the large environmental groups.  As I said at the BRT, I don’t know exactly what Malaysia’s environmental rules are, but I guarantee you they are lower than ours.  (Laughter.)  And for us to be able to include in a TPP agreement basic environmental standards is a win for us.  It puts us not at a disadvantage; it puts us at more of an advantage. 

The final criticism -- not the final, but another criticism that we’re going to receive domestically is this issue of -- what’s the term in terms of lawsuits?

Q    (Inaudible.) 

THE PRESIDENT:  Right.  And we’ve looked at the facts and, generally speaking, I think the language that’s being used allows every country to maintain its public health and safety and welfare provisions.  Really what we’re trying to get at here is making sure that foreign companies are not treated differently than domestic companies.  That’s the primary concern, is a discriminatory application of rules in ways that are arbitrary.
And I think that that’s something that all of us should agree on.

The big bugaboo that’s lifted up there is tobacco companies suing poorer countries to make sure that anti-smoking legislation is banned, or at least tying them up with so much litigation that ultimately smaller countries cave. 

Those are issues that I think can be negotiated -- there are some areas of particular sensitivity or concern.  But overall, the principle that we should make sure that U.S. companies, when they invest or export to other countries, are abiding with their safety rules but that those public health and safety rules are not being discriminatorily applied or a ruse in order to keep us out.  That should be something everybody is in favor of.

So in terms of timing, how TPP happens versus TPA, I think regardless of the sequence, we’re going to have to make the sale, and it’s going to be very important for business to be out there and championthis and show that this is ultimately good for you, for your suppliers, for your workers.  And if you look at all the major exporters -- you take a Boeing, presumably in every congressional district you’ve got to find a bunch of suppliers who are making the case, and their workers are making the case.  So it’s not just a bunch of CEOs calling but it’s people who understand that they’ve got a stake in it. 

So I think that’s on the labor front.  On China, all of what we’re doing with TPP has a direct application to China.  China is actually not that complicated.  They will take whatever they can get.  They will exploit every advantage that they have until they meet some resistance.  But they have a great interest in the relationship with the United States and recognize the interdependence that has evolved between our two economies.

And so the key with China I think is to continue to simply press them on those areas where trade is imbalanced, whether it’s on their currency practices, whether it’s on IP protection, whether it’s on their state-owned enterprises.  The business investment treaty that they have shown an interest in negotiating could end up being a significant piece of business.  We actually saw some movement during my last trip on issues surrounding technology.  And I think that it’s indicative of their interest in trying to get this right. 

And by the way, there’s been some suggestion that by doing TPP we’re trying to contain or disadvantage China.  We’re actually not.  What we are trying to do is make sure that rather than a race to the bottom in the region there’s a reasonable bar within which we can operate.  And we hope that then China actually joins us in not necessarily formally being a member of TPP but in adopting some of the best practices that ensure fairness in operations.

And the climate change announcement that we made was very significant.  For those of you who are impacted by the power plant rule that the EPA is initiating here, it’s good to know that one of the arguments that’s always been made about us dealing with climate change or environmental issues generally here in the United States is, well, it puts us at a disadvantage with China.  Well, we’re trying to take away that excuse by making sure that China is also abiding by higher standards and in a verifiable way.  So we’re going to be focused on that. 

MR. McNERNEY:  Do you have time for one more question?

THE PRESIDENT:  One more question.

MR. McNERNEY:  I think one of the things we talked about this morning with Vice President Biden was Russia sanctions.  And I think, by and large, the business community, while there’s some debate about exactly to what degree this, that, or the other thing, that these have been implemented very successfully and very methodically, worked well with the business community to maximize impact -- or minimize the impact to us.

And so there was a pretty robust discussion that I think many of us in the room ended up saying, whether we’re in the third inning or the eighth inning, just keep moving.  And then there’s a lot of support in the business community for what you’re doing -- keeping Europe lined up, which is our biggest concern.  Merkel seems to be hanging in there.  Anyway, the Vice President gave us a very robust discussion.  Any views from you  -- I know you’ve talked to a lot of your peers on the subject.

THE PRESIDENT:  Joe has been very close to this, so he probably gave you a pretty sound overview.  I think you identified what’s been important in this process, and that is our ability to keep Europe in lockstep with us.  There may be some movement out of Congress for us to get out ahead of Europe further.  We have argued that that would be counterproductive. And we may need some help from the business community in making that argument to the soon-to-be Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and others. 

Putin does not have good cards, and he actually has not played them as well as sometimes the Western press seems to give him credit for.  There’s been an improvisational quality to this whole process because the situation in Ukraine actually took Russia by surprise.  And it’s working for him politically, domestically, but profoundly damaging in terms of their economy long term, not just short term.

Where Putin will succeed is if it creates a rift in the transatlantic relationship.  If you start seeing Europe divided from the United States that would be a strategic victory.  And I’m intent on preventing that.  And the way to prevent is making sure that we are taking into account the very real economic impact on Europe from these sanctions, being measured in terms of how we apply them, and having some strategic patience.

The notion that we can simply ratchet up sanctions further and further and further, and then, ultimately, Putin changes his mind I think is a miscalculation.  What will ultimately lead to Russia making a strategic decision is if they recognize that Europe is standing with us and will be in it for the long haul and we are, in fact, patient.  And if they see that there aren’t any cracks in the coalition, then, over time, you could see them saying that the costs to their economy outweigh whatever strategic benefits that they get.

So you’ve got, I’m sure, everything about Ukraine, soup to nuts, from Joe.  I’ll just emphasize as a takeaway for the business community that we have been successful with sanctions precisely because we’ve been systematic about it and made sure there wasn’t a lot of daylight between us and the Europeans.  That should continue.  And even though sometimes it’s tempting for us to say we can go further, it won’t do us any good if it means suddenly Europe peels off and then are backfilling various things that U.S. companies are obliged to abide by.

All right? 

MR. McNERNEY:  Terrific.  Thank you very much.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you for the great work you’re doing.  Keep it up.  (Applause.) 

11:57 A.M. EST

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Executive Order -- Further Amendments to Executive Order 11030, Executive Order 13653, and Executive Order 13673


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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Executive Order 11030 of June 19, 1962, as amended (Preparation, Presentation, Filing, and Publication of Executive Orders and Proclamations), is further amended as follows: 

  1. in section 1(f), by striking "inches" where it appears after the phrase "approximately 1" and inserting "inch";

  2. in section 4, to read as follows:

"Sec. 4Proclamations calling for the observance of special days or eventsExcept as may be otherwise provided by law, responsibility for the preparation and presentation of proposed proclamations calling for the observance of special days, or other periods of time, or events shall be assigned by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to such agencies or offices as the Director may consider appropriate.  Such proposed proclamations shall be submitted to the Director, or to an office within the Executive Office of the President designated by the Director, at least sixty days before the date of the specified observance.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2, the Director or the head of such designated office, as appropriate, shall transmit any approved commemorative proclamations to the President.";

  1. by inserting a new section 5 to read as follows:

"Sec. 5Trade Proclamations.  (a)  Proclamations to be issued under the Trade Act of 1974 or other trade law ("trade proclamations") shall be prepared by the United States Trade Representative and submitted to the Attorney General for consideration as to both form and legality.  Section 2 of this order does not apply to trade proclamations.

(b)  If the proposed trade proclamation is disapproved by the Attorney General, it shall not thereafter be presented to the President unless it is accompanied by a statement of the reasons for such disapproval."; and  

  1. by renumbering current sections 5, 6, and 7 as 6, 7, and 8, respectively.

      Sec. 2.  Executive Order 13653 of November 1, 2013 (Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change), is amended as follows:

  1. in section 6(b):
  1. by inserting ", and the Director of OMB" after the phrase "the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism";

  2. by striking the "and" preceding "the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism";

  3. by striking "(xxviii) the Office of Management and Budget;"; and

  4. by renumbering current subsections (xxix), (xxx), and (xxxi) as (xxviii), (xxix), and (xxx), respectively; and

  1. in section 6(d), to read as follows:  "(d)  Council Structure.  The Co-Chairs may designate a subset of members of the Council to serve on a Steering Committee to help determine priorities and strategic direction for the Council.  The Co-Chairs and Steering Committee may establish working groups as needed, and may recharter working groups of the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force, as appropriate.".

     Sec. 3.  Section 2(a)(i)(I) of Executive Order 13673 of July 31, 2014 (Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces), is amended to read as follows:  "(I)  the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1972 and the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974;".

     Sec. 4General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

  1. the authority granted by law to an agency or the head thereof; or
  2. the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

     (b)  This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


Excerpts from President Obama's Telemundo and Univision Interviews

President Obama Interview with Jose Diaz Balart

President Barack Obama participates in an interview on immigration with Jose Diaz-Balart of Telemundo at the Casa Azafrán community center in Nashville, Tenn. December 9, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

This week, President Obama participated in an interview with Jose Diaz-Balart from Telemundo/MSNBC and Jorge Ramos of Univision to discuss his recent executive actions to fix as much of our broken immigration system as he can while urging Congress to pass a comprehensive bill to get the job done, among several other topics. Here are some highlights from the interviews:

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

FACT SHEET: President Obama Launches Competitions for New Manufacturing Innovation Hubs and American Apprenticeship Grants

Today, at a meeting of the President’s Export Council (PEC), President Obama will announce nearly $400 million to help improve the competitiveness of American businesses and workers by spurring new manufacturing innovations and giving America workers additional opportunities to improve and expand their skill sets for middleclass jobs. 

