Five Things to Know About How President Obama’s Executive Action Impacts Undocumented Immigrants

Last week, the President took action to fix as much of our broken immigration system as possible within the scope of his existing legal authority. The President’s Immigration Accountability Executive Actions are an important step to fix our broken immigration system. Millions of undocumented immigrants who live in the shadows want to play by the rules, pay their fair share of taxes, and get right with the law. The President is taking action to fix as much of the problem as he can, while continuing to work with Congress to pass a comprehensive, bipartisan immigration reform bill.

The President has been clear that he can’t fix the immigration system entirely on his own; whatever action he takes will not be a substitute for long-lasting solutions that only comprehensive immigration legislation can provide.

Here are the five things that you should know about the President’s initiatives impacting undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Cecilia Muñoz is Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council.

The Faces of Health Care: Ann C.

"I was finally able to have a physical and a gynecological check-up, which included a mammogram. The mammogram showed an irregularity ... The cancer has been detected at a very early stage, which, with a 98% survival rate, has saved my life!"

Ann, a 51-year old mother of three, is a licensed massage therapist from Westport, CT who is dedicated to healing others. As a self-employed single mother, she could not afford health insurance. But when the Health Care Marketplace opened for all Americans last year, she found out that she qualified for Medicaid in her state. That coverage finally gave her the opportunity to see a doctor -- and catch her breast cancer very early.

She will have minor surgery to remove the irregularity and now has an almost 100% chance of survival. What's more, the cost of the screening and minor procedure will be far less than treating a more developed cancer down the line. 

Thanks to, she got the care she needed when she needed it most. 

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Read more stories about Americans whose lives are being made better by health reform.

Related Topics: Health Care

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of King Abdullah II of Jordan

President Obama will host His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House on Friday, December 5 to consult on regional issues, including efforts to counter ISIL and find a political solution in Syria, provide humanitarian assistance to refugees from the conflicts in Iraq and Syria, and take steps to calm tensions in Jerusalem.  The President looks forward to discussing with King Abdullah opportunities to strengthen the U.S.-Jordan strategic partnership and advance our political, economic, and security cooperation.  The United States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan enjoy a  close and enduring friendship, and this meeting is another opportunity to continue our work together to promote peace, prosperity, and reform in the Middle East. 

President Obama Speaks in Chicago About His Action on Immigration

November 25, 2014 | 34:59 | Public Domain

President Obama travels back to his hometown of Chicago to meet with civic and business leaders and detail the reasons he's acting on his own on immigration reform.

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The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Gaggle en route Chicago with Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz, 11/25/14

Aboard Air Force One
En Route Chicago, Illinois

2:50 P.M. EST

MR. SCHULTZ:Good afternoon.Welcome aboard Air Force One for Roger Runningen’s last trip.Hopefully we'll have more to say about that later.

Before we get started into what the President is going to be doing today in Chicago, let me anticipate your first question, which is, why was the President late departing the White House this afternoon?The answer to that is the President had asked the Attorney General to come over to the White House and brief him on the latest on what’s going on, on the ground in Missouri in reaction to the grand jury decision, as well as an update on the Attorney General’s more long-term project at looking at how communities can help restore the gap of trust between citizens and law enforcement.

The Attorney General is going to have more to say about this shortly, but the Attorney General will be, in the coming weeks, visiting more cities and more communities that are dealing with this issue.He’s going to both be lifting up best practices for how different cities are managing this and also identifying challenges that we still have to work through.So I'm sure if you have more questions about that we can get to it.

But let me also say a little bit about what we can expect from the President this afternoon at Copernicus Community Center. The President will hold a meeting with a diverse group of community leaders to discuss the executive actions he is taking within his legal authority to fix our broken immigration system. He’s going to be discussing this with a diverse group of leaders, and later during his remarks will also discuss how Chicago has always been a city of immigrants, made up of immigrant families who helped build diverse communities.

The President is also going to highlight the economic impact that the executive actions he announced last week will have.

With that, I'm going to turn it over to our Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers who can go a little bit more into that.

MR. FURMAN:So you probably all saw the strong upward revision in the third quarter GDP number.It was revised up to a 3.9 percent annual rate -- following the last quarter where growth was also a very strong 4.6 percent annual rate.This is consistent with a range of other indicators which show strengthening labor markets, continued improvements in energy markets, as well as continued low growth of health costs.

While the United States is leading the global economic recovery, there’s more that we can and should do to strengthen the economy.One of the steps the President has taken that would have a significant impact on the overall macro-economy is the administrative steps he’s taken on immigration.

We conservatively estimate that these would add 0.4 percent to the size of the economy after a decade.That's $90 billion.The extra revenue associated with this growth would cut our deficit by $25 billion.And finally, the skills and talents that immigrants would bring to this country would complement the skills of the Americans that are already here and we estimate raise wages by people born in the United States by 0.3 percent after a decade -- not affecting the quantity of jobs for people born in America, but improving the quality of jobs for people born in America.

This analysis was based on a range of studies, the same studies that the Congressional Budget Office in general was drawing on in their analysis of the full Senate bill, which they estimated would add 3.3 percent to the size of the economy after a decade.

I'd note that the additions to the economy are largely because of the increased productivity that would happen as a result of the administrative actions that the administration is undertaking.Half of that productivity increase is because of deferred action.Giving people -- taking them out of the shadows will allow them to move into better jobs, better use their talents, reduce the uncertainty they’re facing, and contribute to our economy and pay taxes.The other half of the productivity increases are attracting more high-skilled, foreign-born entrepreneurs to our country where they can create jobs, increase innovation, and also contribute to our economic growth.

So, all told, this is about as large an administrative action you could take even if measured solely from the perspective of what it would do to the overall size of the economy.

