The President Announces a Historic Nuclear Deal with Iran

July 14, 2015 | 4:18 | Public Domain

President Obama delivers remarks to announce a historic nuclear agreement that will verifiably prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. July 14, 2015.

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The President Speaks at the White House Conference on Aging

July 13, 2015 | 19:55 | Public Domain

President Obama delivers remarks at the White House Conference on Aging. July 13, 2015.

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President Obama Announces 46 Commutations in Video Address: "America Is a Nation of Second Chances"

As a former Assistant U.S. Attorney and criminal defense attorney, I'm well acquainted with how federal sentencing practices can, in too many instances, lead nonviolent drug offenders to spend decades, if not life, in prison. Now, don't get me wrong, many people are justly punished for causing harm and perpetuating violence in our communities. But, in some cases, the punishment required by law far exceeded the offense.

These unduly harsh sentences are one of the reasons the President is committed to using all the tools at his disposal to remedy unfairness in our criminal justice system. Today, he is continuing this effort by granting clemency to 46 men and women, nearly all of whom would have already served their time and returned to society if they were convicted of the exact same crime today.

In a video released today, the President underscored the responsibility and opportunity that comes with a commutation:


BREAKING: President Obama just granted clemency to 46 men and women whose sentences didn't fit their crimes. Nearly all...

Posted by The White House on Monday, July 13, 2015


The President also shared his thoughts in a personal letter written to each of the 46 individuals receiving a commutation today:

Neil Eggleston is Counsel to the President.
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Weekly Address: Making Our Communities Stronger Through Fair Housing

President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, July 10, 2015

President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, July 10, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)

In this week's address, the President discussed a new rule announced by his Administration earlier this week to make it easier for communities to implement the Fair Housing Act.

For nearly 50 years, the Fair Housing Act has prohibited landlords from turning away tenants because of race, religion, sex, national origin, or disability, and has made a big difference in this country. This week, the Administration announced new steps to provide communities with the tools they need to ensure that housing is fair, and that no American’s destiny is determined by a zip code.

Transcript | mp4 | mp3

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Weekly Address: Making Our Communities Stronger Through Fair Housing

July 11, 2015 | 3:09 | Public Domain

The President discusses a new rule announced by his Administration to make it easier for communities to implement the Fair Housing Act.

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The President Designates Three New National Monuments

July 10, 2015 | 4:16 | Public Domain

President Obama delivers remarks before signing a law designating three new national monuments: the Waco Mammoth National Monument in Texas, the Basin and Range National Monument of southeastern Nevada, and the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument in California. July 10, 2015.

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The President and First Lady Speak at the 2015 Kids’ “State Dinner”

July 10, 2015 | 18:07 | Public Domain

First Lady Michelle Obama and President Obama deliver remarks in the State Dining Room for the fourth-annual Kids’ “State Dinner.” July 10, 2015.

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West Wing Week: 07/10/15 or, “Bask in the Glory”

This week, the President celebrated the 239th birthday of the United States, chatted with some World Cup champions, met with his national security team to discuss our anti-ISIL strategy , and hosted an historic Oval Office visit. That's July 3rd to July 9th or, "Bask in the Glory."

West Wing Week: 07/10/15 or, “Bask in the Glory”

July 09, 2015 | 2:51 | Public Domain

This week, the President celebrated the 239th birthday of the United States, chatted with some World Cup champions, met with his national security team to discuss our anti-ISIL strategy, and hosted an historic Oval Office visit. That's July 3rd to July 9th or, "Bask in the Glory."

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Watch President Obama Call the Women's World Cup Champions, Team USA:

Yesterday, the President called the United States women’s national soccer team to congratulate them on winning the World Cup in front of the largest soccer audience in American TV history.

The President applauded Coach Jill Ellis for her leadership during this remarkable run and noted Carli Lloyd’s extraordinary hat-trick and early goals: "What have you been eating?"

Watch it here: 

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