To help support new advancements in manufacturing, the President will announce more than $290 million in public-private investment for two new Manufacturing Innovation Hub Competitions. Today’s announcement fulfills the President’s 2014 State of the Union pledge to launch four new institutes this year, for a total of eight institutes launched so far, and puts the Administration past the halfway mark on the President’s original goal of creating 15 manufacturing innovation institutes supported through executive action.

In addition, the President will announce $100 million to expand apprenticeships for American workers - a proven training strategy for workers to learn the skills that employers need for American businesses to grow and thrive in a competitive global environment. Apprenticeships are also a path to the middle class – 87 percent of apprentices are employed after completing their programs and the average starting wage for apprenticeship graduates is over $50,000.

During today’s meeting, President Obama will also highlight the continued need to reform and simplify our tax code and the importance of opening up new markets abroad for American-made goods and services through tough, fair new trade agreements.

The PEC, chaired by Jim McNerney, President and CEO of Boeing and vice-chaired by Ursula Burns, Chairman and CEO of the Xerox Corporation, is the principal national advisory committee for exporting.  The Council advises the President on government policies and programs that affect U.S. trade performance; promotes export expansion; and provides a forum for discussing and resolving trade-related problems among the business, industrial, agricultural, labor, and government sectors.


New Actions to Grow America’s Competitiveness for Jobs, Exports, and Investment

  • Announcing More Than $290 Million in Public-Private Investment Through Two New Manufacturing Innovation Hub Competitions: President Obama will launch two new competitions for manufacturing innovation institutes today—one in smart manufacturing at the Department of Energy and one in flexible hybrid electronics at the Department of Defense. Each institute will receive $70 million or more of federal investment to be matched by at least $70 million from the private sector for a total of more than $290 million in new investment.

  • Launching the $100 Million American Apprenticeship Grants Competition: The President will also announce that the Department of Labor is opening a competition to spur partnerships between employers, labor, training providers, and local governments to expand apprenticeships into high-growth fields like advanced manufacturing and healthcare and scale models that work. Apprenticeships are a proven path to the middle-class, as 87 percent of apprentices are employed after completing their programs with an average starting wage of over $50,000.


Exports Power American Jobs and Growth

Our long-term competitiveness for jobs, exports, and investment depends on America’s ability to lead on the cutting-edge of technology and on the skills and talent of America’s workers. Last year, the United States exported $2.3 trillion dollars of goods and services, an all-time high, and today, exports support more than 11 million American jobs across 300,000 businesses. Manufacturing, in particular, is the engine behind our exports and innovation – contributing the majority of the nation’s exports and nearly three-quarters of its private-sector R&D. And American manufacturing is more competitive than it has been in decades, growing nearly twice as fast as the economy overall and adding 764,000 jobs since February 2010. At the same time, businesses looking to move production to the United States consistently cite the skills of America’s workers, the most productive workforce in the world, as the reason for rooting jobs and investment here.  Today’s announcements build on that competitive strength by investing in manufacturing innovation and upgrading the skills of American workers through the proven model of apprenticeships.

Two New Manufacturing Innovation Institute Competitions:

Manufacturing institutes serve as a regional hub, bridging the gap between applied research and product development by bringing together companies, universities and other academic and training institutions, and Federal agencies to co-invest in key technology areas that encourage investment and production in the U.S. This type of “teaching factory” provides a unique opportunity for education and training of students and workers at all levels, while providing the shared assets to help small manufacturers and other companies access the cutting-edge capabilities and equipment to design, test, and pilot new products and manufacturing processes.

Department of Defense-led Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute

The Department of Defense will lead a competition for a new public-private manufacturing innovation institute in flexible hybrid electronics, combining $75 million of federal investment with $75 million or more of private investment. The modern world is filled with electronics: computers, cell phones, sensors, and literally trillions of small devices that make American lives better, if somewhat busier.  The vast majority of these electronic devices are made up of boxy, rigid circuit boards. But in the world around us, most things are not flat or boxy; our bodies, the environment, the vehicles that transport us all tend to reflect an organically derived shape with plenty of curves and flexibility. Flexible hybrid electronics combine advanced materials that flex with thinned silicon chips to produce the next generation of electronic products seamlessly integrated into the things around us.  These include items as diverse as comfortable, wireless medical monitors, stretchable electronics for robotics and vehicles, and smart bridges capable of alerting engineers at the first signs of trouble. For the nation’s warfighters, these new technologies will make lifesaving advances and improve mission effectiveness. For example, intelligent bandages and smart clothing will alert soldiers to first signs of injury or exhaustion; structural integrity sensors will offer real-time damage assessment for helicopters or aircraft after engagement; and small, unattended sensors will give soldiers greater situational awareness.

Department of Energy-led Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute

A third of the nation’s energy consumption goes into manufacturing. New smart manufacturing technologies – including advanced sensors and sophisticated process controls – can dramatically improve energy efficiency in manufacturing, saving manufacturers costs and conserving the nation’s energy. The Department of Energy will lead a competition for a new public-private manufacturing innovation institute focused on smart manufacturing, including advanced sensors, control, platforms, and models for manufacturing.  By combining manufacturing, digital, and energy efficiency expertise, technologies developed by the institute will give American manufacturers unprecedented, real-time control of energy use across factories and companies to increase productivity and save on energy costs. For energy intensive industries – like chemical production, solar cell manufacturing, and steelmaking – these technologies can shave 10-20% off the cost of production.  The new institute will receive a federal investment of $70 million that will be matched by at least $70 million in private investments and represents a critical step in the Administration’s effort to double U.S. energy efficiency by 2030.

Interested applicants can find more information on the manufacturing innovation institute competitions at

$100 Million American Apprenticeship Grants Competition:

Today, in conjunction with the launch of the American Apprenticeships Grants competition, Secretary of Labor Tom Perez will preside over a graduation at the Urban Technology Project, an apprenticeship program in Philadelphia, PA, whose graduates learn IT skills for careers as computer support specialists. The Department of Labor competition will use $100 million or more of H-1B funds to award approximately 25 grants to partnerships between employers, labor organizations, training providers, community colleges, local and state governments, the workforce system, non-profits and faith-based organizations that:

  • Launch apprenticeship models in new, high-growth fields: Many fast-growing occupations and industries with open positions such as in information technology, high-tech services, healthcare, and advanced manufacturing need the high-quality, on-the-job training provided in an apprenticeship to meet their workforce needs.

  • Align apprenticeships to pathways for further learning and career advancement: Apprenticeships that embed industry-recognized skills certifications or reward workplace learning with college credit provide an affordable educational pathway for those who need to earn while they learn, and apprenticeships linked to pre-apprenticeship programs can help more Americans access this training and get on an early pathway to a good career.

  • Scale apprenticeship models that work: Across the country, there are pockets of excellence in apprenticeship, but all too often these successful models are unknown in other regions or to other employers. These grants will build from strength and invest in innovations and strategies to scale apprenticeships – including to market the value of apprenticeships, make them more attractive to women and other Americans who have been underrepresented, increase the return on investment for workers and, or build national and regional partnerships to expand apprenticeships.

Interested applicants can find more information on the American Apprenticeship Grants Competition, resources for launching new registered apprenticeships, and a toolkit on federal funds for apprenticeship at To access more information about the competition – please see the application page.

In addition, Skills for America’s Future is launching an online collaboration space for apprenticeship providers and foundation funders to connect. And the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Steering Committee, building on new apprenticeship programs launched by Dow, Siemens, and Alcoa, is launching a ‘How-to’ toolkit to help other employers launch apprenticeships.

The President and First Lady Help Sort Toys for Tots

December 10, 2014 | 7:10 | Public Domain

On December 10, 2014, First Lady Michelle Obama brought President Obama along to help sort toys for Toys for Tots at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling.

Download mp4 (263MB) | mp3 (7MB)

President Obama Speaks at the Early Education Summit

December 10, 2014 | 18:46 | Public Domain

On December 10, 2014, President Obama delivered remarks at the White House Early Education Summit in the South Court Auditorium.

Download mp4 (692MB) | mp3 (18MB)

Invest in US: President Obama Convenes the White House Summit on Early Education

Watch on YouTube

"What makes America exceptional isn't just the size of our economy or our influence around the globe. [It's] the promise we make to our children; the idea that no matter who they are, what they look like, where they start, how much their parents earn, they can make it if they try. It’s the essential promise of America -- that where you start should not and will not determine how far you can go."

-- President Obama, December 10, 2014

President Obama convened the White House Summit on Early Education today, bringing together a number of policymakers, school superintendents, corporate and community leaders, and others to talk about the importance of quality early childhood education.

In addition to announcing a collective investment of more than $1 billion in the education and development of our young children, today's summit also highlighted the launch of Invest in US -- a new initiative created by the nonprofit First Five Years Fund, in partnership with private philanthropic leaders. 

Related Topics: Education, Montana, Nevada, Virginia

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Press Briefing by the Press Secretary Josh Earnest, 12/10/14

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

11:08 A.M. EST

MR. EARNEST:  Good morning, everybody.  Nice to see you all. Appreciate you accommodating the schedule today.  So we'll just experiment with the time a little bit and try to get ahead of the President’s remarks that are slated for 11:50 a.m. or so.  If we want the briefing to continue I'm happy to do that, but if there are those of you who need to leave here to make the call time at 11:25 a.m., I will not be offended if there’s a few people who run to the back of the room at 11:20 a.m.