Q Jason, do you think that third quarter pace is going to be reflected and maintained in the fourth quarter and going into the first quarter of next year?

MR. FURMAN:GDP bounces around from quarter to quarter.So try to look over a longer period.What was encouraging in the revisions was you saw upward revisions in both consumer spending and business investment.Those tend to be two parts of GDP that are a little bit more stable and tend to continue forward a little bit more.So if you look at the underlying number of private final domestic demand, that's increased at a 3 percent annual rate in the last year, better than overall GDP.So the non-volatile components is where we saw some of the upward revisions.

Q You're expecting a strong fourth quarter then?

MR. FURMAN:Again, it bounces around from quarter to quarter.We've had very strong -- we had weak growth in the first -- we had contraction in the first quarter, very strong growth in the second and third quarter.But it's averaging out to a recovery where you're seeing the pace of growth accelerate in the last -- 2013 and 2014, relative to what you saw before.

Q On immigration, can you address the concern that a lot of the people who we’d be getting work permits under the executive action are competing with the lowest-wage workers?And how is it that this is going to contribute to job growth when you're essentially allowing folks who may not be able to get jobs now or be underemployed now because of their lack of immigration status -- you're going to have 5 million more of them in the economy.How is that going to help American workers?

MR. FURMAN:So in our analysis, we find that there will be no impact in the quantity of jobs for people born in the United States, but there would be an improvement in the quality of jobs for people born in the United States, which we measure as a 0.3 percent increase in wages, which amounts to about $170 in today’s dollars.

We reached that conclusion drawing on a range of studies that have looked at immigration in the past -- for example, that have looked at the increase in immigration to California in the 1990s and the 2000s and the impact that had on wages of people there.To take a very extreme example -- which is not what we're doing -- this would not allow new people into the United States with the exception of the high-skilled provision, which would allow a small number of entrepreneurs and job creators.Deferred action is about people who are already in the United States; for the most part, they’re already working in the United States.But this would put them in a better position where their employers couldn't exploit them, couldn't use them to bargain down the wages of Americans that already are here.

And I'd note that in 1980, something far more extreme -- the Mariel boatlift from Cuba, 130,000 people showed up in Miami.It was a 7 percent increase in Miami’s workforce, and the evidence was it didn’t take jobs away from Americans and it didn’t lower their wages.Here, you're not talking about any additional people, so we're confident in that conclusion.

Q Do you account in the wage growth figure -- you're accounting for what you think will be better wages being paid by employers because these people are now legal to work?

MR. FURMAN:There’s two pieces to this.If you look at the high-skilled piece, you're bringing in people that start businesses, that patent at higher rates, and a number of studies have found they actually complement the skills of people who are already here.So, for example, people have looked at patenting, and an American scientist who has a foreign scientist that comes and works in their lab, both of them are going to end up patenting more than they otherwise would have.That expands the productivity of our country.That spills over to wage gains for everyone.

In terms of the deferred action piece, that also has positive spillovers and it basically improves the division of labor.And by, again, contributing to the productivity of our economy, that spills over to Americans as well.

Q -- in your CA study is that it expands the tax base, adds taxpayers to the rolls.I think two-thirds of undocumented immigrants don't pay taxes.So why is that an incentive for them to sign up to get work permits if, in fact, they’re going to have to pay more taxes?And as your own study shows, non-native workers aren't going to be benefiting as much as native workers. So what’s the advantage?

MR. FURMAN:This gives people -- first of all, we've already seen with DACA that there was a very substantial take-up rate.And when you give people the opportunity to come out of the shadows, to have the opportunity to work and contribute to our country, to pay taxes, we've seen in a number of these cases in the past with immigration actions certainly from the 1980s forward that have been studied by economists -- and my guess is ones even before that that I haven't read the evidence on -- you see people who take up these types of offers.And you saw that in the case of DACA.

Q And your estimates are based on -- what?100 percent participation?50 percent participation?

MR. FURMAN:For the sake of our analysis, we used the same take-up rate as DACA -- that was 60 percent, was the number I had in my head.That's what we used for the sake of our analysis.

Q -- on the emerging tax extenders deal, what does the President think of what seems to be coming out of Congress where they’re going to make permanent R&D credit and several of the other of the business credits, but it's not clear that the child tax credit or the EITC is going to be included at that same --

MR. FURMAN:I haven't seen the details of any deals.But according to media reports, based on those, the President has consistently stated his opposition to giving hundreds of billions of dollars of tax cuts primarily geared to corporations while leaving middle-class families and those struggling to get into the middle class behind.

The tax credits for children and the Earned Income Tax Credit lifts 16 million people out of poverty every year.And to be able to find hundreds of billions of dollars for other tax cuts and not find money for these families, when almost everything else Congress has done they’ve felt the need to come up with money to pay for it, so it's somewhat ironic -- willing to just proceed here, unpaid-for, leave the middle class behind, and include a lot of things that I think wouldn't benefit our economy.

Q -- in any detail?

MR. FURMAN:We're going to have to see what they come forward with.I don't want to get ahead of a hypothetical.

MR. SCHULTZ:Okay, thank you.


Q Is the President going to mention Ferguson in his remarks today?

MR. SCHULTZ:I would anticipate him doing so, yes.

Q And besides the meeting with Holder, what else has he done to try to bring about some healing?

MR. SCHULTZ: As you know, the President and the White House and the administration have been deeply engaged in this for many months now.I can tell you, over the past 12 hours, we've done a couple of different things.One is, Valerie Jarrett has talked to Governor Nixon twice -- once last night and once this morning -- receiving updates on what’s happening on the ground there and also promising to stay in close touch.