Let me do one thing before we get to the questions, Jim, if you’ll indulge me here.  Health care workers on the frontlines of the Ebola fight certainly aren't in it for the recognition.  But today their heroism and selflessness was on display because of Time Magazine’s decision to name them its Person of the Year.  The administration, including the President, could not be prouder of the brave men and women who have committed themselves to this effort in a foreign land.

You had an opportunity to meet several of them when the President welcomed these health care heroes to the White House back in October.  Several of them have since returned to the White House for holiday receptions and tours, and we've continued to honor their heroism through measures big and small.

We must not forget that in order to bring this epidemic under control on the frontlines, indeed, the only way to prevent additional cases here in the United States, we need more of these medical professionals.  USAID, CDC, and the United States military, working alongside their partners inside and outside of government, have sought to recruit and train more of them.  In West Africa, the United States government now has the capacity, through our civilian and military personnel, to train several hundred of these responders per week and USAID’s efforts are facilitating the work of thousands more on the frontlines throughout the affected countries.  Because of these efforts, we are seeing signs of hope and progress, especially in Liberia. 

These are men and women who deserve international recognition, and today we are pleased that they’re receiving more of it.

So, after that piece of good news, Jim, let’s go ahead and get started with the questions.

Q    Thanks, Josh.  A couple of topics.  Yesterday, in the gaggle, regarding questions about the legality of the actions discovered in the torture report, you said that that was up to the Justice Department to make those determinations.  But I'm wondering, does the President, given the context of the report, believe that the Justice Department should be evaluating whether there were any laws broken?  And does he plan to meet with Eric Holder to discuss it, or with his nominee, Loretta Lynch, to discuss the contents of that report?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, Jim, I would refer you to the Department of Justice on this.  And I do that principally because it's my understanding that the Department of Justice actually did conduct a review of the actions of CIA operatives that are mentioned in this report, that there was a career federal prosecutor who was assigned to this case and that this individual conducted an extensive inquiry, and upon looking at the facts in evidence decided not to pursue an indictment.

So for questions about what that investigation included and how and why that conclusion was reached, I'd refer you to the Department of Justice.  And again, these are the kinds of decisions that should be made without any sort of -- without even the appearance of political interference.  And so we've been very clear about the proper role for the Justice Department in this matter.

In addition, I understand that there were Inspector General investigations -- at least one, I think maybe even two -- that were conducted along these lines.  And again, the Inspector General is somebody who operates independent of the executive branch.  And again, for the conclusions of those reports, I believe at least some of those conclusions have been made public, so I'd refer you to those reports.  But again, those are reports that were done absent the -- or aside from any sort of presidential directive.

Q    Does the President agree with former CIA officials that the interrogation techniques did result in actionable intelligence?  Or does he agree with the Senate in their conclusion that they did not?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, Jim, you are acknowledging that there are a couple of sides of a very vigorous, ongoing debate.  This is a debate that occurred around the announcement of the successful mission to take Osama bin Laden off the battlefield.  There was a similarly robust debate that occurred around the release of the movie, Zero Dark Thirty, that talked and examined issues around the bin Laden mission. 

The conclusion that this President has reached is that these differences, which are held by well-meaning, patriotic Americans, many of whom have detailed knowledge of these programs and of our national security efforts more broadly, is that there actually is one thing that both sides do agree on and it’s something that the President agrees, too, which is that the most powerful -- one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal to protect and advance our interests around the globe is the moral authority of the United States of America.  And the Commander-in-Chief concluded that the use of the techniques that are described in this report significantly undermined the moral authority of the United States of America. 

And that’s why the President, on his second full day here at the White House, issued an executive order ending those tactics. The other thing that the President did -- and there has not been a lot of discussion of this lately, so I did want to call it to your attention -- the President also, through an executive action, asked that the Department of Justice and a couple of other relevant national security agencies conduct a review of the way that the U.S. government interrogates those individuals who are in U.S. custody.  He also urged this task force to conduct a review of the way that individuals who are in U.S. government custody are handled and in some cases transferred to other countries. 

And the outcome of this review that was led by a career prosecutor identified a couple of things.  The first is he concluded -- again, I think this was in August of 2009 -- he concluded that the Army Field Manual and law enforcement techniques were sufficient guidance for U.S. personnel who are conducting interrogations -- that that was clear guidance that they could use. 

He also suggested the creation of something that we have used to great effect on a number of occasions, something called the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group.  This is another terrible government acronym -- it’s called the HIG -- but that acronym does not accurately describe exactly what this group is. What it essentially suggests is that there should be an inter-agency group of expert interrogators convened where they can share best practices and that they can be deployed on very short notice to essentially anywhere in the world where a high-value detainee has been taken into custody.  And these expert interrogators can then use their skills and training to elicit information that’s useful for national security, but also in a way that doesn’t prohibit our ability to bring these individuals to justice in the U.S. court system.  And this -- the HIG has been deployed on a number of occasions to great effect.

The other reforms that were included in this review included specific guidelines that U.S. personnel should use when transferring individuals from the custody of the U.S. government to other countries.  And this included getting certain assurances from other countries about how these individuals will be treated when they are detained.  It also provides guidelines for U.S. personnel to conduct some oversight and ensure that these other countries are living up to the commitments that they’ve made in terms of the detention and treatment of these individuals.

So this is just one example and, again, this is the result of a task force that the President created on his second day in office to make sure that proper guidance and oversight and reform was implemented as it relates to interrogation and detention of individuals in U.S. custody. 

This is important because the Senate report that was released yesterday highlights that there was not good guidance, that there was not good leadership, and that there was not proper oversight of a lot of these programs.  And yet that’s exactly what the President sought to institute on his second day in office.  And I think it demonstrates the President’s commitment to taking seriously, very seriously, the need to show some leadership and to reform some of the shortcomings of these programs.

Q    But on the question of effectiveness, he’s going to remain agnostic?  He’s going to let the debate play out without him playing a role?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, the conclusion that the President has reached -- again, it’s two principal things here.  The conclusion that the President reached is a principle that people on both sides of this debate can agree to, which is that the moral authority of the United States of America is one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal to protect and advance U.S. interests around the globe.  And it’s the view of the President that the use of these techniques, regardless of whether or not they elicit national intelligence information, undermine our ability to use this very powerful tool.  And that is why the President outlawed these techniques in his first or second day in office.

Q    On the omnibus -- $1.1 trillion, 1,600 pages -- will the President sign it?

MR. EARNEST:  It’s lengthy, isn’t it?  This is something that --

Q    Has he read it?

MR. EARNEST:  He has not.  Neither has everybody in the administration, so it’s still something that the administration is reviewing.  There are a couple of things I can say about it, though, that we know generally.

As a general matter, I can tell you that we certainly are pleased that Democrats and Republicans on the Hill do seem to be coming together around a proposal that will avoid a government shutdown.  We’ve talked in the past about how a government shutdown is bad for the economy.  And particularly at this point where we are starting to see some headwinds from the global economy at the same time that the U.S. economy is demonstrating signs of real strength and resilience, the last thing that we need are additional headlines -- headwinds emanating from Capitol Hill.  So we certainly are pleased that they seem to be coming around a proposal that would avoid exactly that.
You’ll also recall, Jim, that over the course of the last several months there have been a couple of specific requests that this administration has made for funding some key national security priorities.  That includes funding for our effort to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.  It’s our understanding, based on the topline review that’s been done of this agreement, that there are substantial resources that have been committed to that effort.  We certainly are gratified by that.

You’ll recall that the administration, early last fall, made a specific request for resources to deal with the Ebola fight that I talked about a little earlier, both in terms of making sure that we have the resources necessary to stop this outbreak in its tracks in West Africa, as well as improve readiness at medical facilities here in the United States.  Again, a topline review of the agreement does indicate that there are significant resources that are committed to that effort.  We certainly are pleased by that. 

There also are some key funding proposals related to domestic priorities that will benefit the middle class.  Just to take one pertinent example, there is funding in there that is continued for early childhood education programs -- something that the President is going to talk about across the street in less than an hour.  So we certainly are gratified that there continue to be -- that there is a commitment of resources for that important priority.

On the other side of the ledger, Republicans had identified as their priority to try to undermine the President’s effort to reform our broken immigration system using executive actions and to cut carbon pollution.  Again, based on a cursory review of that agreement, it does not appear that Republicans were successful in that effort.  So that’s certainly something we’re gratified by.

At the same time, this is a compromise proposal.  Democrats and Republicans have signed on to it and we’re going to -- that’s why we’re going to review -- I’m confident that there are going to be some things in here that we’re not going to like, and so we’ll have to sort of consider the whole package before we make a decision about whether or not to sign it.  So we’ll keep you posted on that.


Q    The bill contains some pretty significant rollbacks for Dodd-Frank reforms.  I’m just wondering what the White House makes of those rollbacks, and whether the White House is worried that this is going to, in a new Congress led by Republicans, lead to Wall Street being more emboldened in terms of asking for rollbacks on these measures.

MR. EARNEST:  Roberta, I can’t comment on some of the specific proposals.  I’ve seen some of these new reports, but this is a piece of legislation that is 1,600 pages long and we’ve only had it -- we’ve had it for less than 16 hours.  So we’re still conducting a review to sort of see all of the -- take a look at all the puts and takes that are included.  So I’m going to reserve judgment on the individual provisions. 