Broderick Johnson, our Cabinet Secretary, convened a call with the Missouri delegation last night, I believe, to make sure we were in close coordination about the response.White House staff also had a call with mayors from across the country to talk about the responses in their own communities, making sure that we were in close touch.

And then, the Attorney General and Valerie Jarrett also had a call last night with civil rights leaders from across the country.As you know, we've been working closely with them for the past few months leading up to this point to make sure that responses to this moment would be appropriate and constructive.

Q Can you talk about the President’s decision to come out last night when he did?I mean, the teargas canisters were just starting to light things on fire and he was at the White House saying everyone should accept the decision and calm down.Was there any thought of that not being the right time for him to come out and say that?

MR. SCHULTZ:The President felt strongly that he wanted to be heard last night to convey a message of calm and to offer citizens a way to be constructive in their reactions to the grand jury decision.So he feels like that was an important piece.

Q -- doing that?

MR. SCHULTZ:I think if you look at the vast majority of protests, both in Ferguson and also across cities in America, including where we just left -- Washington, D.C. -- and where we're headed -- Chicago -- the vast majority of protests were indeed peaceful and thoughtful.

Q -- the President to travel to Ferguson, or the Attorney General to travel to Ferguson in the near term.

MR. SCHULTZ:The Attorney General was there, I believe, a few months ago.I don't know any additions to his schedule.In terms of the President’s schedule, I don't have any additions to his to announce.As you heard him talk about this last night, as he said last night, he wanted to wait until things settled down a little bit and then see where things were.As you know, there’s a team from the Department of Justice on the ground right now working to make sure things are as calm as possible.

Q -- do you think he would plan to go to Ferguson?

MR. SCHULTZ:No, as he said last night, that's something still under consideration.And as soon as we have a determination on that we'll let you know.

Q And a follow-up -- has the President himself talked to Governor Nixon?And is the administration making available supplies or other help to Missouri to calm things down?

MR. SCHULTZ:Again, I don't have any specific calls to read out to you from the President.I would restate that the President -- that Valerie spoke to Governor Nixon both last night and this morning, and has been briefing the President on an ongoing basis since last night.And each of those conversations with Governor Nixon, Valerie has pledged to stay in close coordination with the Governor in making sure that he’s getting the support he needs from the federal government.

Q What was his reaction to how the police comported themselves yesterday in Ferguson?

MR. SCHULTZ:I haven't spoken to the President about that. As you know, the President spoke last night about this very issue, urging law enforcement to show restraint, to help create a community of calm.And he continues to do so.

Q Does he feel that law enforcement has shown restraint?

MR. SCHULTZ:Again, I haven't spoken to the President about this since last night.But obviously that's something important to him.He expressed that in his remarks.

Q Do you know if he was disappointed at all by some of the violence that we saw in Ferguson?And also I'm wondering if he was at all disappointed by the timing of the announcement last night.There was a lot of criticism that it came out late at night.

MR. SCHULTZ:We are all deeply worried and disappointed -- deeply worried and concerned about the violence, any sort of violence.And that’s why the President went out and spoke about it last night.Again, I would remind you that the vast majority of protests both in Missouri and around the country were indeed peaceful and reflective and constructive.That’s why the President went out and spoke, and that’s what he would urge moving forward as well.

Q -- a little bit of media criticism last night.I’m wondering specifically what you guys’ reaction to the way that the President’s remarks were broadcast were.There was this sort of split-screen of the protests as they were going on and the President’s remarks.And so I’m just wondering what kind of reaction that had, if the President felt like the media handled things well last night?

MR. SCHULTZ:Again, the President’s not a media critic.

Q I’m not one either.

MR. SCHULTZ:And all I would say is I think the images that were captured last night were all the more reason the President felt compelled to go out and speak and urge calm.He wanted to make sure that folks knew there was a way to respond to this that was both peaceful and constructive.

Q Eric, has the President been briefed on what may happen tonight, looking ahead?

MR. SCHULTZ:I believe that was part of the conversation that the President had with the Attorney General, but I don’t have any details on that.

Q -- on the militarization of police forces after the August event.What’s the status of that review and can we expect anything in the short term?

MR. SCHULTZ:Thank you Jim.That task force that was directed by the President has reviewed federal programs that support the purchase and acquisition by local law enforcement agencies and is preparing a report to present to the President.I don’t have an update for you now, but we should be hearing results of that report in the near future.

Q So, Valerie Jarrett gave an interview to the Chicago Sun Times saying that Speaker Boehner had asked the President not to make a big push for immigration during the primary season. What can you say about that?

MR. SCHULTZ:I don’t have any specific information about that specific conversation.I would note that we were fairly forthcoming when Speaker Boehner approached the President himself and said, were not going to move on immigration reform, despite the bill having pretty substantial bipartisan support in the Senate.The President went out to the Rose Garden the next day, announced that he was not going to stand by and let our broken immigration system remain broken, that he was going to look at what he could do within the bounds of the law to take action.

Q Can I ask about Hagel?There was some reporting last night that part of the, I guess, conversation that they had was a dispute over how quickly prisoners were being released from Guantanamo Bay.So I'm wondering if you could just discuss at all about how Gitmo played into their conversations about the Secretary leaving.

MR. SCHULTZ:I don’t have any specific insight into that conversation.I think there was a lot of reporting sort of trying to speculate on what happened on the relationships there. And what I can tell you is I would put the most stock in the source who we heard from yesterday, the President of the United States, who expressed a lot of gratitude towards the Secretary of Defense, who is also his friend, for his service; noting his strong record both winding down the war in Afghanistan, making strong fiscal choices, tough fiscal choices at the Department of Defense, and then also making sure that our armed forces, our military forces were prepared to succeed for the coming threats.

Q -- was the White House, and the President in particular, disappointed with the speed with which the Pentagon was acting on Gitmo detainees and releasing them.

MR. SCHULTZ:To be honest with you, I don’t know that to be true.Again, I think we were fairly forthcoming in the reasons that yesterday’s announcement was made.That was based on several weeks of conversations initiated by Secretary Hagel to the President of the United States, just talking about what he had worked on the past two years, what the next two years would look like, and they, together, came to the conclusion that it would be best to start anew.

Q How advanced are you in search for a new Defense Secretary?

MR. SCHULTZ:Josh didn’t take the bait on this yesterday; I'm not going to do so today.I don’t have any personnel updates for you.

Q Have you seen what Chuck Schumer said at the Press Club about the elections?Do you have a reaction?He said you shouldn’t have acted on Obamacare first.You should have done middle-class stuff first.

MR. SCHULTZ:I saw that he talked about the need to have an emphasis on helping the middle class, and that is something that drives us and this President every single day.I think if you look at both the legislative proposals we had put forth and support, or the executive actions we take on any given day, they all have a common thread, which is helping to build America’s economy from the middle class out.

Q He also suggested that, kind of mistakes on Obamacare, on the VA had eroded trust and government and that, in turn, Democrats had suffered at the polls.So I'm wondering if that’s a concern that the White House shares and if there’s going to be anything that you guys do to sort of reprove your confidence, if that’s a complaint coming from a major Democrat?

MR. SCHULTZ:I used to work for that major Democrat.And I’d say if you want to have a conversation about the Affordable Care Act, we should, because we believe strongly the Affordable Care Act is working; that kids for the first time can stay on their parents’ plan, that women with preexisting conditions no longer have to worry about being discriminated against in terms of coverage, that 9.1 million additional Americans are now covered under Medicaid, that 10.3 million previously uninsured adults now have health insurance.

So we believe that the Affordable Care Act was a landmark, historic legislative accomplishment for both the United States Congress, the President of the United States, but more importantly, a major step forward for the American people.

Q Eric, is this the beginning of sort of a road show to sell these immigration actions?I mean, he was in Las Vegas, but Las Vegas has a huge Hispanic population.This is a place that has a large one, but also lots of other immigrants.I'm just wondering if he’ll be traveling more around the country to sort of sell this more broadly beyond the Hispanic community.

MR. SCHULTZ:Julie, it’s a good question.I don’t have any future travel to preview for you, but I would sort of take stock at what we’ve done thus far, which are, one, give a primetime address last Thursday to as broad of an audience as possible.We had a lot of online amplification, digital products that helped push the President’s message on this.Friday morning, we traveled to Las Vegas.We released a Council of Economic Advisers report on the economic impacts of this.We’re also traveling today to Chicago.I don’t think this will be the end of our conversation on this.

Q And the point, Eric, is what?That the public is not entirely sold on the executive actions, or what’s he trying to drive at?

MR. SCHULTZ:I think it’s more that this is a pressing issue facing the country -- that what the President announced was an important step in addressing those challenges, but there’s more to be done, and that if Congress were to pass comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform, one like the one that passed in the United States Senate with Democrats, Republicans and independents supporting it, that he would crumple up his executive actions and sign that bill into law.

Q -- there lawmakers onboard today?

MR. SCHULTZ:Congresswoman Jan Schakowski, and Congressman Brad Schneider.

Q Will he be joined by others at the event, or is that it for members?

MR. SCHULTZ:Good question.I'm happy to track that down.

Q Were there any kind of deliverables that the President asked for from Attorney General Holder or Valerie Jarrett as far as beyond just reaching out, continuing to reach out and stay in touch, and beyond the work that we already know the Justice Department is doing?Are there new things that the President kind of launched them on today?

MR. SCHULTZ:Thanks, Jennifer.I believe the Attorney General is going to sort of have more announcements to be able to make to talk about his effort at the Department of Justice in terms of how that project is undergoing and some future steps they’re going to take, so I'm going to let them do that.

Q -- at Justice?

MR. SCHULTZ:I believe they’re going to find some platform to get this information out.

Okay? Thanks, guys.

3:15 P.M. EST

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President on Immigration -- Chicago, IL

Copernicus Center
Chicago, Illinois

5:05 P.M. CST

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you so much.  (Applause.)  Everybody, have a seat.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you so much.  Happy early Thanksgiving, everybody.  It is good to be home.  (Applause.)  Although it's cold in Chicago.  (Laughter.)  It was 60 degrees in Washington.  It's not 60 degrees here.  (Laughter.) 

Let me begin by thanking the Copernicus Center.  Dzien dobry to everybody.  (Applause.)  We appreciate you.  Thank you so much.         

I hope you don't mind -- because obviously there’s a lot of stuff in the news -- I actually need to begin by saying a few words about what’s happened over the past day, not just in Ferguson, Missouri, our neighbor to the south, but all across America. 

As many of you know, a verdict came down -- or a grand jury made a decision yesterday that upset a lot of people.  And as I said last night, the frustrations that we’ve seen are not just about a particular incident.  They have deep roots in many communities of color who have a sense that our laws are not always being enforced uniformly or fairly.  That may not be true everywhere, and it's certainly not true for the vast majority of law enforcement officials, but that's an impression that folks have and it's not just made up.  It's rooted in realities that have existed in this country for a long time.

Now, as I said last night, there are productive ways of responding and expressing those frustrations, and there are destructive ways of responding.  Burning buildings, torching cars, destroying property, putting people at risk -- that's destructive and there’s no excuse for it.  Those are criminal acts, and people should be prosecuted if they engage in criminal acts.   