But let me say, as a general matter, that one of the President’s principal domestic policy achievements is the passage of Wall Street reform that ensures that middle-class families and small business owners across the country have a voice in our financial system, that their interests are represented and protected.  That is good for middle-class families.  It’s good for our economy.  And I think it represents a significant departure from Wall Street interests that are used to walking around town with their lobbyists getting whatever they want.  And I don’t think the American people -- I don’t think the vast majority of Democrats or even Republicans are going to look too kindly on a Congress that’s ready to go back and start doing the bidding of Wall Street interests again.

So, again, that will be a decision that Republicans will have to make for themselves, but I think it’s pretty clear where the President stands on that question.  I also think it’s pretty clear where the American people stand on that question, too.

Q    But you have no specific comments on the rollbacks that are in this at this point?

MR. EARNEST:  That’s correct, because we’re still reviewing the broader package.

Q    Okay.  And then just back to the report for a second. Does the President foresee any repercussions for the CIA as a result of the release of the report yesterday?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I can tell you that the President has strongly supported the release of this report, and the reason for that is that he believes that transparency is important in this matter.  It’s important for people to understand that the United States is willing to face up to its shortcomings, and is willing to be honest about those shortcomings, and is willing to be as candid as possible about our commitment to ensuring that those shortcomings don’t occur again.  And that I think the President believes is an important measure of accountability, and it’s a way for us to demonstrate to the American people, to our friends and allies around the globe what it is the United States stands for. 

And I mentioned in response to Jim’s question that the President is concerned that the use of those enhanced interrogation techniques undermined America’s moral authority around the globe.  One substantial way that we can rebuild that moral authority is to be honest about what happened, to be as transparent as possible about it, and to demonstrate a clear commitment to ensuring that those kinds of things don’t ever happen again. 

And again, regardless of which side you are on this, and regardless of which party you represent, and regardless of which administration you served in, the strengthening of that moral authority is, without argument, a very substantial way that we can contribute to America’s national security.

Q    And the President thinks that that moral authority, as you put it, can be regained without holding specific individuals accountable for actions they may have taken during that time period?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I don’t think moral authority is something that you rebuild overnight.  This is a process.  But certainly the release of this report is a critically important step because it demonstrates a commitment to transparency; it demonstrates a commitment to accountability in terms of fessing up for falling short; and it also demonstrates a commitment to making sure these kinds of shortcomings don’t ever happen again.

And that’s why the President acted quickly and unequivocally to outlaw these techniques.  It’s why the President asked for this task force to review the policies related to interrogations and detentions.  And it’s why they came up with these very specific proposals that, again, ensure that we are doing everything we can to strengthen our national security and live up to the kinds of values that we hold so dear in this country.


Q    Josh, can we just get a general reaction from the President when he found out some of the details that were in this report?  Because there are details in this report -- you mentioned that Eric Holder, the Justice Department looked at this several years back.  But there are details in this report that the American people have not seen before -- waterboarding at levels that were not known before, some of the treatment that these detainees were subjected to, being put in dungeon-like conditions.  Rectal hydration is one term that jumps out at you when you read this report.  I mean, did the President just have a general gut reaction when he saw some of the details in this?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, let me say -- the first thing, Jim, is that this is a report that was released publicly for the first time yesterday and the President, as I mentioned just a minute ago to Roberta, the President was strongly supportive of the release of this report.  It’s not the first time that the President has been briefed on these matters.  The report has been done for some time.  There has been an ongoing effort to declassify it.  So the President was not in a position yesterday of reacting for the first time in the way that many of you and many Americans were.

Q    So he’s known about this for a while?  Is he appalled by this?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think the President’s views on this are made clear by looking at the specific actions that he has taken to unequivocally outlaw them.  The President does not believe that these are at all consistent with American values.  He does not believe that this is consistent with the strategy that will strengthen national security or make it easier to promote our national interests around the globe.  In fact, he actually thinks it’s the opposite, that the use of these kinds of techniques only undermines our moral authority around the globe and makes it harder for us to work closely with our allies and partners around the globe.

But the release of this report, coming clean about what exactly happened and demonstrating a continued commitment to ensuring they never happen again is a critical part of rebuilding that moral authority.

Q    And you said yesterday in the gaggle that the President does stand by his claim that these techniques in some cases amounted to torture -- “torture.”

MR. EARNEST:  He does.

Q    Isn’t that a violation of U.S. law?  To torture somebody?

MR. EARNEST:  The questions about what violates U.S. law and what sort of impact that has on prosecutorial decisions are decisions that are made by career prosecutors.  And there was a federal career prosecutor that took a look at this matter several years ago and reached a conclusion that there was not enough evidence to prosecute any individual.  But, again, for questions about how that investigation was conducted and how that conclusion was reached, I’d encourage you to check with the Justice Department.

Q    So does the President believe that these new details that the American people are seeing for the first time and, indeed, people around the world are seeing for the first time, do those details warrant going back and reexamining whether people should be prosecuted?  That’s a fair question to ask.

MR. EARNEST:  It is, but it’s a fair question for the Department of Justice.

Q    But is the President going to answer that question?  Does he believe that that should be revisited?  He is the President.

MR. EARNEST:  He is the President.  But, again, decisions about prosecution are made by career federal prosecutors at the Department of Justice and this is something that they have looked into.  And, again, I think it’s also important for people to understand that, again, this report, as important as it is to release it, as far as I know at least, doesn’t include a whole lot of new information that wasn’t previously available to these federal prosecutors.  Now, again, you can ask them whether or not that’s the case, but they conducted an in-depth review of this already.

Q    --2300 said that the CIA misled the Bush administration.  President Bush did not know about some of this or all of this until 2006. 

MR. EARNEST:  That’s a point of some contention, based on the public comments of some individuals.

Q    You're not sure that that’s the case?  You think that President Bush knew about this before --

MR. EARNEST:  Well, all I'm saying, Jim, is I think that there are some people who said that that's not true.  They would be in a better position to know that than I would, frankly.

Q    -- get to the bottom of this because you're saying that the prosecutors, the career prosecutors who looked at this during this administration saw all the details that were provided in this report yesterday? 

MR. EARNEST:  You should check with them to find that out.

Q    Okay.  But let me ask you this.  In the Wall Street Journal, there was an op-ed from three former directors of the CIA -- this goes back to Jim Kuhnhenn’s question -- who said that this intelligence helped lead to the killing of Osama bin Laden. Can you answer whether or not that is true?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, what I can say, Jim, is --

Q    I know you said it undermines moral authority and that sort of thing.  But this is a key question and it seems that the White House should have an answer on that one way or the other.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think I agree with everything you said until the very end, because, simply, the President’s views on this are that even if this information did yield important national security information, the damage that it did to our moral authority, in the mind of this President, means that those interrogation techniques should not have been implemented in the first place. 

The other thing that is true is it is impossible to know the counterfactual.  It's impossible to know whether or not this information could have been obtained using tactics that are consistent with the Army Field Manual, or other law enforcement techniques, and that essentially enhanced interrogation techniques were not necessary to obtain that information.  That is something that is unknowable.  What is knowable --

Q    That's short of what Senator Feinstein’s report concludes.

MR. EARNEST:  I understand that there are people who have strongly held views on both sides.  I stipulated that earlier.  There is one thing, however, that the President has concluded, that there are other things that we can't know, but there is one thing that the President knows.  The President knows that continuing to employ the techniques that are described in that report would only undermine one of the most powerful weapons in our arsenal to protect American national security, and that is the moral authority around the globe of the United States of America.  The President believes that that moral authority, that tool is worth protecting and strengthening. 

That’s why he outlawed these techniques during his second or third day in office.  That is why the President directed the Department of Justice and other members of the national security team to conduct this broad review of the guidelines and procedures for interrogating and detaining individuals who are in U.S. custody.  And it's why the President has strongly advocated for the United States Senate to release this declassified version of the executive summary, because it demonstrates a commitment on the part of the United States of America to be honest about our shortcomings.  When we have fallen short of our values we should be straightforward about that and we should demonstrate clearly to the world that we made a mistake and that that mistake is never going to happen again.

Q    And on the omnibus, very quickly, does this deal that was cut on the omnibus, does that set up an immigration cliff, a Homeland Security cliff?  I mean, you may not have an agreement on funding this department come February or March, or whatever.
MR. EARNEST:  I would be surprised, Jim, but it wouldn’t be the first time I’d be surprised, but I would be surprised if Republicans take the position that they are going to withhold funding from border security, from people who are conducting criminal background checks, from other elements of our federal government that are critical to homeland security just in protest over the President taking an executive action that is consistent with the kind of actions that Democratic and Republican Presidents have taken in the past.


Q    So there was a -- the head of the ACLU, I think, in our paper made a proposal the other day.  Article 2, Section 2 does not give the power of pardon to the Justice Department; it gives it to the President.  What does the President think about the idea of offering some sort of pardon for people who conducted or approved or supervised the torture programs?  And is that something that he would even think about?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, it’s hard for me to give you -- I haven't had an extended conversation with him about this, so I’m not sure that I can give you a whole lot of insight into his own thinking on this.  But the thing that I can say is that this is something that has been considered by the Justice Department, that they did their own investigation in terms of whether or not crimes occurred that could be prosecuted.  And essentially a pardon would absolve anybody of punishment based on a criminal finding like that, but since a criminal finding like that hasn’t been found, it seems a little premature at this point to be talking about a pardon.

Q    But pardons have been used in the past by Presidents to absolve people of crimes where charges haven't been brought.  And I guess kind of the question that he gets at, whether or not he would ultimately ever do it or not, is has the President decided -- notwithstanding whatever the Justice Department has said, has the President decided in his own mind whether there were crimes that were committed?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, as I mentioned to Jim, that’s a decision for career federal prosecutors.