But what we also saw -- although it didn’t get as much attention in the media -- was people gathering in overwhelmingly peaceful protest -- here in Chicago, in New York, in Los Angeles, other cities.  We’ve seen young people who were organizing, and people beginning to have real conversations about how do we change the situation so that there’s more trust between law enforcement and some of these communities.  And those are necessary conversations to have.

We're here to talk about immigration, but part of what makes America this remarkable place is being American doesn’t mean you have to look a certain way or have a certain last name or come from a certain place; it has to do with a commitment to ideals, a belief in certain values.  And if any part of the American community doesn’t feel welcomed or treated fairly, that's something that puts all of us at risk and we all have to be concerned about it. 

So my message to those people who are constructively moving forward, trying to organize, mobilize, and ask hard, important questions about how we improve the situation -- I want all those folks to know that their President is going to work with them.  (Applause.)  Separate and apart from the particular circumstances in Ferguson, which I am careful not to speak to because it's not my job as President to comment on ongoing investigations and specific cases, but the frustrations people have generally -- those are rooted in some hard truths that have to be addressed.

And so those who are prepared to work constructively, your President will work with you.  And a lot of folks, I believe, in law enforcement and a lot of folks in city halls and governor’s offices across the country want to work with you as well. 

So as part of that, I’ve instructed Attorney General Eric Holder not just to investigate what happened in Ferguson, but also identify specific steps we can take together to set up a series of regional meetings focused on building trust in our communities.  And next week, we’ll bring together state and local officials, and law enforcement, and community leaders and faith leaders to start identifying very specific steps that we can take to make sure that law enforcement is fair and is being applied equally to every person in this country.

And we know certain things work.  We know that if we train police properly, that that improves policing and makes people feel that the system is fair.  We know that when we have a police force that is representative of the communities it's serving that makes a difference.  (Applause.)  And we know that when there’s clear accountability and transparency when something happens that makes a difference.  So there are specific things we can do, and the key now is for us to lift up the best practices and work, city by city, state by state, county by county, all across this country, because the problem is not just a Ferguson problem, it is an American problem.  And we've got to make sure that we are actually bringing about change.     

The bottom line is, nothing of significance, nothing of benefit results from destructive acts.  I've never seen a civil rights law, or a health care bill, or an immigration bill result because a car got burned.  It happened because people vote.  It happened because people mobilize.  It happened because people organize.  It happens because people look at what are the best policies to solve the problem.  That's how you actually move something forward.  (Applause.)   

So don't take the short-term, easy route and just engage in destructive behavior.  Take the long-term, hard but lasting route of working with me and governors and state officials to bring about some real change. 

And to those who think that what happened in Ferguson is an excuse for violence, I do not have any sympathy for that.  (Applause.)  I have no sympathy at all for destroying your own communities.  But for the overwhelming majority of people who just feel frustrated and pain because they get a sense that maybe some communities aren't treated fairly, or some individuals aren't seen as worthy as others, I understand that.  And I want to work with you and I want to move forward with you.  Your President will be right there with you.

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Thank you, Mr. President!

THE PRESIDENT:  All right?  So that's what we need to focus on.  (Applause.)  Let’s be constructive.

I appreciate your patience, because I know you came here to talk about immigration.  But this is relevant, because part of what America is about is stitching together folks from different backgrounds and different faiths and different ethnicities.  That's what makes us special.  (Applause.)  And, look, let’s face it, sometimes that's hard.  Sometimes that's hard to do.  But it's worthwhile, it's worth doing. 

If you go to -- I was just traveling in Asia -- you go to Japan, they don't have problems with certain folks being discriminated against because mostly everybody is Japanese.  (Laughter.)  You know?  But here, part of what’s wonderful about America is also what makes our democracy hard sometimes, because sometimes we get attached to our particular tribe, our particular race, our particular religion, and then we start treating other folks differently. 

And that, sometimes, has been a bottleneck to how we think about immigration.  If you look at the history of immigration in this country, each successive wave, there have been periods where the folks who were already here suddenly say, well, I don't want those folks.  Even though the only people who have the right to say that are some Native Americans.  (Applause.)      

Now, it is fitting that I've come here, back home to Chicago.  Because Chicago has always been a city of immigrants. And that’s still true in the neighborhoods that define this city. (Applause.)  Especially on the North Side up here.  I mean, there’s -- (laughter.)  We got everything up here.  (Laughter.) 

No, you go to the public schools around here and you got 50, 60, 70 different languages being spoken.  From Andersonville to Chinatown; from Devon to Greektown; Pilsen to Ukrainian Village  -- immigrants have made this city of broad shoulders their home. We are Swedish and Polish and German and Italian.  Everybody is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.  (Laughter and applause.) 

We’ve got names like Pat Quinn, our Governor -- (applause)  -- and Luis Gutierrez, our Congressman -- (applause) -- Jan Schakowsky, another Congresswoman -- (applause) -- Brad Schneider, Congressman.  (Applause.)  Rahm Emanuel -- (applause.) All mixed up.  (Laughter.)  I don't mean Rahm.  I mean all of us, together.  (Laughter.)  It is true that Rahm speaks a language that can't be translated in front of children.  (Laughter.)  Although he’s a mayor now, so he doesn’t do that anymore, I'm sure.  (Laughter.) 

Anyone who’s driven along the Kennedy has seen the silhouettes of steeples jabbing at the sky -- steeples as diverse as the houses of worship that they belong to, and the immigrants that built them, and the communities who call those neighborhoods home to this day.

Today, we’re here at a Polish community center, and I just  -- (applause.)  I was just meeting with a group of Chicago’s business and civic leaders, representing people who come here from Mexico and China and Poland and Ireland. 