Q    It’s not a decision for career federal prosecutors, because if the President were to exercise the pardon power, he would have to make the determination in his own mind.  The Justice Department can make recommendations, but they can’t decide whether or not to pardon anybody, right?  And so he’d have to come to a conclusion, yes or no, in his own mind.  And I’m just asking -- maybe the answer is he doesn’t know.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I don’t know whether or not he has -- I have not had this specific conversation with him about it, so I just can’t shed much light on his thinking as it relates to a pardon in this scenario.


Q    While you’ve been up at the podium, Senator Mark Udall went to the Senate floor and discussed the so-called Panetta Review, which is a classified document, but he said that the findings of the review are that Director Brennan and the CIA are continuing to willfully provide inaccurate information and misrepresent the efficacy of torture.  He says the CIA has knowingly provided inaccurate information to the Senate.  And he accused the White House of not having any moral leadership on this issue.  And so I’m wondering if you could talk about if there are concerns within the White House that the CIA is continuing to misrepresent what they’ve told the committee, and your response to Senator Udall.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, you put me in an awkward spot because I haven't seen entirely what Senator Udall has said.  And if he’s citing classified information, that’s certainly not something I’m going to discuss from here.

As it relates to the thing I do feel like I can speak pretty authoritatively about in terms of the President’s exercise of leadership, I think it’s a pretty clear sign of the President’s leadership on this issue that after he’d been sitting in the Oval Office for two days, he issued an executive order unequivocally banning the kind of techniques that are described in this report.

At the same time, on that second day, the President also urged -- or basically called on members of his national security team to conduct this review of interrogation policies and of our detention policies in a way that has yielded reforms to that program that the report itself says were badly needed.  And you’ve seen the President take the position of strongly encouraging the release of the declassified executive summary of this report.  That is an indication that the President has very clear views on this.  He has spoken publicly about it on a number of occasions.  And I think the President is pretty proud, as he should be, of his efforts to try to rectify many of the shortcomings that were included in this report.

Q    I know that you said yesterday that the President retains confidence in Director Brennan, but does he retain confidence that the CIA has not misled Congress in any way during the Obama administration?  Misled or lied to the Congress? 

MR. EARNEST:  Well, Justin, you’re asking me to account for a whole lot of people.  We certainly would have the expectation that everybody in this administration, including everybody who works for the Central Intelligence Agency, would be truthful and honest with members of Congress, particularly when they’re under oath.

But again, it’s hard for me to react directly to what Senator Udall has said without seeing exactly what he said and without being able to discuss the classified report that he says he’s relying on for his information.

Q    And then just really quick on the omnibus.  I know that you said earlier that you guys are still reviewing a lot of it, but there were a couple provisions I just wanted to run by and see if you had any reaction on.  There’s a provision that kind of rolls back the First Lady’s school lunch program, cutting out requirements on sodium and whole grains.  There is a provision on D.C. home rule, abortion and marijuana legalization, and cuts to the EPA.  And all of these seem like policies that the President or the White House has kind of discussed in the past and so I’m wondering if any of them are deal-breakers for you guys.

MR. EARNEST:  They’re all things that the White House is continuing to review.  Again, that report is 1,600 pages long, and we haven’t even had 16 hours to review it yet.  So we’re going to take a look at all those things.  I’m confident there are going to be things we’re going to find that we’re not going to like in there, but that’s the nature of a bipartisan compromise.  So we’ll have to review it, and as soon as we have a specific position to articulate we’ll let you know.

Q    Just coming back -- I know you’d referred a lot of questions to Justice Department on this, but I’m asking about the President’s view.  Does the President accept the Justice Department’s decision that there is no prosecutorial crime that was committed here?  Does the President -- they’ve said it, they’ve investigated, they have decided not to prosecute.  That’s a fact.  But does the President accept the conclusion of his own Justice Department there are no prosecutable crimes committed here?

MR. EARNEST:  That is the way that our criminal justice system works, which is that we have career federal prosecutors that are insulated from any sort of political interference, even the appearance of political interference.  And the President accepts that’s the way that this system works.

Q    But so he -- I understand how the system works.  Career prosecutors aren't interfered with.  I’m asking about the President’s personal views as being somebody who was so opposed to this program and seeing what he has seen and what he has known about for a long time -- does he personally believe there were no crimes committed here?

MR. EARNEST:  Jon, that is a question, again, that is not a question for the President of the United States.  It’s not the President of the United States who conducts a criminal inquiry into the actions of somebody who works at the CIA.  That’s the responsibility of a career federal prosecutor who can take an independent look at this, can do so without any sort of political interference, and can conduct an investigation and reach a conclusion based on their own view of the facts.

That is the way that our criminal justice system works.  The President has confidence in the criminal justice system.  He has certainly got confidence in the professionalism of the prosecutors who reviewed this matter.  But again, that is a conclusion for them to draw, not one for the President of the United States.

Q    So it’s a yes-or-no thing.  I think you’re answering yes when you speak -- the President accepts the decision of the Justice Department, the finding of the Justice Department that there were not prosecutable crimes committed by the CIA in this program.  Yes, right?

MR. EARNEST:  Again, this is something that federal career prosecutors looked at carefully.  They did so without any sort of political interference, as they should.  That is the way that our criminal justice system continues to work, and the President has confidence both in the justice system and in the way that it was deployed in this particular situation.

Q    So he accepts no crimes committed.

MR. EARNEST:  So the President, again, is confident that we’ve had federal career prosecutors who took a careful look at this.  They used extensive resources to sort of review all the relevant materials.  I suspect they interviewed witnesses.  This is part of --

Q    And they found no crimes worth prosecuting committed and the President accepts that?  That’s all -- just a simple --

MR. EARNEST:  And again, I’m doing my best to answer your question, which is, there is a process in place that is administered by career professionals who did what they were supposed to do in taking a careful look at this.  And they reached their own conclusions, and the President certainly believes firmly in their competence and in the system.

Q    Now, I want to ask you a direct question that you’ve --

MR. EARNEST:  I’ll try to give you a direct answer.  (Laughter.)

Q    I really would appreciate a direct answer on this one.

MR. EARNEST:  I’ll do my best.

Q    The President nominated John Brennan to be his CIA Director.

MR. EARNEST:  Yes.  (Laughter.)  Nailed it.  (Laughter.)

Q    No further questions.  (Laughter.)  So John Brennan, the President’s CIA Director, has said that this program, these harsh interrogations, what the President has called torture, provided valuable and unique intelligence that helped disrupt plots and save lives.  So it’s just a point-blank question:  Does the President agree with his own CIA Director that this program saved lives?  Just a yes or a no.

MR. EARNEST:  Right.  Well, Jon, this is the thing.  The President has been very clear about what he believes about these programs.

Q    He hasn’t been clear on this question, has he?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, but he’s been clear about the most important question.  And the most important --

Q    This did save lives?

MR. EARNEST:  No, the most important question is, should we have done it?  And the answer to that question is, no.  The President does not believe that the use of enhanced interrogation techniques was good for our national security.  He does not believe that it was good for our moral authority.  In fact, he believes that it undermined our moral authority and that is why he banned them.

Now, the other thing that the President has been clear about -- and the President talked about this at some length in the interview that he did yesterday with Jose Diaz-Balart from Telemundo, where he was asked about -- I believe it was in the Telemundo interview, it may have been the Univision interview -- where he was asked specifically, if he were President of the United States at the time in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, would he have made the same decisions that President Bush did.  And the President was clear about how difficult an environment that was, that there was intense pressure that was put on the federal government and members of our national security team to keep the American people safe.  And the President is very sympathetic to how difficult it was for everybody to operate in that environment. 

All the more reason that we can be clear and unequivocal now about how the United States will never again implement the use of enhanced interrogation techniques because it undermines our moral authority, which the President views -- and I think everybody can agree on this -- is one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal to protect the interests of the United States of America.

Q    But John Brennan has come out specifically and he has provided specific examples of where this program saved lives.  And I’m just trying to get at -- I understand the President thinks it was the wrong thing to do, ut did it save lives?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, again, Jon --

Q    -- continuing to mislead the American public and Congress, as the Senate Intelligence Committee report alleges?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, no, listen.  The President has relied for years now on the advice of John Brennan.  John Brennan is a decorated professional and a patriot, and he is somebody that the President relies on, on a daily basis to keep this country safe.
Mr. Brennan worked here in the White House for four years at the President’s top Homeland Security Advisor and Mr. Brennan has continued his service as the Director of the CIA.  The President believes that he has done an exemplary job in both of those roles and the President is pleased that he is able to rely on the advice of a dedicated professional like Mr. Brennan to protect the United States and our interests.

Q    But is he right on this?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, again, Jon --

Q    This is not a small question.  This gets at the --

MR. EARNEST:  No, it’s not a small question, but it’s a smaller question then whether or not these kinds of interrogation techniques are worth it.  And again --

Q    The President’s view is that it's not.

MR. EARNEST:  -- because of the way they undermine the moral authority of the United States, and because the moral authority of the United States is such a powerful weapon as we try to protect our interests around the globe, the President does not believe that those kinds of techniques should be used.

Q    Okay.  But the CIA --

MR. EARNEST:  And that’s why he has acted unilaterally to unequivocally outlaw them, and he did so in his second day in office.

Q    But the CIA said yesterday that these tactics provided information that helped prevent another mass casualty attack.  If that is true, if these tactics helped prevent a mass casualty attack, lots of American lives, the lives of our allies, how can the President say they weren’t worth it?  Is he saying it’s better to see those lives lost?

MR. EARNEST:  Of course not, Jon.  Of course not.

Q    But that’s what the CIA is saying.  It’s prevented a mass casualty attack.

MR. EARNEST:  And I understand that.  But what the President believes is that our moral authority is critically important to representing our interests and protecting the United States of America, and that the use of these techniques undermines that authority.  It degrades our ability to coordinate with our allies and partners all around the globe.  Its hurts our standing in the world.  And that’s why the President is committed to rebuilding that moral authority. 

And one way we can do that, and one important step in doing that is releasing this report, acknowledging our shortcomings, being as transparent as possible about them, and being just as clear about the commitment that this President and his administration has to ensuring that they’re never used again.

Q    Okay, last question.  Mark Udall in the speech -- it happened while you were up there -- one thing I can tell you he said is there should be a purge of senior leadership at the CIA. What’s your response to Mark’s suggestion that there should be a purge of top CIA leadership, presumably including the Director?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I spoke at length about the Director and his credentials and the President’s confidence in him and the important role that he’s played in protecting the United States of America.  The President continues to believe that the men and women of our intelligence community are dedicated professionals. These are patriots.  These are people who show up on a daily basis.  They work behind the scenes and they don’t often get the kind of recognition because of the nature of their jobs about the contribution that they make to our national security.  And the President is grateful for their work.

Mr. Viqueira.

Q    Thank you.  You’ve talked about American moral authority around the world, and the President in one of those interviews last night said a willingness to admit mistakes is -- he held that up as an American virtue.

MR. EARNEST:  It is.

Q    Now you have a top U.N. official calling for prosecution.  The President also saying it’s contrary to who we are -- this interrogation is contrary to who we are.  Is it not also contrary to American values not to prosecute those who are guilty of international crimes?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I’ll just say as a general matter, Mike, that the United States is committed to complying with its domestic and international obligations and we believe that the United States justice system is the appropriate place for allegations about conduct by U.S. officials to be handled.  And as we’ve discussed here at some length, there was an independent Department of Justice criminal investigation that was conducted. There have been at least two independent inspector general investigations that have been conducted and --

Q    Were all the facts that were revealed in this report known to the DOJ officials?

MR. EARNEST:  You’d have to ask them about their investigation.

Q    But shouldn’t it be looked at again in light of new information?

MR. EARNEST:  Again, you’d have to ask them if there was new information that came to light.

Q    And the White House doesn’t have any position on that?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, what I’m saying is that the Department of Justice -- because the White House was not involved in the investigation they conducted -- would be able to tell you whether or not they learned anything new through the Senate report.


Q    Josh, following up on Jon’s questions about John Brennan, you also have as the FBI Chief, James Comey, who served in the Bush Justice Department and helped -- he endorsed a legal memo blessing waterboarding and other enhanced techniques.  How could the President appoint John Brennan and James Comey to two of the most sensitive jobs in this administration, CIA and FBI, is he believes they endorsed un-American tactics?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, Ed, I can tell you that Mr. Comey falls in the same category as Mr. Brennan in terms of somebody whose advice the President is pleased that he can rely on to keep the country safe.  Mr. Comey is somebody that does have a strong track record.  And there have been other instances even in his service in the previous administration where he stood up for and advocated for important civil liberties protections.  And this is somebody --

Q    But you don’t see any contradiction that you’re attacked Bush administration policies but you have two of the architects of those policies serving?  And two of them --

MR. EARNEST:  I don’t think that’s a fair description --

Q    -- endorsing a legal memo --

MR. EARNEST:  I don’t think that is a fair description.  Certainly --

Q    Mr. Brennan served in the Bush administration as well.

MR. EARNEST:  That’s right.  But I don’t think it is fair at all to describe him as an architect of those policies.

Q    So you don’t see any contradiction between them endorsing the policies that the President is attacking, and they now serve in two of the most sensitive jobs?

MR. EARNEST:  What I can tell you, Ed, is that the President of the United States has complete confidence in the professionalism of these individuals, and he’s got complete confidence that these two individuals who serve in important leadership positions on his national security team are following the law and doing everything that is necessary to protect the American people.  And the President is pleased with their service.

Q    Now, two days ago, you very directly said that these policies did not make us safer.  Former Vice President Cheney says that’s a crock and a bunch of hooey.  How do you respond?
MR. EARNEST:  This is not the first time and probably not the last time that this administration strongly disagrees with the views articulated by Vice President Cheney.  He’s also somebody who said that deficits don’t matter.  He’s also somebody that predicted that American troops would be welcomed as liberators in Iraq.  So he’s got not a particularly strong track record when it comes to articulating a policy that this President believes is in the best interest of the country.

Q    If Vice President Cheney has such a weak track record on those very issues, why, as Jon said -- why does this President -- not President Bush, but this President’s CIA Director basically agree with Dick Cheney that these tactics saved lives?
Your CIA Director agrees with him.

MR. EARNEST:  Again, for questions about Mr. Brennan’s position on these issues, I would direct you to the CIA.  They can explain them to you.  I don’t think that he would say that he agrees wholeheartedly with Vice President Dick Cheney.  But, again, you should ask them.

Q    Both say that these programs saved lives.

MR. EARNEST:  Yes, well, again, I don’t think their views are the same.

Q    Okay.  You have repeatedly talked about moral authority.  So can you explain how the President believes that it’s un-American to use these techniques but it was okay to ramp up the drone policy and basically thousands of people around the world, innocent civilians were killed.  What’s the moral equivalency there?  How do you have moral authority when innocent civilians are killed by drones?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think that the difference here, Ed -- and this is a stark difference in the way that the United States conducts our policy and the way that terrorists around the world conduct their policy -- that there is significant care taken and there are significant checks and balances that are included in the system to ensure that any counterterrorism action that’s taken by the United States of America does not put at risk innocent lives.

Q    But they do in the end.  I understand there are safeguards, but in the end, we’ve seen many cases around the world where U.S. drones have killed innocent civilians, despite those safeguards.  So how do you have moral authority?

MR. EARNEST:  What I’m saying is that is a stark difference from the tactics that are employed by our enemies, who seek to use car bombs to actually target innocent civilians.

Q    Yet you still kill civilians.  No one is defending the terrorists’ tactics, but by your tactics --

MR. EARNEST:  But you’re asking about our moral authority, and I think there is a very clear difference.

Q    How do you have moral authority if --

MR. EARNEST:  There is a very clear difference between the tactics that are used by terrorists and the counterterrorism tactics that are employed by the United States of America that go to great lengths to protect the lives of innocent civilians.  In fact, many of these terrorists that we’re talking about -- and, again, many of these counterterrorism activities that are used against terrorists are targeting terrorists that themselves have targeted local populations, that have targeted fellow Muslims in some situations.  So the efforts that are taken by this administration to limit or to prevent innocent civilian casualties are consistent with our values and are consistent with our broader strategy for protecting the American people.

Q    Last one.  You’ve said many times that Secretary Kerry, Secretary Hagel -- concerns -- U.S. installations around the world are on high alert right now.  Related to that, today Republican Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi committee is citing a State Department Inspector General report that says that many U.S. installations around the world, beyond the Benghazi installation, are not completely safe now and that there are real security gaps.  Agree with that?  Disagree with that?  And do you plan to have any senior officials here testify to that committee? Because previously you’ve said if there is fair oversight on the Hill, we’ll send people up there.

MR. EARNEST:  That’s right.

Q    Susan Rice, others -- will they testify?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I’ll say a couple things about that.  The administration I think has been pretty clear about our desire to dedicate significantly more resources to ensuring that we’re protecting U.S. facilities around the globe.  It’s my understanding that there are a number of occasions where Republicans on Capitol Hill have actually blocked funding for those kinds of priorities, and that’s something that we have been pretty frustrated by, and I do think it raises some questions about the political motivation of some Republicans who were criticizing the administration.

I will say as a general matter that the administration will continue to cooperate with legitimate oversight.  I think it remains to be seen whether the eighth inquiry into the Benghazi matter, coming on the heels of a Republican-authored report that actually absolves the administration of any involvement in the many conspiracy theories that have been floated by those on the right wing -- but we’ll have to wait and see whether or not there is any legitimacy to the questions that are being asked by this particular committee.


Q    Josh, as it relates to the torture report and the findings, when there is ever something wrong, especially when it’s relationships between this country and Islamic leaders, Islamic peoples around the world, there seems to be an outreach. Did the President reach out to the leaders of any of the countries that have a large population of Muslims there to talk to them, to apologize, to say this will never happen again, et cetera?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, April, I can tell you that I don’t -- I’m actually not in a position to read out any specific presidential conversations about the potential release of this report with other heads of state.  The President obviously has an open line of communication with many world leaders, including the King of Jordan, who was just here last week.  I, frankly, don’t know whether or not they discussed the impending release of this report, just because I’m not in a position to read out any presidential conversations about this specific report.

Q    This is a very big issue, as when this President first came into office, he really made a point to reach out to many of the heads of these nations to say, look, we are trying to tamp down any kind of escalation of jihadist activities and to show you we’re not the country that you may have perceived us as.  So where is this White House when it comes to possibilities of continued outreach after this report?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, let me say a couple of things about that.  We’ve talked quite a bit about the success that the United States has had and the President has had in building a broad international coalition to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.  Some of the members of that coalition are Muslim countries, and to have those Muslim countries working closely with the United States to go after a group like ISIL I think speaks volumes about the success that the President has had in strengthening our cooperation with regional partners as we confront this shared threat.