You just heard Billy Lawless, who was a successful business owner back in Galway.  But, he says -- and I'm quoting here -- “I had a thing for the United States.  I always wanted to see if I could hack it with you guys.”  And so, 16 years ago, Billy comes to Chicago, opens up an Irish pub -- because there was a shortage of Irish pubs in Chicago.  (Laughter and applause.)  Then he opened another restaurant, then another, and then another.  And four months ago, Billy and his wife became American citizens, and they voted for the very first time as Americans on November 4th. And you can often find their son, also named Billy, charming the heck out of customers at all hours of the day and night.  Together they’ve gone from employing 10 workers to employing more than 250 workers. 

And you just heard what Billy said -- “This is what we immigrants do.”  One study a few years ago found that immigrants start more than a quarter of all new businesses in the United States -- one-quarter of them.  Another study found that immigrants and their children start over 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies.  Think about that.  But it makes sense, because being a nation of immigrants gives us this huge entrepreneurial advantage over other nations.  If you are willing to strike out, go to someplace new, build from scratch -- you’ve got that sense of being willing to take risks and being able to build something from scratch -- you have that spirit, that's part of what the American spirit is all about.  It's part of what drove us westward across the frontier -- not feeling like what’s in front of you is the only thing that's possible, but that something else is possible. 

And because of those businesses started by immigrants, we all benefit.  It means more jobs.  It means more growth for everybody. 

Now, as I said last week, our immigration system has been broken for a long time.  Families who try to come here the right way can get stuck in line for years.  Business owners who treat their employees right often see the competition exploit undocumented workers to undercut businesses.  All of us, I think, don't like the idea that anybody can reap the rewards of living in America without its responsibilities.  And there are people who desperately want to embrace those responsibilities, but they have no way of coming out of the shadows and getting right with the law.  So everybody is stuck with a system that doesn’t work for anybody. 

Now, a year and a half ago, we had a big majority -- Democrats, Republicans, independents -- in the United States Senate and they came together, they passed a bipartisan bill to fix this broken system.  And the bill wasn’t perfect.  It didn’t have everything I wanted; it didn’t have everything that anybody wanted.  But it did reflect common sense.  It was this huge improvement. 

We would have doubled the number of border patrol agents.   So if you are concerned about illegal migration, it would have made our borders that much tougher.  It would have made our legal immigration system smarter and fairer, and reduce some of the backlog that hampers families from getting here.  It would have given millions of people a chance to earn their citizenship the right way.  And independent experts said that, over the next two decades, the new law would grow our economy and shrink our deficit. 

And had the House of Representatives allowed a simple yes or no vote on that kind of bill, it would have passed.  That's all they needed to do, just call the bill.  It would be law right now.  We’d be well on our way to solving the problems in the system.  I'd be implementing those provisions.  But for a year and a half, over 500 days, Republican leaders in the House simply refused to allow a vote.  They wouldn't let it come to the floor.

Now, I still believe the best way to solve this problem is by working together to pass that kind of common-sense law.  When I was talking to Billy and the other civic leaders -- there were things that can only be solved by Congress.  But until then, there are actions I have the legal authority to take that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just.  And I took them last week.  (Applause.)  They were the right thing to do.  (Applause.)   

So we're devoting more resources for law enforcement to stem the flow of illegal crossings at the borders and to speed the return of those who do cross over.  We're initiating smarter reforms so high-skilled immigrants, and graduates, and entrepreneurs can stay and contribute to our economy.  And I'm taking new steps to deal responsibly with the millions of undocumented immigrants who already live here -- including here in Chicago.   

Now, I've said this before, so I just want to be clear, and I say it in front of immigrant rights groups all the time.  Undocumented workers who broke our immigration laws should be held accountable.  There’s a particular category, and that's those who may be dangerous.  It's a small minority, but it's a significant one.  And that’s why, over the past six years, deportations of criminals are up 80 percent.  And we’ll keep focusing our limited enforcement resources on those who actually pose a threat to our security.  Felons, not families.  Gangs, not some mom or dad who are working hard just trying to make a better life for their kids. 

But even --

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Mr. President, that has been a lie.  You have been deporting every --

AUDIENCE:  Booo --

THE PRESIDENT:  All right.  Okay.  All right.  That's fine. All right.

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Not one more!  Stop deportations!

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Not one more!

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Inaudible) -- to a lot of people and this is not about immigration reform for communities -- labeling people as criminals.  And that is not the truth!  You did not -- (inaudible) -- felons, not families.

THE PRESIDENT:  Okay, I've heard you. 

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Inaudible.)


AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT:  I understand. 

AUDIENCE:  Booo --

THE PRESIDENT:  Listen, hold on.  Hold on.  Hold on.  Young lady, don't just start yelling, young lady.  Sir, why don't you sit down, too.  Listen --

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT:  Here, can I just say this?  All right, I've listened to you.  I heard you.  I heard you.  I heard you.  All right?  Now, I've been respectful.  I let you holler.  So let me -- (applause.)  All right?  Nobody is removing you.  I've heard you.  But you’ve got to listen to me, too.  All right?  (Applause.)  And I understand you may disagree.  I understand you may disagree.  But we've got to be able to talk honestly about these issues.  All right?

Now, you're absolutely right that there have been significant numbers of deportations.  That's true.  But what you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took action to change the law.  (Applause.)  So that's point number one. 

Point number two, the way the change in the law works is that we're reprioritizing how we enforce our immigration laws generally.  So not everybody qualifies for being able to sign up and register, but the change in priorities applies to everybody.

The point is that, though I understand why you might have yelled at me a month ago -- (laughter) -- although I disagree with some of your characterizations, it doesn’t make much sense to yell at me right now -- (applause) -- when we're making changes.  (Applause.) 

So the point is -- but the point is, let’s make sure that you get the facts and that you know exactly what we're doing.  And then if you have disagreements, then you can work through all the immigrant rights organizations that we work with to try to address some of your concerns.  (Applause.)  Right?

But here’s what won't work.  What won't work is folks -- what won't work is folks just shouting at each other.  All right? So I've been respectful.  I responded to your question.  I'd ask you now to let me speak to all the other people who are here.  All right?  (Applause.)  Okay.

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Inaudible.)

AUDIENCE:  Booo --

THE PRESIDENT:  Okay.  It's good to be back in Chicago.  (Laughter and applause.)  Because everybody has got something to say.  But I'm not going to be able to have a conversation with each of you separately.  (Laughter.)  So there are other ways of engaging.  Just sit down.  I went off script for a pretty long time.  (Laughter.)  I don't mind.  I know people are passionate about this.  But be respectful of everybody who’s here.  (Applause.)  All right?

Now, let me get to the point that I was making, which is even if we deported all the criminals, folks who had actually done bad things, there are millions of people here who are good people but have still broken the immigration laws.  And they’re found in every state, every race, every nationality.  Tracking down and rounding up and deporting millions of people is not realistic.  It's not who we are.  It's not what America should be. 

On the other hand -- and this sometimes is not acknowledged -- if you came here illegally, you are cutting in front of the line of the folks who were trying to come here legally --(applause) -- which also is not fair.  (Applause.)  that's not fair.  That doesn’t make people bad people.  But it does mean that you cut in front of the line -- because there are a lot of folks who are waiting to try to get here legally. 

So the deal that we're putting forward is this:  If you’ve been here for more than five years; if you have children who are citizens or legal residents; if you register, and pass a criminal background check, and pay your fair share of taxes -- then you can apply to stay temporarily.  You can come out of the shadows. You can get right with the law.

This isn’t amnesty, or legalization, or even a pathway to citizenship -- because that's not something I can do.  That is something only Congress can do.  It also doesn’t apply to anyone who has come to this country recently, or might come illegally in the future -- because borders do mean something.  So it's accountability.  It's a common-sense approach that allows me to exercise legal authorities that I have in order to make sure that we're preventing families from being broken apart.

And I am the first one to acknowledge that part of the reason that this has become important to me is, you're right, there have been times where families got broken apart -- while I've been President.  And it's heartbreaking.  That's not right. So until Congress does a complete fix, what we're saying is, if you have deep ties here, and you start paying your fair share of taxes, then we won’t deport you and separate you from your kids. (Applause.)

And even if you do not fully qualify, we will still try to reprioritize how we're enforcing the laws -- which we have to do -- in a way that is less likely to break families apart.  Because the system is broken. 

And one of the reasons why this is important is because immigrants are good for the economy.  We keep on hearing that they’re bad.  But a report by my Council of Economic Advisers put out last week shows how the actions we're taking will grow our economy for everybody.  By 2024, the actions that I'm taking will add at least $90 billion to our Gross Domestic Product.  (Applause.)  And this economic growth will reduce our deficit by $25 billion.  These actions will grow our labor force by nearly 150,000 people, and they will boost wages for American-born workers.

Now, if we passed a comprehensive law, it would be even better.  We’d grow even faster, and the deficit would come down even faster.  But even the steps we're taking now will make a difference.   

And these actions are lawful.  They’re not only lawful, they’re the kinds of actions that have been taken by every President for the past 50 years.  (Applause.)  When I hear some of my Republican friends talk about this, I try to remind them President Reagan took action to keep families together.  The first President Bush took action to shield about 1.5 million people -- that was about 40 percent of undocumented immigrants in America at the time. 

So when folks in Congress question my authority to make our immigration system work better, I’ve one answer:  Pass a bill.  (Applause.)  Pass a bill.  Go ahead and pass a bill.  I want to work with both parties on a more permanent legislative solution. I know that's what Luis Gutierrez wants, and Jan Schakowski wants, and Brad Schneider wants.  They’ve been at the forefront fighting for a more permanent solution.  And the day I sign a comprehensive immigration bill into law, then the actions I take will no longer be necessary. 

But in the meantime, I'm going to do what I can to make this system work better.  And in the meantime, Washington shouldn’t let disagreements over one issue be a deal-breaker on every issue.  (Applause.)  That’s not how our democracy works.  You can't disagree with one thing and then just say, all right, I'm going to take my ball away and go home.  (Laughter.)  And Congress certainly should not shut down the government again over this.  Americans are tired of gridlock.  We’re ready to move forward.  (Applause.)   

As you can imagine, I’ve gotten a lot of letters and a lot of emails about immigration over the past few days.  And some have said it was a mistake for me to act.  But then others remind me why I had to.  One letter I got last week came from Brett Duncan, of Dawsonville, Georgia.  And Brett is a Republican, and so he doesn’t really agree with me about anything.  (Laughter.)  Well, maybe everything.  His ancestors came over from Scotland before the Civil War, so his immigration status is pretty much settled.  (Laughter.)  But he’s done missionary work overseas.  He knows what it’s like to be a stranger.  And over the years he’s gotten to know a lot of the new immigrants in his community. And here’s what he said.  He said, “Their children are as American as I am.  It would be senseless to deport their parents.”  It would be bad for America.”  “I believe,” Brett wrote, “that a human being, created in the very image of Almighty God, is the greatest resource we have in this country.”  (Applause.)   

So we're not a nation that kicks out strivers and dreamers who want to earn their piece of the American Dream.  We are a nation that fundamentally is strong, is special, is exceptional, because we find ways to welcome people, fellow human beings, children of God, into the fold, and harness their talents to make the future brighter for everybody.