We even have Muslim countries flying fighter jets alongside American pilots, and dropping bombs on ISIL targets in Syria, something that I think even a few months ago was, if not unthinkable, at least a proposition that many impartial observers viewed skeptically.  They didn’t think that these Muslim countries would ever join the United States in this effort.  But yet we have fighter pilots from the UAE and from Jordan and from other Muslim countries in the region who are flying alongside American pilots and dropping bombs on ISIL targets.  That demonstrates the success that this President has had in strengthening our relationship with countries in this region -- this volatile region of the world, but also in building strong ties with other countries around the world.

We’ve also gotten significant cooperation from other more traditional allies -- allies like France, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia and Denmark.  These are countries that are actually flying combat missions over the skies of Iraq, again, alongside American military pilots.  That is an indication that we have strengthened our relationship with countries in the region and around the world, and we’ve done so in a way that significantly benefits American interests around the world.

Q    So is it beyond the possibility to think that the President did or will reach out to some of these leaders for discussion and/or apology?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, if he does, I don’t anticipate that it will be the kind of conversation that we’ll read out.

Q    Okay.  And lastly, on Detroit, this week it’s expected to come out of -- the city is expected to come out of bankruptcy. What do you say about that, particularly as they’re coming out of bankruptcy and still they have a debt into the billions of dollars?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, the city of -- the Obama administration has worked closely with officials in the state of Michigan and the city of Detroit as they’ve worked through the significant financial problems plaguing that city.  We certainly are pleased that they appear to be nearing the end of this bankruptcy period, but there is significant work that remains to be done.  And the administration will continue to work closely with officials in Michigan and officials in the state of Detroit -- in the city of Detroit as they continue to recover from the significant financial problems that they’ve had.

There’s no question that that region of the country has benefited significantly from the efforts that this President undertook to rescue the auto industry.  And again, it is thanks to the grit and determination of American workers that that industry has come roaring back, that we’re seeing record sales, we’re seeing record revenues from those companies.  And we anticipate that that will continue to have a positive economic impact on the city of Detroit and on the broader state of Michigan.

But that’s not the only way.  We’re going to continue to see the administration -- whether it’s the Department of Education, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and other core agencies -- working closely with city officials in Detroit to help that community recover.

Q    As you say that they’ve come roaring back, using your words, they still, again, have this major debt --

MR. EARNEST:  Yes, I was referring to the auto industry.

Q    I know.  I know.

MR. EARNEST:  And that’s different than the city of Detroit. The financial position of the auto companies --

Q    But they are -- but the city benefits from the auto industry.

MR. EARNEST:  They do.

Q    Yes, that’s what I’m saying, but the city still has this major debt.  Are you still concerned?

MR. EARNEST:  We continue to be committed to their recovery. 

Q    Josh, let’s puncture some of the delicate fiction you’ve created around the CR.  It’s not a 1,600 bill that you’re unaware of.

MR. EARNEST:  That’s not a particularly charitable comment this morning.  (Laughter.)  I mean, yowza. 

Q    There’s a 1,600 bill that -- you know what’s in it.  You negotiated with it on the Hill for two and a half weeks.  Barbara Mikulski is not a stranger to this White House.  So because it’s the only piece of legislation that’s operative to avoid a shutdown, just tell us the truth -- you’re not going to veto it, right?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, we have not reached that conclusion.  We’re going to continue to review it.

Q    It’s possible you could veto it?

MR. EARNEST:  We’re going to continue to review the bill before we pass judgment.

Q    But nothing you’ve said to us this morning is a discouraging word against all the things you said that are encouraging and are generally satisfying to you about this piece of legislation.

MR. EARNEST:  At the same time I’m trying to be honest about the fact that we do anticipate that there will be things in this piece of legislation that we do not like.

Q    Right, but that’s not the same as it becoming veto bait.

MR. EARNEST:  That is correct.

Q    And so you’re not going to veto it, are you?  You’re not going to shut the government down.

MR. EARNEST:  I am withholding judgment on this piece of legislation until we’ve had a chance to review it again.

Q    When will that be?

MR. EARNEST:  It’s 1,600 pages long --

Q    Yes, that’s a factual truth, but it’s not 1,600 pages you don’t know anything about.  You know almost everything about this bill.

MR. EARNEST:  I didn’t say that.

Q    You did work in consultation with the relevant key players, Democrat and Republican, to put this thing together, did you not?

MR. EARNEST:  That is true, but what is also true is that this is -- as somebody who covered Capitol Hill for a very long time, you understand that there are I think legitimate expectations that members of Congress have about being able to exercise their own authority to reach these kinds of agreements. So I guess the point is the White House was not at the table at every conversation.  We certainly have been kept in the loop by people on both sides, but we do not have the kind of granular knowledge about what’s included in the legislation that members of Congress do.

Q    -- one way or the other would jeopardize its passage in either chamber?


Q    So you expect it to pass?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, again --

Q    It’s going to come to the desk, so let’s say you’re going to sign it.

MR. EARNEST:  -- I do not want to be in a position to predict what the House Republicans are going to do.  I do not want to be in a position of -- there are other things that I had privately thought would pass the House of Representatives that ultimately didn’t.  So I’m withholding --

Q    This isn’t one of them, is it?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I hope not, because we certainly don’t want to see a government shutdown.  But hopefully they will take the action that’s necessary to prevent a government shutdown.

Q    John Brennan would not lie about something as important as what Jon Karl just asked you about, would he?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, as somebody who -- again, as somebody who got to know --

Q    -- you wouldn’t lie about, would you?

MR. EARNEST:  It is.  As somebody who got to know Mr. Brennan when he worked here at the White House -- I had the opportunity to take a couple of trips with him when we were traveling with the President together -- and he is somebody who I think adheres to the highest ethical standard that you would expect of a government official.  And I don’t think there’s any reason for anybody to question that.

Q    That he would lie about something like that?

MR. EARNEST:  Correct.

Q    Explain to all of us how the moral authority of the United States is advanced when there is public accountability but absolutely no judicial accountability. 

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I’ll say a couple things about that -- and I mentioned this in the gaggle yesterday and I think that this bears repeating.  The President alluded to this -- actually, the Vice President alluded to this yesterday, too.  It’s difficult to imagine -- and I’m happy to be proven wrong -- but it’s difficult to imagine any other country in the world going to the lengths that this country has to have a public reckoning of  -- or a public detailed accounting of our shortcomings. 

What that serves to do is to remind the world about how serious we are about our values; to be candid about the fact where we’ve fallen short, to be candid about our commitment to making sure that we’re going to go in and fix the problems that occurred -- and that’s what the President did in terms of announcing the reforms of our interrogation protocol and of our detention process -- and to demonstrate clearly that this is something that’s never going to happen again. 

And I think that is uniquely American, in terms of our willingness to stand up for our values in that way.  And I don’t think anybody on either side of this debate -- and there is a very robust debate, and I think that there are worthy arguments to be made on either side of it -- but nobody argues about the fact that that moral authority is one of the most important elements of our arsenal in protecting the interests and the people of the United States of America.

Q    And ‘fessing up is sufficient to advance that moral authority?  You need not prosecute anyone?

MR. EARNEST:  I think ‘fessing up, as you described it --

Q    You described it.

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I guess I did, too -- okay.  The willingness to come clean and be transparent about those shortcomings I think does a lot to rebuild our moral authority around the globe.  Aand that is why the President ended these techniques in the first place.  It’s why he put in place these reforms that we talked about earlier, and it is why the President has strongly supported the release of this declassified version of the executive summary.

Q    Last question.  We’ve done a lot of questions about benefits and costs and risks.  Is the United States and its diplomatic posts, its intelligence, its military facilities at greater risk today than it was yesterday, before the release of this report?  Yesterday, the social media on the jihadist networks were crackling with outrage, indignation, and calls for either generalized attacks or specific attacks.  So are we more at risk yesterday before this report was released generally?  And is that risk worth this advancement of moral authority that you just described?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, let me say a couple of things.  The first is that there was an assessment that was reached by the intelligence community that U.S. facilities may be at higher risk as a result of the release of this report.  And as a result of that assessment, this administration, at the direction of the President of the United States, undertook necessary efforts to make sure that additional resources were necessary were dedicated to ensure the protection of U.S. facilities and U.S. personnel around the globe. 

What is also true -- so I guess the conclusion is this, is the President did decide that the benefit of releasing this report and taking a significant step to rebuild our moral authority was necessary and does, overall, strengthen our national security, and does more to protect our interests around the globe, based on the fact that we can also take the necessary steps to protect against any sort of increased risk that may occur.


Q    Josh, thanks.  I want to go back to the question of bin Laden and just try to clarify the comments that you made in response to Jim’s question.  You said it’s impossible to know a counterfactual -- in other words, impossible to know if you would have been able to kill bin Laden if you hadn’t had these harsh interrogation tactics, if they had been outlawed at that point.  Are you essentially acknowledging that they did play a role?

MR. EARNEST:  No.  What I’m acknowledging is that it is impossible for us to go back in time and determine whether or not some of the information -- about whether some of the information that those who believe that enhanced interrogation techniques yielded information that was critical to the success of the mission could have also been obtained through other measures.  It's possible, and unknowable, actually, whether or not that information that they say was critical to the mission and was obtained because of these techniques could also have been obtained if a more conventional interrogation technique had been used.