We didn’t raise the Statue of Liberty with her back to the world.  We did it facing the world -- her light, her beacon shining.  And whether we are -- whether we cross the Atlantic, or the Pacific, or the Rio Grande, we all shared one thing, and that's the hope that America would be the place where we could believe as we choose, and pray as we choose, and start a business without paying a bribe, and that we could vote in an election without fearing reprisal, and that the law would be enforced equally for everybody, regardless of what you look like or what your last name was. 

That’s the ideal that binds us all together.  That's what’s at stake when we have conversations about immigration.  That's what’s at stake when we have conversations about Ferguson -- are we going to live up to those ideals of who we are as a people.  And it falls on all of us to hand down to our kids a country that lives up to that promise, where America is the place where we can make it if we try.  (Applause.) 

So, thank you very much, everybody.  God bless you.  God bless America.  (Applause.)

5:38 P.M. CST

Taking Action to Attract High-Skilled Immigrants, Graduates, and Entrepreneurs

The President is taking action, within his legal authority, to fix our broken immigration system. America needs a 21st century immigration system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants -- and that grows our economy.

According to an analysis by the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, the President’s executive actions on immigration stand to boost the nation’s GDP by $90 billion to $210 billion, while shrinking the Federal deficit by $25 billion over the next ten years. These actions will also increase the productivity and wages of all American workers, not just immigrants.

Many of these economic benefits spring from the President’s actions to “make it easier and faster for high-skilled immigrants, graduates, and entrepreneurs to stay and contribute to our economy.” We need to build on our strengths -- after all, over one-quarter of all U.S.-based Nobel laureates over the past 50 years were foreign-born, and more than 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts:

  • John P. Bilbrey –Member, Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations
  • Brian Greenspun- Member, Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad
  • Andrés W. López – General Trustee, Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
  • Emma Sepulveda – Member, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

President Obama said, “I am pleased to announce that these experienced and committed individuals have decided to serve our country.  I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead.”

President Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts:

John P. Bilbrey, Appointee for Member, Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations

John P. Bilbrey is President and CEO of The Hershey Company, positions he has held since 2011.  He has been a senior executive at The Hershey Company since 2003, serving as COO from 2010 to 2011, President of Hershey North America from 2007 to 2010, President of the International Commercial Group from 2005 to 2007, and President of Hershey International from 2003 to 2005.  Prior to joining The Hershey Company, Mr. Bilbrey held executive positions at Mission Foods and Danone Waters of North America, Inc.  He worked at Procter & Gamble Co. for 22 years in international consumer sales and marketing.  He has been a Director of McCormick & Company, Inc., since 2005.  Mr. Bilbrey received a B.S. from Kansas State University.

Brian Greenspun, Appointee for Member, Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad

Brian Greenspun is the owner of the Greenspun Media Group.  He was Chairman and CEO of the Greenspun Corporation from 1990 to 2011.  Mr. Greenspun is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Brookings Institution.  He is also a board member of Barrick Gold Corporation and a member of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Foundation.  He was appointed to the White House Commission on Small Business in 1993 by President Bill Clinton.  Mr. Greenspun received a B.A. and a J.D. from Georgetown University.

Andrés W. López, Appointee for General Trustee, Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Andrés W. López is an attorney and founder of The Law Offices of Andrés W. López, P.S.C. in San Juan, Puerto Rico.  Before starting his firm, Mr. López worked at Fiddler, González & Rodríguez P.S.C. and at Hill & Barlow, P.C.  He clerked for Judge George A. O’Toole, Jr. of the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts and Judge Jay A. García-Gregory of the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico.  Mr. López was an advisor to President Barack Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012, a member of the Obama for America National Finance Committee from 2007 to 2012, and the National Chairman of the Futuro Fund from 2011 to 2012.  He served as Member of the Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of the American Latino from 2009 to 2011.  He was Chairman of the Harvard Law School Association’s Latino alumni committee, a founder of the Harvard Latino Law Review, and currently sits on its Board of Advisors.  Mr. López received a B.A. and J.D. from Harvard University.

Emma Sepulveda, Appointee for Member, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

Emma Sepulveda is a Foundation Professor in Foreign Language and Literature at the University of Nevada, Reno, a position she has held since 2004.  She is an author and former columnist for the Reno Gazette Journal and the Spanish newspaper, Ahora.  In 1995, Ms. Sepulveda founded Latinos for Political Education, advocating for civic engagement by members of the Latino community.  She has been a member on the boards of United Way, the Girl Scouts, and Habitat for Humanity, as well as a board trustee of KNPB, a local public television station.  Ms. Sepulveda served as a Member of the Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of the American Latino from 2009 to 2011.  Ms. Sepulveda received a B.A. and an M.A. in Latin American Literature from the University of Reno, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis.

President Obama Travels Back Home to Chicago to Talk Immigration

Billy Lawless introduces President Obama for remarks on immigration in Chicago

Billy Lawless, Irish business owner and co-founder, Illinois Business Immigration Center, introduces President Barack Obama for remarks on immigration at the Copernicus Community Center in Chicago, Illinois, Nov. 25, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

This afternoon, President Obama traveled back to his hometown of Chicago to meet with civic and business leaders and detail the reasons he's acting on his own to help fix our broken immigration system.

Speaking from a Polish community center in Chicago, the President reminded us that every president since Eisenhower has used his executive authority to address immigration issues. In fact, every president for the last 50 years has taken action to keep families together and help improve our nation's immigration system.

Young Leaders Dialogue on Mental Health: December 9

Please join the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI) and young leaders from across the country on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 from 6:00-7:00 pm ET for our Young Leaders Dialogue (YLD) Google+ Hangout on Mental Health. Similar to the YLD on Education, this YLD will cover a variety of topics around mental health.