Q    Understood.  But then isn’t that acknowledging that those tactics did, in fact, help lead to bin Laden --

MR. EARNEST:  No, it’s not.

Q    So did it play any role?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, again, there are people who are engaged in a pretty vociferous debate on both sides of this issue.

Q    But it sounds like you’re not ruling out the possibility that it may have played -- that these harsh interrogation tactics may have played a role in finding and killing bin Laden.

MR. EARNEST:  What I’m acknowledging is that there are good people in both sides of that debate.  And where the President comes down on this is that, regardless of which side of that debate you’re on, that the need to strengthen and enhance our moral authority around the world is paramount when it comes to this question.

Q    And, Josh, President Obama had to have seen the intelligence when he approved the raid, so doesn’t he have an opinion about what role this intelligence played?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, the President did receive an intelligence briefing in advance of the raid, but that intelligence briefing doesn’t necessarily provide a detailed account of how that intelligence was obtained.  The point is that, again, when it comes to the Commander-in-Chief, and when it comes to making policy decisions, the President I think has spoken unequivocally about his view of this matter.

It is his view that the use of these enhanced interrogation techniques does not serve our national interests, it does not make us safer because it undermines our moral authority.  And our morality authority around the globe is critically important to protecting and even advancing American interests around the globe.

Q    All right.  Let me ask you about something that Secretary Kerry said yesterday when he was testifying.  He said that an AUMF should not prevent the use of ground troops, saying, Congress should not bind the President’s hands when it comes to an AUMF.  Given that the President doesn’t plan to send in ground troops, he’s been very clear about that, why shouldn’t the legislation prevent the use of ground troops?

MR. EARNEST:  I believe the Secretary got into this.  The reason is simply this:  It’s impossible for us to imagine all the contingencies that could occur.  The President has been very clear that he does not envision a scenario where he is going to commit substantial U.S. ground troops in a combat role in Iraq or in Syria.  But as some people have pointed out, there actually is one reported instance where the President did commit ground troops in what I think everybody would describe as a combat role in Syria.  Earlier this summer, the President ordered U.S. personnel to go into Syria and to try to put boots on the ground and to try to rescue American hostages that were held in Syria.

If we were to include in the AUMF a provision banning the use of combat troops, the President’s hands would be tied and he wouldn't be able to order a mission like that.  And that is what we're seeking to avoid.  And that is why we believe that that doesn't constitute a responsible limitation on the President’s authority.

Q    But he still stands by the statement that he’s not putting boots on the ground in this current conflict in Syria?

MR. EARNEST:  That is absolutely correct.

Q    If Congress does authorize an AUMF that includes the possible use of ground troops, what’s to stop this President, the next President from engaging the United States in an ongoing, endless war?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, these are policy decisions that are made by the Commander-in-Chief.  And the reason that the President would like to see the passage of an updated, right-sized authorization to use military force that actually reflects the conflict that we're engaged in right now is an indication that this President is eager to move the United States away from a permanent war footing. 

Secretary Kerry made reference to the fact yesterday that he supports -- that this administration continues to support the repeal of the 2002 AUMF.  The President has given at least one high-profile speech on this precise issue.  And the only thing I think that is relevant is the American people are going to have some bearing on this -- that we have a civilian in charge of our military, we have a civilian Commander-in-Chief that's elected by the people of the United States of America to make decisions about whether or not to take prolonged military action in a way that protects our national security interests.  And we entrust the Commander-in-Chief that's elected by the American people to make these kinds of decisions. 

So I guess the point is the President took office vowing to get our troops out of Iraq in a responsible way, to deal with the situation in Afghanistan and wind down our involvement in that effort, to move us off of a permanent war footing.  These are all things that the President campaigned on and was strongly supported by the American public.  So I guess the point is, those sort of what-if provisions are things that are outcomes that will at least be heavily influenced by the American public.  And that's the way that it should be.

Q    Thanks.

MR. EARNEST:  Jessica.

Q    Josh, I want to go back to what you were talking about, the potential impact on American foreign policy.  If you acknowledge that the U.S. has lost moral authority, how does that impact U.S. foreign policy, especially when calling out other countries for human rights abuses?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I’ll say a couple of things about that. The first is I think that we’ve made substantial progress in rebuilding that moral authority since these actions were implemented.  And I think there are a couple of reasons that we can assert that.  The first is the President did take these steps in early 2009 to put in place a task force that later in 2009 announced significant reforms to the way that U.S. personnel interrogate and detain individuals that happen to be in the custody of the United States government.  So that's notable.

I think the second thing is the President was very clear in outlawing these techniques.  He was unequivocal in doing so and I do think substantially rebuilt U.S. credibility and moral authority around the globe.  And we have evidence that this effect is having an impact on our ability to protect American national security interests around the globe.

If the U.S. moral authority had been substantially diminished, we would not have had so much success in building a coalition of more than 60 countries, including many Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East joining us in the fight against ISIL.  So we’ve made substantial progress, but the President believes that there is more that we're going to continue to do precisely because U.S. moral authority is one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal for protecting and advancing American interests around the globe.

Q    -- we’ve seen in Russia, China, North Korea about human rights abuses.  Will we see any backing away or backing off of the condemnation of those practices in other countries?

MR. EARNEST:  Absolutely not.  This administration remains as committed as ever to these basic universal human rights.

Q    And just to react to the Chinese foreign ministry statement on the report that China has consistently opposed torture.  “We believe that the U.S. side should reflect on this, correct its ways and earnestly respect and follow the rules of related international conventions.”  Do you agree?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, I think what I could just say as a factual matter is the President, during this second full day in office, took steps to unequivocally ban the use of enhanced interrogation techniques by U.S. personnel, and he did that because he believes that it undermined our moral authority to continue to implement those techniques.  And he believed that it would make the United States stronger and safer to do so.

Tamara, I’m going to give you the last one.

Q    Great, I have a couple CR omnibus questions.  Hopefully, they're short.

MR. EARNEST:  I’ll do my best to answer them.

Q    Chris Van Hollen, the leading Democrat on the Budget Committee in the House, while you were speaking has announced that -- (laughter) -- you should take the Internet away from us. (Laughter.)

Q    Don't give him any ideas. 

Q    He’s announced that he’s going to be voting against the CR omnibus because he’s very concerned about it lifting campaign finance limits and also about the Dodd-Frank rollbacks that are in there.  Does the White House have any feelings about how Democrats should vote on this measure?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, as always, we believe that Democrats should vote their conscience.  They should make those kinds of decisions for themselves.  The President’s decision about whether or not to support this legislation is certainly something that he will do based on his own conscience.

As the leading Democrat on the House Budget Committee, Mr. Van Hollen has more immediate and detailed knowledge of this proposal than we do here at the White House so far.  But we’re endeavoring to review this and hope that we can have a clearer position on the specific legislation soon.

Q    And you have said that it’s 1,600 pages and you’ve only had it for 16 hours -- or not even 16 hours.  Can the President veto this?  I mean, this is “must-pass bill” -- three most powerful words in Washington, possibly.  (Laughter.) 

MR. EARNEST:  I was thinking like Commander-in-Chief might be.  (Laughter.)  But that’s all right.  I might have a jaundiced perspective on that.

Q    Must-pass bill can make a lot of things happen.

MR. EARNEST:  That is true.  I concede that right away.

Q    And by having so little time to review this, does the President really have an option here?

MR. EARNEST:  Yes, the President always has an option.  And the President -- as I anticipate that we’re going to spend some time talking about over the next couple of years -- does have a veto power that is endowed in the presidency by the Constitution. But because this is such an important piece of legislation, it is garnering the kind of attention and thorough review that you would expect from the executive branch.  We’ve had folks who literally were up very late last night and very early this morning reviewing these specific proposals and trying to understand what impact they would have on policy.

So we are going to give this piece of must-pass legislation the kind of thorough detailed review that it deserves.

Q    Does the President believe that bad policy ever comes out of bipartisan, bicameral agreements?

MR. EARNEST:  Yes.  (Laughter.)  Because the nature of these kinds of agreements is that they are a compromise, which means that there are things that Republicans like that are included in that Democrats don’t like; there are going to be some things the Democrats like that Republicans don’t like that are included in it.  I would describe those latter things as good policy, usually.  (Laughter.)  But again, I’m not exactly unbiased.

But what I can tell you is that we do acknowledge that this is a compromise proposal.  And as Major was rightly raising, it is certainly possible that the President could sign this piece of legislation even though there are some things, maybe even many things in it that the President doesn’t like.  But we need to have a full accounting of that before we can render our judgment about whether or not the President would sign it.  But again, that’s something that they’re hard at work on, and we anticipate that we will be able to give you a more definitive view of that legislation soon. 

Q    Today?

MR. EARNEST:  I don’t have a time frame yet, but we’re certainly -- we’re working on it, because it’s --

Q    Today would be good.

MR. EARNEST:  -- must-pass legislation.  So we’re hard at work on it.

Q    Today would be really good.


Q    Hey, Josh, before you go, one more factual question about the interrogations.  Are any of those who are involved in these questionable interrogation tactics still at work for the CIA?

MR. EARNEST:  Jon, that’s a question you should direct to the CIA. 

Q    Should they be still working for the CIA given what they did?

MR. EARNEST:  Well, again, you should direct those questions to the CIA. 

Thanks, guys.

12:20 P.M. EST